Page 5 of Lost Treasure

“Yeah, now andthen. Why?”

“Because betaswho have your sort of adaptation came here at some point and werealtered by the curse or blessing or whatever it was that changedyou. The seeds were sewn anyway.”

Ford chuckled.“The guys were working on the first images, and this is what theyhave.”

She watched asher body was overlaid with one of the pixies’. The tracking hungonto her, and it looked like the other woman was moving around thedance floor. “Oh, wow. That’s amazing. I am out of practice, but itstill looks good.”

Ford snorted.“Rick looked this over and was shocked. He never would have putthose moves together, but they work.”

“Well, the darkElite move a certain way, so we had to go with what worked forNarro.”

“Wise.” Fordsmiled. “He asked about you.”

“Did you passhim a note in gym class?” She looked at him with raised brows.

“He’sinterested in you.”

“If I shiftwhile on top of him, I will crush him. Dark Elite or no. I weighclose to two thousand pounds when shifted, so unless there is analpha who can manage that, I am not interested.”

Ford blinked.“Right. So, solid gold?”

“Goldencrusted. I am still stab-proof, fall-proof, and I don’t need tobreathe underwater.” She chuckled. “Frankly, I am terrified ofmeeting the alpha who is counterpart to that.”

Ford blinked.“Yes, I am drawing a mental image and can see your point. Do youknow where you were when you activated?”

“This doesn’tseem like a group conversation.”

Dexter grinned.“He’s just going to tell us later.”

Haravin wiped ahand over her face. “Yes. Okay. Five years ago, I was in a museum.There was a group of people in suits near a new exhibit. One of theguys backed into me, I fell on my ass, and he helped me up. When Isat on one of the benches, it cracked under me, so I jumped up andran. I was able to control things for the most part, and then Iheard about the book club. I wasn’t sure that I qualified, but theyhelped me figure out what I could do, and then I got the jobhere.”

Argus asked,“Which museum?”

“That big onewith the giant fish fountain downtown.”

“Uh-huh. Andwhat time of year?”


He smiled.“Nothing. Just making some notes.”

Dexter clearedhis throat. “Will you show me how to dance now?”

“Sure. We hadbetter practice on the stone.”

Dexter grinned.“Sound thinking.”

They gotoutside, and she said, “Who is going to lead?”

“Can you teachme both?”

She grew a footand a half and nodded. “Yes, I can. First, I will lead, and thenyou will know what you should be doing. Okay?”

He nodded, andshe started a slow song to get the general feel of things. Theywent on to some songs he had picked, and she changed size to matchthe person he imagined he would dance with. They danced for a fewhours, and then she had to call a halt. “Sorry, Dexter. I have tohead home.”

“I don’t seewhy you don’t live in. All the others have.”

“Because I needtime without people, and someone is always at my door wanting tochat.”