“A few.”
“That explainsyour lack of hesitation and your defense of your territory.”
“Yeah, well, Iam about to do some obscene things to destroy this cone, so I willbe on my way. Will you relax your grip?”
He blinked andlet her go. “So sorry.”
She warily slidpast the equally dark man who had ocean-blue eyes. “Have a niceafternoon.”
She headed tothe hub, destroying her cone from the top down in a manner bothviolent and suggestive. Once she was done, she wiped her hands onher shirt and tiptoed by the gallery again, and to her shock, themuseum guards and curators were removing the exhibit.
She slumped.Damn. She had loved staring at that exhibit. It was so soothing.She walked toward them and asked one of the guards, “Where is itgoing?”
One of thecurators turned and said, “It was on loan, and the royal family ofthe Wonder Islands has recalled it.”
“Oh. They stillhave a royal family?”
“They do. Theywere just here.” He smiled.
“Oh. Sorry todisturb you.”
She turned andleft before he could ask her if she wanted to go for coffee. Theeffect she had on men was general fascination. They wanted to getclose but didn’t know why.
Haravin lookedover the artwork and the other exhibits, including one from theEmerald Islands. It was there that she ran into the looming alphaand ice cream-stealing omega.
She turned onher heel and was about to leave. They had been cuddling, and shedidn’t want to interfere.
“Miss. Comeback.” The low voice sent little ripples down her spine, but shejust calmed herself.
“Yes? Sorry. Ididn’t want to interrupt.”
The omegasmirked. “If people walked off every time we cuddled, we would bealone constantly.”
“Of course.”She folded her hands in front of her.
The alphaasked, “Do you know where this place is?” He showed her Ford’saddress on his phone.
“Oh, certainly.It’s fifteen minutes from here. Are you driving, or do you have adriver?”
The omegasmiled. “We have a driver.”
“Just tell himto go to omega alley or omega lane. It’s the big house with redflowers in the front and statues of cats on the drive.”
He stared ather. “You have been there.”
“Uh, I havetemped there. They have a lot of parties and are always looking fordomestic staff.”
The omegasmiled. “You can come with us and show us, then the car will takeyou where you want to go.”
“Oh. Icouldn’t. I mean, the directions are clear.”
The omegacurled up against her. “Please?”
She sighed.“When do you need to be there?”
“Any time.” Theomega leaned in and began to scent her surreptitiously.