“Alohi pickedit up at the shop. I didn’t have a chance to see it, but it turnsout that it is the same kind of configuration that Olivia used torecover from her situation. So, we will use these with you untilyou can take either one of us without discomfort.”
“Oh. Um.Okay.”
He rolled therogue dildo back into its fitted spot and closed the toy box. Heset it on the edge of the bed and looked at Alohi. “Did you get thelube?”
The omegalifted the bag high. “Of course.”
“You orderedclothing for her?”
“It’s in mydrawer.”
Kekoa smiled.“In that case, I believe we should get dressed for this heat and along, slow meal.”
She blinked.“It’s late.”
“Are youhungry?” He asked as he stripped out of his mainland clothing.
Her mouthstarted watering as she noted that there were no tan lines.Anywhere.
Alohi came bywith some fabric in his hands. “Take off your dress, and I willhelp you get this on. And close your mouth. It isn’t just yourdress leaving a puddle.”
She closed hermouth with a snap and mechanically moved her dress up and over herhead, then she shucked out of her underwear and looked at Alohi.“What goes where?”
Kekoa reachedaround Alohi and closed his jaw with a light tap. He took thefabric and beckoned to Haravin. “I am going to kneel for this.”
She nodded andtracked her gaze over him while Alohi stared at her. The fabric waswrapped twice around her breasts before the tail came over hershoulder and was knotted between her breasts, offering support. Theskirt wrapped around one and a half times before being cinched atthe top of her hips.
“My navel feelsweird. Even my dance costumes covered it.” She bit her lip. “I hadno idea it could register a breeze.”
Kekoa strokedher belly. “Well, you do have amazing abs. You were not wrong aboutthat.”
He skimmed hisfingertips across her navel, and she inhaled sharply. He chuckledand got to his feet. “Just one more thing.” He reached for herbraid and unravelled it. “There. Lovely.”
Alohi wasfastening the wrap at his hips. There were two inches between thefabric and his knees. There were four inches between Kekoa’s wrapand his knees.
“Well, now, Ibelieve we are all ready to face my family and have dinner in theentryway.”
Alohi took herhand and led her. “From now on, you will lead, I am second, andthen Kekoa is last.”
“Yes. And youlook amazing in that outfit and definitely need to be seen.”
“It’s just hisfamily.”
“Now yourfamily.”
Haravinshrugged and walked in front of them, making her way back to theentryway where they had arrived. She kept her head high and hersmile neutrally pleasant. This was just another performance.
When she walkedinto the entryway, she noticed that the skirts of Kekoa’s motherand sister were higher. Hm. She walked along the table where therewere cushions, and she moved to a distant one before Alohi grabbedher and led her back to sit on Kekoa’s right side.
Alohi nodded toher, and she sat. He sat next and then Kekoa. Servers from thehousehold came and brought the meal for them, and light spilledoutside.
When the firstperson from the village came up to congratulate Kekoa on his returnto the island, a few mentioned his new acquisition. Haravin didn’tcare. She was hungry, so she ate, following Alohi’s table mannersas well as she could.
Haravin wasfull and had only touched about a quarter of the meal. Kekoa lookedat her. “Go with Alohi and take your medication.”
“Aw, dangit.”