Lifting my hand to my hair, I hope killing these assholes won’t break my mother’s mind anymore than they have. They aren’t her scent matches, and instead took her choices from her.
These alphas have as much as confirmed it for me.
Letting Neiman pull me close, I whisper, “Thank fuck you never wanted me. It gives me so much more pleasure to kill you.”
Pulling the knife from my hair, I shove it deep into his neck as the back door explodes open.
“Cerenity!” Jasper yells, blue eyes panicked and angry as he storms outside. Pulling a gun from his back, he doesn’t hesitate to shoot the gun out of Mallan’s hand. “You’re about to have the kind of bad day you don’t get to live to regret, asshole.”
Gabriel, Tommy, and Auggie are right behind him, making me grin. I love their homicidal asses so much. Pulling my knife, I ignore the spray of blood, stepping back as Neiman slaps his hand on his bleeding throat.
“It was just too much for you to resist my coming out here alone, wasn’t it?” I ask my fathers.
While I didn’t throw the garbage out with the intention of hoping my fathers would find me out here, I had a feeling it might happen. I’m not a complete idiot.
Tommy leaves Neiman to choke on his own blood as he shoots Mallan’s knee out, and Jasper calmly shoots Bryce as he attempts to run.
“I’m a little offended they gave all their good moves to Xavier,” Augustine mutters.
“Thanks for that reminder,” Jasper says, walking over to pull Mallan’s head back by his hair. “What the fuck was your deal with Xavier, anyway?”
“He owed me some money,” my father grunts. “Xavier said he had a pretty virgin cunt for me to cancel out his debt. When he brought me photos, I realized you were Olivia’s daughter. You look too alike to be anyone else.”
“It would be pretty fucked up for you to still want to fuck her,” Jasper says as if with an understanding nod. My lips twitch as I walk forward, knowing that's the last thing my alpha is right now.
“God, no,” Mallan complains. “Girls are too much trouble. Should have slit her throat and enjoyed Olivia’s screams through the bond. The medication kept us from feeling her, but she’s not taking it anymore.”
Bryce groans as he sits up, struggling to stand up. “We just want our omega back. As alphas you should understand?—”
My other perfectly balanced throwing knife is pulled from my hair and thrown before I realize it.
“Fuck,” Jasper mutters. “I’m going to refrain from talking about how hard I am right now. Goddamn, Tiny. You’re a menace with those.”
“You’ve seen me with frying pans,” I tease him with a wink.
“Jas, stop playing with your food and kill the dickhead,” Tommy grunts. “We’re still getting our bearings in this city. I don’t want to deal with the police today.”
Shooting Mallan between the eyes, Jasper nods as he pulls his phone out to text someone.
“I warned Shaw and the guys we may have some trouble in the next few days,” he explains. “He offered us a clean up crew. And… there it is. Shaw says he’s sending someone and they’ll be here in ten minutes.”
“I need to send them something nice,” I comment as I look around the alley, shivering. “Fuck, my mom?—”
“It’s late, but I’ll call the facility now,” Auggie says, moving over to kiss my forehead. “You have some blood on your face, Sweetheart.”
“I’ll walk you back in to wash your face,” Gabriel offers. “Are you okay?”
While I beat the shit out of people when needed, this is the first time I’ve ever killed anyone. Nodding, I feel the adrenaline start to drain out of me and my hands begin to shake.
“I'll clean your throwing knives, Bluebell,” Tommy says, gently taking it out of my hands. None of them used silencers, but Minneapolis isn’t exactly known for its quick response by police, so I doubt we’ll have an issue. “You did so good, baby.”
Tears prick my eyes and I take a deep breath as I nod some more. Fuck, I feel like a bobble head right now.
“We’ll grab you a Coke too,” Gabe murmurs. “I am not a great bartender, but I can pull a beer from the tap and take money just fine, so you can sit for a second.”
Hand heavy on the small of my back, he whisks me into the building to get to the bathroom.
Gabriel gives zero shits for the fact that it’s the woman’s bathroom, peeking his head in quickly before ushering me in. People tend to use the other restrooms instead of this one.