Page 1 of Lost Treasure

Chapter One

Haravin finished thegrocery list and took her apron off. She checked her phone, andthere was a message. “Yes, Ford?”

“Oh, thankgod. Can you get the call sheets from my desk, Haravin? I need themhere as soon as possible.”

She walked intohis office and got the sheets that were right on top. “Sure. I amon the way.”

She got herpurse, her lanyard, and the pride credit card for incidentals andheaded out to run the sheets to the bossy omega.

She hummed asshe drove and listened to music. Her head bobbed, her fingerstapped, and her feet wanted to move. The other night at the party,dancing with Rick had woken up some of the ballroom instincts thatshe had squashed. She wasn’t going to dance without a partner. Herflamenco wasn’t that good.

Haravin got tothe studio. “Haravin for studio six.”

“Yes, miss.Straight ahead and to the left,” the man in reflective shadesdirected her.

“Thank you.Have a good morning.”

The man smiledand shooed her along. The gate went up, and she drove in.

Haravincautiously drove as folks tended to burst out of the studios andcharge into the lanes, no matter the markings.

She got tostudio six and parked in an available and unmarked spot, thengrabbed the stack of pages and walked with it to the studio whereFord was working. She held up the lanyard, and the guard on thedoor said, “Morning, Haravin.”

She nodded.“Hey, Ben.”

“Go on in. Theyare setting up.”

“Uh-huh. Forwhat?”

He shrugged.“No idea.”

She sighed andsensed a setup.

She walked in,and her eyes adjusted to the dimness and found Ford chatting in oneof the pools of light. She moved to him, and he beamed when he sawher. “Haravin, can you help us out?”

“Uh, withwhat?”

“Some of theladies have been having a problem with the dancing, so we werewondering if we could put tracking dots on you and then superimposetheir faces digitally.”


“Not if youdon’t want it.”

She winced butasked him, “Did you want me to mimic their height as well?”

Ford paused.“Could you? We just need to get the scale right.”

She nodded. “Ican.”

“Great. Get towardrobe, and special effects will meet you there to place thedots.”

“Okay. Here areyour call sheets.”

He took themand wrinkled his nose. “I have them on my phone.”

“I know, but Ididn’t know why you wanted me here. I don’t know which partner youhave in mind, but I need somebody with stamina.”

He grinned.“That’s right up my alley. See you when you are ready.”