I grab the edge of Violet’s jacket before she can move. “You’ll reveal that you know something. Wait?”
“And what if this clandestine situation links to Holly’s disappearance? That she had information about illegal activities these girls don’t want her to share?”
“Seems extreme.” But the money. Mysterious bags. “If the girls hide the box that Nita found here, they might put it back. We’ll wait until they leave and investigate the area.” I suggest.
“If they leave the box.”
“It’s hidden for a reason. The girls obviously can’t risk an academy teacher finding its contents.”
Violet chews her lip and sits on the dry ground beneath the tree. “And you’re sure this place isn’t used by covens for spells?”
“No. There’s no magic source here. Only an elemental witch could cast spells since they have a passive connection to the natural surroundings.”
“Then why is Marci drawing a runic circle with a stick? She isn’t elemental.”
“Runic?” I peek out again, straining to see what Violet clearly can. “Ritualistic spells wouldn’t work without local magic energy.”
“Mine do. Blood runes?”
I chuckle. “As you often remind me, you’re a Blackwood. You carry a lot of magical power internally. More than most witches our age.”
“Like you?” she asks and looks at me.
“I still need to tune into a power source unless I’m commanding the elements.”
She gives me a long look. “That power source being me? Or the shadows?”
“Violet. Can we pay attention to the witches?” I reply. “Discuss this later.” Her wary look doesn’t leave. “Can you read any of the runes from where we are?”
“Protection. Strength. Focus. Average things. But their bodies are blocking some of the circle. I can’t figure out the spell.”
The one that won’t work.
Violet’s teeth audibly grind. “I must know. Now.”
Before I can respond, Violet reveals herself and marches over to the girls.
Oh, well. Violet controlled herself for longer than usual.
“What are you doing?” Violet asks and points at the rough runes drawn in the dirt by Marci, who holds a short stick in one hand. “What is that spell?”
Marci looks at her, unperturbed. “We’re offering our services.”
The others remain silent, the human girls shuffling well away from Violet.
“Services for what?” asks Violet.
“Are you alone?” continues Marci. “You’re never far from at least one of your guys.” She pauses then calls, “Rowan? Do join us.”
Fighting rolling my eyes, I step out to join Violet and wander over. The simple circles and triangles are easily deciphered—the type humans expect, as seen on TV shows and movies. They could offer protection, focus and other random needs, but not here, in a place dead of magic.
I don’t respond to Marci, as the items in the circle’s center catch my eye. Brooches. Oh. I understand completely now. The human girls inside the academy do wear brooches supposedly charmed by Marci and her witches. But, if the witches are faking a spell used on the brooches, they’re tricking the humans.
“Are these humans paying for protection?” I ask. “Do you bring a different selection of girls here each time or just Helen and Isabella?”