Page 37 of Lost Treasure

Alohigracefully got to his feet, and she clambered up far less nicely.He took her hand and led her off through the palace. Two more daysof the medication and she would be done. At least there didn’t haveto be any more suppositories.


Back at Kekoa’s side,Haravin swayed and tried to keep herself awake. The lights outsidewere an invitation to come and chat with the king. Haravin wasstuck.

He shifted hisposition, and Alohi moved between them and pulled her against him.Kekoa slid a hand to the back of her head and massaged slowly.

She heard theconversation flow around her, and Alohi spoke periodically, but themedication held her down.

Eventually,Alohi shifted, and Kekoa settled her on his lap, a hand wrappedaround her hip and the other behind her back.

He cuddled heragainst him for hours, talking to all the people who had heard ofthe new addition and had come running to see for themselves.

She was awake;she was just under the influence of a muscle relaxer andpainkiller. Every now and then, she felt a kiss on her temple orforehead, but it was a tremendous distance away.

When she wascarried up to Kekoa’s room, the housekeeper part of her frettedthat someone needed to clean up.

She wasstripped and tucked between them then all sound ceased except fortheir breathing.

She closed hereyes and remembered Kekoa getting changed and felt a surge of slickinside her. Her eyes opened, and she stared into the darkness.

“Haravin. Rest.Everything is normal, or our other forms would not be a match.Right?”

She blinked andwhispered, “Oh, light sleeper. Right.”

He stroked hercheek and cuddled her.

Alohi had hisarms around her waist and planted on her thigh.

“Relax,Haravin. You’re home.”

She nodded andslept.

She got throughthe last rounds of medication and was introduced to several of thelocals and people around the house. Kira wasn’t actually too badonce she understood why Haravin was there.

On day three,she woke up and was able just to take a shower and get dressed.Alohi was responsible for making sure she was properly dressed.When she got out of the shower, he unwrapped her and tiedeverything so it was nice and supportive.

“There youare.” He smiled. “So, did you want to take a walk through thevillage today?”

She held up onehand and did a plié. No pain, no tugging, no worry. Her grin waswide. “Yes, I can take a walk through the village.”

“Wait, you cando ballet?”

“I got to mytoe shoes, but shortly after that, I went for the surgery, andafter that, stretching like that on a daily basis was out of theequation.”

“How did theyexplain that?”

“They said thatI had internal stitches that restricted my motion. They weren’twrong. I had to work my way back to the splits slowly.”

He smiled.“Remind me to let you demonstrate while we are naked.”


He closed hiseyes. “Shush. I am getting a mental image.”

His hip wraprose, and she darted forward and put her hand over it to push itdown for some reason.

Haravinrealized what she had done when he opened his eyes and grinned.