Page 8 of Lost Treasure

“Okay, I willjust go to the restroom and then meet you... where?”

They looked ateach other, and the alpha said, “Here.”

“Fine. If youaren’t here when I come back, I will just leave and wish you a verypleasant day.”

She nodded andeased away from the omega, who looked like he wanted to startlicking her.

She pulled outher phone and texted the entire pride. Who is expecting visitorsfrom the Wonder Islands? They are going to be at the house intwenty minutes.

Ford answered.Geez. Sorry. I know this is your day off. Can you bring them inand get them cocktails or something? Make them comfortable.

Dude, you oweme another day off. So far, this one has been weird.

Yes, ma’am.

She got to thebathroom and did what she had come there to do. Arousal and bladderissues felt the same, so she just took care of the options.

She washed herhands and wished it was a perfumed soap, but it wasn’t. Afterhaving her doctor fishing around in her vagina, her body wasdefending itself against intrusion by giving her body a power wash.The lube was annoying and sticky.

Haravin cleanedup and returned to the exhibit. She sighed in relief when theyweren’t there. Not wanting to court disaster, she followed thefamiliar path to the exit. She left the museum, smiling and wavingat the people who were smiling at her and walked down the long pathtoward the street.

She textedFord, I lost them, or they lost me.

Shit. Can youget home and greet them?

Olivia is home.She can greet them.

Olivia pipedin. Olivia has another chapter to go, and Ambrose is outordering dinner for tonight.

Fuck. I will bethere as soon as I can get a cab.

Thankyou. She could almost see Ford’s smug face.

She brought upher cab app and was about to summon a vehicle when a hand cuppedher elbow.

She turnedtoward the alpha touching her, and her blood ran cold. “What do youwant, Mark?”

“I need to talkto you, Harvey.”

“Not today. Ihave to go to work.”

“Tomorrow then.It’s important.” He smiled.


“Miss!” Thealpha’s voice boomed.

She lookedtoward him, desperation in her mind, and she turned back to Mark.“I have to go. Say goodbye to Tim for me.”

“You meanhello.”

“Whatever.” Shewalked determinedly toward the alpha, leaving Mark behind.

She didn’t lookback.

The alphasighed. “We decided to follow your example, but you are veryquick.”

She shrugged.“I work for a living. No time to dawdle.”