He tilted hishead. “Feel free to explore.”
She looked athim. “Over or under?”
He grinned.“Under. By whatever means you choose.”
She shruggedand dropped to her knees, sliding her palms up his thighs, and shegot his rich gold length free. “C’mere, rabbit.”
He laughed, andshe wrapped her hand around the fat length of him. It looked likeany cock in a medical textbook, but the skin was so soft andresilient that she didn’t think she would ever mistake it foranything or anyone else. At least he didn’t have a knot.
She used bothhands to stroke him slowly, and he balanced with a grip on herhair. She leaned forward to lick the dripping purplish tip, andthere was a scuffle behind them. A gasp and then the whisper offootfalls.
She looked upat him, and he wrinkled his nose. “Housekeeping?”
He shook hishead. “Kira.”
“Ah, well, infor a penny, and it isn’t like she doesn’t know about this anyway.”She leaned in and sucked Alohi’s cock into her mouth and slowlybacked away while keeping the suction. When she flicked her gaze upto meet his, there was a throb, and he drowned her.
She coughed andspluttered, and he quickly knelt at her side. “Aw, Hara. Sorry.Hang on.”
He was back ina moment with a face cloth and helped her clean up. When she hadswallowed and cleared her face, she saw his grin.
She sighed.“Noted. The rabbit spits.”
Alohi laughedand gathered her in a hug. “Sorry, it’s been a few days.”
“No offence,but I am going to wash my face again. And I now know not to playwith the omega.”
He frowned.“What?”
“—when I’mdressed.” She looked down, and there was a stream of cum that hadmade its way across all of her clothes. “Do I have spareclothing?”
Alohi chuckled.“You go and scrub up, and I will be ready to get you dry anddressed.”
The shower wasquick, and she washed the hair around her face before trying toremove Alohi from her skin. Kekoa might not care, but a lot of thealphas were watching and sniffing. Her scent was getting stronger,so she didn’t want visitors to have any more excuses to lean in andinhale. An omega’s scent on her would do it.
When she wasout of the shower and dried off, Alohi dressed her again andwhispered, “I am definitely going to return the favour.”
“I don’t slickby the litre.”
He giggled.“Come on, time for breakfast.”
“I’m full.”
He laughed andwrapped his arm around her waist. “Come on. Kekoa’s on the fineedge of control.”
“Uh, maybe Ishould just organize the drawers or something.”
She was hauledbodily down to the hall where they had breakfast. Kekoa was seatedand talking with a few of the business owners of the village. Hisgaze glowed as he looked at them.
“Good morning.My sister is upset, Haravin. You are abusing poor Alohi?”
She inclinedher head gracefully and curtsied. “No, Your Majesty, I wasdemonstrating a split, and he helped me up. It took a while.”
Alohi rubbedher back. “That was very pretty. I am here to confirm that I amfine, my alpha.”
Kekoa beckonedto Haravin, and she eased into his range. He touched her chin. “Youdon’t address me as your alpha?”
“Technicalities, Your Majesty. I do try and remain correct on thissort of thing.” She looked at him and smiled politely as themerchants were watching curiously.