Page 112 of Fight

“Oops,” I say, unrepentant. “Pretend to be surprised, would ya?”

Tossing her head back, she laughs as we walk together. Her butterfly tattoos peek out of her crop-top, ending at her neck. It makes me wonder where I’ll mark her. Bites become iridescent once they heal, so people can easily see them if they care.

Unfortunately, that’s half the fun for an alpha: to kidnap and hurt an omega with a pack. My hand spasms as I wrap my arm around her waist so she won’t notice. I still find myself watching her while she sleeps, semi-terrified that something is going to happen to her. I don’t think I’d survive it, and I’ll end up as sad and broken as Corbin Murphy.

“You good, Auggie?” Cerenity asks, looking up at me.

“Perfect. Thinking about all the ways I love you,” I say. It’s a slight lie of omission, but no less true. Xavier’s murder rocked me more than I’m willing to admit, even to myself. Someone has a hidden agenda regarding my omega, and I hate that I can’t put her in a bubble to protect her.

Cerenity would fucking despise it if I did.

“I love you too, but there’s more,” she says, rolling her eyes.

“Xavier’s death is kind of bothering me is all,” I tell her, blowing out a breath. “There’s too many unanswered questions there.”

“I agree,” she says as we step up to where there’s a group of people gathered for the tour. “We’re going to be pretty safe today, so I forewent the boots for cute sandals. I still have my knife just in case though, it’s going to be fine.”

Nodding, I agree. “Yes, and I’m here. Will you let me know if you go anywhere after I leave for the club tonight, please?”

“Yes,” she says easily. I gaze at her, wondering if she’s been abducted by pod people. The tour guide begins to speak and I pinch Cere’s ass, loving her gasp as she attempts to hold back a squeal.

“I said I would,” she hisses.

“I’m amazed,” I grunt as we begin our walk through downtown Minneapolis.

The food trucks are amazing, and Cere and I took turns being that annoying couple who feed each other. We had a long road to get here, but damn was it worth it.

Tacos, an Asian inspired fusion truck, and mini gourmet donuts were my top picks from today. Rubbing my stomach, I groan with happiness. The walking today definitely is helping me digest.

“Everything was so good,” Cerenity moans. God, her happy food noise is so close to the one she made in the shower, my cock immediately twitches.

“Baby,” I whimper. “It was all so good, but you’re making me crave a snack between your thighs.”

Walking up to the truck together, Cere checks her phone for the time. “We don’t have time for that,” she says with a smirk.

Helping her into the vehicle, even though I know she doesn’t need it, I groan at how gorgeous she is.

“Don’t remind me,” I say with a pout, closing the passenger side door behind her and walking around.

She’s texting someone as I climb into the truck, and glances over at me.

“Tommy says he’s about an hour away from Chicago,” she says. “He wants me to check in while you’re at the club.”

“I think that’s a good idea. I’m already about to insist we not open today, so I can have sex with you all night,” I grumble as I turn on the car.

Her snickers make me smirk, but God, I’m so close to doing just that. Being responsible sucks sometimes.


Stretching in bed, I smile sleepily as I see Augustine is snuggled against me.

“Good morning, birthday girl,” he growls, kissing my shoulder.

Auggie woke me up when he came home at two in the morning with birthday sex. It was fucking amazing.

“Good morning, baby,” I sigh happily. Things feel good right now, despite the date in my phone that’s currently mocking me. My heat is supposed to come soon, but there’s been no real sign of it.

“The guys want you to call them. Call Tommy so he feels special,” Augustine says with a smirk. “He said they’re staying at his house while the movers pack. Make it a video call.”