Page 2 of Lost Treasure

She snorted andwalked off to wardrobe. She got to the average height of one of theelf-mate betas, and from there, they sought out the most genericcostume covered with the dots that the computer would use to changeappearance. That was Ford’s favourite thing. Watching the imagesbeing manipulated into something spectacular was his ideal hobby,next to playing with is family.

“So, miss, whatare we doing with you?”

“I am getting adance outfit for what I guess is the credit sequence.”

The ladiesblinked, nodded, and got her a pixie bodysuit with reflections forwings built into the back of the dress, and other markers were inplace so they could turn her into anyone.

She put herstreet clothes in a locker, and when the special effects team camein, they brought a hairstylist to put her hair up in a tight styleand gelled it down. The woman kept apologizing.

Haravin smiled.“Don’t worry. I used to dance competitively. This is not thetightest my hair has been.”

“Oh, thankgoodness. Your hair smells great. What do you use?”

“I dunno. Allof my products smell like fruit. Or cookies.” She smirked.

“Right. Specialeffects is here for the dots. Ready?”

“Yup.” She satstill while the man loomed in and checked a chart for dotplacement.

When she wasset up and moving her face wouldn’t shift the dots, she asked, “Idon’t have to smile for this right?”

“No. It is bestif you keep your face still as possible.”

“Cool. You havegotten my hands?”

“Yes. We aregood.”

“Okay. Any ideawhere I am going?”

“Main stage. Iwill walk with you.”

He picked uphis kit.

She waved tothe wardrobe ladies as she went out and thanked them, then shepattered to the stage with her shoes held in her hand.

She pattered upto Ford and tapped his arm. “Boo!”

He turned andjolted. “Haravin. You look... different.”

She nodded.“Yup. Where is the poor bastard I am dancing with?”

Ford gesturedto one of the dark elves in his troll makeup. “Narro. He’s the bestdancer in the bunch.”

“Okay. I willgo and introduce myself.”

She walked overand said, “Excuse me.”

He nodded.“Yes, what?”

“I am going tobe your dance partner for this. What music are you looking at?”

He looked ather. “You?”

“Yeah. So, whatare we dancing to? Should we practice?”

He wasunimpressed, and she smiled.

“I don’t thinkyou are suitable for this.”