The humans glance nervously at each other and retreat behind the largest rock as Violet steps closer. “Helen and Isabella already wear brooches,” she says. “Ones charmed by a fake spell such as this one?”
“Why say that the spell is fake, Violet?” asks Nita tersely.
“Yes. What would be the point in that?” continues Marci.
“Is she right?” asks Isabella sharply.
Violet opens her mouth, and I pull her to one side. “Let’s not start shit between humans and witches,” I whisper.
“Witches who are pretending to charm brooches and evidently selling them to dumb humans,” Violet whispers in annoyance. “There’ll be more trouble than a squabble in the woods when that’s discovered.”
“Everybody knows that the stones are a place witches performed rituals over the years,” interrupts Nita. “Watch.”
What a load of crap.
Marci takes a small silver tube from her coat pocket and sprinkles glitter over the brooches, then Zoe passes a brown bottle for Marci to pipe a few drops of a green tincture. A fluorescent purple light flares, momentarily highlighting the witches’ faces before dissipating.
“A party trick,” mutters Violet.
“The humans feel extremely vulnerable due to the current situation at the academy,” explains Nita. “Our aid in protecting against malevolent forces helps ease their minds.”
“Malevolent forces?” Violet chokes out. “Do you mean the ghosts and wolf? And how are the humans involved in this scheme?”
“Helen and Isabella sell the talismans. They can confirm that they’ve seen the spell that charms the brooches with protection.” She gestures at the circle.
“Humans don’t always trust witches,” adds Isabella. “They trust us.”
“And you genuinely believe that Marci and her friends have enchanted these brooches?” asks Violet in disbelief. “Does human gullibility know no limits?”
Sell. My mouth parts. “Violet saw a lot of money change hands. Let me guess, Isabella. You take a cut of the sales.”
“Good grief!” exclaims Violet. “Marci and her coven are lying to you! You’ll be implicated in their crimes.”
“We can’t expose Marci here,” I whisper. “Speak to the witches when the humans leave.”
“These girls aren’t stupid,” she says through gritted teeth. “I bet they suspect but don’t care since they’re making money too. How mercenary.”
With one eye on us, Marci gathers the items from inside the circle and places them inside a black velvet pouch. “Unfortunately, Violet interrupted our ritual and the unpleasant energy she brought with her will interfere. Isabella, we’ll meet again tomorrow. If Violet and Rowan don’t throw around accusations at the academy.”
“Marci. I promised three people I’d have brooches by tomorrow,” says Helen. “Can’t we find somewhere inside the academy to use the spell?”
“I’ve told you, the ritual must be performed here, amongst the stones.”
Yeah, where nobody can catch them pretending.
Violet mutters something, but the human girls remain silent. These girls must be aware that Marci isn’t entirely truthful about the power of these talismans. Is Marci using mind magic to soothe away any suspicions the two humans must have? Or is their cut of the proceeds enough for them to ignore the red flags?
“Everybody needs a brooch before the full moon,” Isabella protests, and Zoe sucks in a breath, throwing her a warning look.
Too late.
“Ah,” Violet says. “Did you create the rumor to improve sales?”
“No, we started creating the brooches in response to the rumor,” retorts Marci.
“I would like to speak to you,” demands Violet. “Now. Without humans present.”
Violet’s darkening tone sets the human girls into action, giving them the excuse they need to escape, as Helen stands and takes her bag from the stony ground. “Uh. Maybe you should talk to Violet about this. We can catch up later, Marci?”