“Talk to me, Mistress,” he says as I step up to the sinks and catch a glimpse of my face. The blood has drained from it and there’s big splotches of the red stuff across it.
“Pack Cockburn has been this shadowy threat most of my life,” I explain shakily as I pump some soap into my hands. Scrubbing hard, I wash them and then my face. The blood on my cheek is stubborn, making me huff in annoyance.
“They ruined my mother’s life, my childhood, and the way I saw alphas. In the end they’re just men who were entitled assholes.”
“They died too easily,” Gabe grunts, grabbing a paper towel. “Come here, I’ll get it before you rub your face raw, baby.”
Turning, I let him wet the towel and clean it off. Stupid blood, I bet I helped loosen it at least a little. Gabriel dries my face and hands before kissing me hard. He bites my lip, helping me to center myself as I cling to his biceps. When he pulls away from me, I pout but I’m starting to feel better.
“They’re gone, and can never hurt your mom or you again,” he reminds me. “We’ll figure out how to help her as well. It could be disconcerting being alone in her mind after so long.”
He’s right, which is why I’m glad Auggie is checking on her. Gabe walks me out of the restroom and sets me up with a Coke at the bar while he jumps in to help behind it.
The girls glance at me in worry, but it’s a testament to how well they work that they keep moving forward.
The normal dull roar of music and people around me help loosen my muscles as I sip my soda, the caffeine and sugar getting rid of the post adrenaline shakes.
Augustine walks out of the back hallway, coming around the corner to find me.
“She’s all good,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear. I feel lightheaded at his words, and Auggie plasters himself against my back as he hugs me.
“You’re good too, Cere. Fuck, I kind of want to spank you for strolling out the back door like you didn’t have a care in the Goddamned world.”
A hysterical giggle releases from my lips as I shake my head. I didn’t know if my fathers would be out there, but it was too good of an opportunity for them to miss. Security has been tight, so they wouldn’t have been able to get to me in the club.
I also didn’t have perfect descriptions to bar them from my club, either, so I was winging it today.
There were some variables, but my pain when my father grabbed my hair flooded the bond, so the possibility of Pack Cockburn actually taking me was slim.
“Everyone was busy, and I didn’t even have to pull my switchblade,” I remind him.
“I know. The blades in your hair did the job well,” he grunts. “The club is slammed tonight. I’m going to jump behind the bar and save Gabe. He’s starting to look a little panicked.”
Kissing my cheek, he moves quickly to save our beta. Smirking, I watch as Auggie taps Gabe on the shoulder and smoothly takes the customer’s order. Gabriel gets the fuck out of there, taking a deep breath as he joins me.
“That was intense,” he says, thanking one of the bartenders who hands him a bottle of water without a word. “Auggie can have that insanity.”
Giggling, I raise my hand to show Jasper and Tommy where I am as they walk out of the back hallway.
My life is exactly that: intense and fast paced with moments of sweetness. I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
Chapter Thirty-One
Six months later
I’m sitting in group at The Omega’s Haven next to my mother, holding her hand as we listen to people’s stories. Every week, we come together, though she doesn’t share. I think it helps her understand she did nothing wrong all of those years ago.
Olivia Quinn was the victim in all of this, and getting stronger every day.
The bonds my fathers forced on her broke the day my pack and I killed them. She says she woke up in her room filled with terror and worry about me. They were whispering about all the things they would do.
Bastards. May they never rest and the devil stabs anal probes up their asses in Hell.
Mama’s brows furrow at something and I force myself to take a deep breath. She’s very sensitive to the energy in a room, though she no longer hears voices. Aisling smiles as she ends the group with a positive affirmation, allowing the women who are staying here to go back to their rooms.
There’s a house manager who plays games with the kids who stay in her care during the group session, ensuring the omegas can stay present.