Page 4 of Lost Treasure

“Sure, butwatch some ballroom and figure out what you want to learn first.There are dozens of different dances. So, pick some songs and textthem to me. I will tell you what styles go with which dance.”

Dexter clearedhis throat. “Can you even show me when you are as tall asAmbrose?”

“Absolutely.The dances are different, the music sharper or slower, but they’regentleness and power in equal measure. They are harder to execute,but I can show you some examples.”

He smiled.“It’s Olivia’s birthday soon, so I want to make sure that I canpull off something nice with both her and Ambrose.”

“Sure, tiger.If you get the homework done, we can work on it after the babies goto bed, or do you want to hide it?”

He shrugged.“Nothing much is hidden in our links. We can practice on the patio.May as well use Ford’s sound system.”

They reachedthe wardrobe trailer. “Fine. This evening. We are having pot roast,salad, roasted potatoes, and trifle for dessert. If I have enoughtime, Yorkshire pudding.”

He grinned.“You spoil us.”

“It’s fun. Youall are appreciative. See you later, Dexter.”

She walked intowardrobe and was stripped of her dots, handing over the shoes. Herhair was stuck gelled, so she just got dressed and headed back toher car. Narro waved as she walked past, and she nodded.

Outside, thelight was bright, and she paused for a moment before she headed tothe lot to retrieve her car.

She placed anorder for groceries and headed to Ford’s. There were the dailychores to do and then the after-nursery babysitting while everyoneunclenched from their work. She then did three hours after dinnerand headed back to her apartment most days, back before dawn forbreakfast to watch the family scatter. Olivia and Ambrose workedfrom home, Argus ran the big cat sanctuary, and Ford went to workunder guard. Usually, bodyguards he had used for years. Today, itwas Dexter, but Haravin believed it was because Dexter learnedabout the dancing.

She chuckledand made her way back to the omega district. She got home, parked,and headed inside after notifying security that groceries werecoming.

The normalroutine settled around her, and she got back to her position ashousekeeper for a very active pride.

She wasshowered, and dinner was underway with timers on her phone. Thelittles arrived home from their high-security daycare, and theirmother emerged from her office. Haravin prepared a snack, andOlivia took care of the babies. Ambrose wandered in, and the pridebegan to reassemble for the night.

By the timeeveryone was home, dinner was ready and cleaned up. Ford was thelast one in, which meant he had to take care of dishes.

Haravin wasloading the dishwasher when Ford came in, and he cleared histhroat. “Uh, Haravin, can I show everybody your dancing today?”

“Sure. That isthe point, isn’t it?” She smiled. “Go ahead.”

“I want youthere to see it.”

She nodded. “Iwill be in in a minute. Just have to clean the counter.”

He grinned andkissed her cheek. “Thank you. Frankly, you have to explain how youdid some of it.”

“Oh. Okay. Seeyou in a minute.”

She finishedtidying up and walked into the viewing room, where everyone wassettled. She stood at the back and nodded to Ford. He grinned, thelights dimmed, and the playback commenced with her dancing withNarro, flipping, spinning, and moving her feet in rapid steps. Itwas the final round, and her skin had a golden glow.

Olivia wassmiling. “How do you know how to do that?”

“I was enrolledin ballroom when I was five. I danced until I was in my earlytwenties. Then, my partner and I went our separate ways.”

“Oh, did youbreak up?”

“We were nevertogether romantically. We were friends, and his omega completed ourfriend group. They finally formalized things, and I was on my own.”She smiled. “So, I left our hometown and headed here. I didn’treally want to return to competition, so I got some part-time workand eventually ended up here.” Haravin blushed. “That was more thanyou needed to know.”

Olivia blinked.“Where did you live?”

“Grandview.About seven hours west.”

Ford brought upthe new performance. “Let me guess, you came here to compete?”