The truth is, Lorelei is right. From what I’ve already seen, the numbers are a fucking mess and there is a very good reason why this chain is going under.
Of course, bad management and structure have a massive part to play in that, but it will be a huge challenge and need a sizeable investment to turn it around.
But it isn’t the potential profit that is appealing to Kingston.
It’s the fact his wife loves being in England. And if this works out, then…
Before I know what I’m doing, my hand has lifted from my lap and I’m dragging my palm down my face.
It’s always been me and King. Or should I say, King and me?
I’ve followed him everywhere. Sometimes by choice, I guess, but mostly because it’s been expected of me. The only real difference between us growing up was our majors at college.
King did business, I did finance. But then, while we might have somewhat “chosen” our directions, I think we both knew deep down that we’d been groomed into the decisions we made. Our father knew what our lives were going to look like long before we were born, and unlike Kieran, we just…went along with it.
I never really questioned it. It felt right.
But now, watching Kieran living out his dream every weekend, I can’t help but wonder if there was ever anything else out there for me.
Or was I always destined to end up here, always living in the shadow of my big brother while watching my little one live the life that no one ever thought he’d achieve?
A heavy sigh threatens, but I keep it locked away.
The car slows to a stop and only a second later, Jamie has the door open and I’m climbing out.
Should I wait and allow Lorelei to go first? Probably.
Do I? Hell no.
Her heated glare burns into my back as I smooth my jacket down and stride toward the front doors.
With a nod at the doorman, I march inside and toward the lift.
I don’t need to look back to know she’s following; I can feel her.
Nothing is said as we move toward the floor we want, and the second we step out, I find both my big brother and father waiting for us.
“You’re late,” Dad barks.
I raise a brow at him, unamused that he dares to reprimand me when he barely bothers to turn up to work week after week.
I’ve already lost King’s attention, which has been on Lorelei since the second she appeared behind me, although he doesn’t look shocked by her appearance, confirming what I already knew. But Dad takes a little longer to clock her, and when he does, his entire face lights up.
“And who do we have here?” he asks, letting his eyes run up and down the length of her.
Disgust swirls in my stomach and my fists clench at my sides.
Dad might be married—again—right now, but I’m pretty sure he’ll always be a womanizer who is always looking for an upgrade. I could tell him right here that Lorelei isn’t that.
“Lorelei, I heard a rumor you might be here. What a surprise,” Kingston says with an amused smirk. “Dad, you remember Tatum’s best friend from the wedding, right?”
Micheal Callahan’s attention makes my skin prickle in the worst possible way, and without realizing what I’m doing, I take a step back, using Kian as my human shield.
The second I notice, I hate myself for it.