“That’s very Alpha of you to notice,” I say, raising my eyebrow. Augustine is a natural leader and problem solver, but Tommy is used to people following him without question.
If we become pack, how will that all work?
“Is it?” he asked, shrugging. “It’s not hard to see he wants your time and to know you’re safe. Tommy is trying to make sure he’s not overbearing through it all.”
“Hmm,” I murmur. “You all want me, you’ve made that clear. I am trying to figure out what it all looks like though.”
“Tommy and Jasper defer to me when it comes to things about you, I’ve noticed. I thought it was because I knew you the best?” Auggie asks, looking confused. “I don’t know, we’ll have to call a pack meeting and lay it all out. Hopefully, not on a blow up mattress this time.”
Giggling as I remember the way it popped, I wave Augustine away when I snort. Grinning, he walks out of the room to hopefully start coffee as I find Tommy’s contact.
Touching his name, I wait as the video call connects. My smile grows as I see Tommy’s face. His blue hair is down around his shoulders and he’s laying back in bed half dressed. It’s only seven in the morning, so I’m not surprised.
“Hey, birthday girl,” he purrs, making me shiver.
“Hey, Daddy,” I whimper, unable to hold back the words.
“Fuck, I really love when you call me that,” Tommy murmurs, his eyes hooding. “Am I getting you fresh out of bed?”
Glancing down, I blush as I realize I’m naked under the blankets.
“God, what I wouldn’t give to be there right now,” he groans. “It’ll be late when we get back tonight, so Augustine said he’d hold your birthday dinner. We’ll be arriving with treats.”
“I’m excited,” I admit, eyes widening when his door slams open.
“I knew you were talking to her,” Jasper says, jumping onto Tommy’s bed. The alpha in question turns the phone, allowing me to see Gabriel standing by the bed as well.
“Hi guys,” I say shyly. Things have been such a whirlwind, and I’ve had sex with everyone but Jasper at this point.
“Hey, Peanut,” Gabriel says, finally deciding to climb up onto the alpha’s bed too.
“Hi, Tiny. Are you having a good birthday?” Jasper asks, moving to lean against the headboard.
“I am,” I admit, smiling. “I kind of miss you guys.”
“Kind of?” Tommy asks, chuckling. “Maybe we shouldn’t go back tonight.”
“No! I miss you,” I squeal, rolling my eyes.
“Show me what’s under the blanket if you miss us,” Tommy growls. Gabriel and Jasper’s gazes heat as they watch me closely.
“Ooh, naked secrets,” Jasper says with a chuckle.
Rolling my eyes, I drop the blankets, pushing them completely off of me. Pulling the phone away from me, I give them an eyeful.
“Fuck, I can almost imagine how good you must smell right now,” Tommy rumbles.
“Will you give us a show, beautiful?” Gabriel murmurs. “Let us watch you work your pretty pussy over until you cream for us.”
Biting my lip, I reach over to pull out a vibrator from my nightstand. Auggie wanted to know if I owned any toys to help me through my heats, and I showed him my collection. My heats still sucked, but orgasms helped usually, even without a knot.
I’m scared I won’t be able to deal without having one now.
Showing them the vibrator Augustine and I used last night, the alphas and beta practically salivate.
“What does it do?” Gabriel asks, eyes wide.
Smirking, I show them how one side is thick and straight, while the other sucks the clitoris. Augustine found that toys make good teammates when the rest of the pack is gone.