Page 53 of By His Rule

So what, he’s a stupidly powerful and wealthy womanizer. I can hold my own.

A shiver rips down my spine at just the thought of being the sole focus of his attention.

I know all about him and his antics. Tatum has told me about the way he lives his life, hopping from one young bride to another.

I must admit that hearing more about his relationship with King’s mom recently did tug at my romantic heart. But still, just because he had his ripped out and stomped on by the woman he loved, doesn’t mean he was innocent in any way, or that he should be trading women like fucking Pokémon cards.

“Yes,” Micheal says. “I remember Tatum’s Maid of Honor. How could I forget?’

My stomach rolls at the thought of him watching me that day.


“I do find myself wondering why she looks like she’s about to walk into this meeting with us, though.”

“Dad,” Kian warns, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because he doesn’t want to explain himself and his decisions, or if he wants me out of the limelight.

Honestly, right now, if it takes Micheal’s eyes from me, I’d happily go with either.

I thought Kian was everything I hated about this world. But his father…shudder.

“Just curious, Son. It’s not like you to turn up with an assistant who doesn’t look like they want to throw themselves in front of a bus just to escape you.”

Okay, so maybe there is something more to the senior Callahan than just his disgusting ways with women.

Straightening my spine, I hold Micheal’s eyes firm.

“I have no plans on getting up close and personal with a bus anytime soon, sir. Although, this is only my first day, so…”

Micheal and Kingston laugh.

“Most don’t make it to the end of their first day, so things are looking promising for you right now.”

I’m about to respond when Micheal turns his attention to Kian and completely changes the subject, as if I’m not standing here.

“Have you had a chance to read through that email I sent you?”

“Briefly,” Kian admits. “I’ll give it some more attention tonight and let you know my thoughts.”

As I study father and son, a shadow falls over me, forcing me to look away.

“How is it really going?” Kingston asks quietly. “And you can be honest.”


“Tatum said. You want me to kick his ass for you?” Kingston offers, making me smile.

“Nope. If anyone is going to be kicking his ass, it’s me.”

Kingston chuckles. “This could be the best decision that idiot has ever made.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s already regretting it,” I confess.

“Exactly. It’s fucking perfect. It’s about time he had someone call him out on his bullshit.”

“Isn’t that your job?” I muse.

“Fucker doesn’t listen to me. You though…something tells me that you’re going to have magical powers.”