Standing, she slowly took off the summer dress she had chosen for that day, hanging it back up in the closet beside all the other clothes he bought her. From the back she retrieved the jeans and t-shirt she had worn the day she appeared in his office, a sad smile touching her lips, the memory seeming to be from so long ago, yet less than two weeks old.

With no luggage, and leaving the jewellery he bought for her she phoned for a taxi, relieved to hear that there would be one within fifteen minutes. Finally ready she sat on the edge of the bed taking deep calming breaths as she told herself over and over that she was doing what she had to while deep inside she felt sick.

The ringing of her mobile heralded the arrival of the taxi, and rising, she made her way slowly down the stairs. Reaching the door, she heard Darius move into the hallway, his voice grim, “So, you are really prepared to leave? Prepared to see Angela in prison?” Biting her lip and not looking back at him she nodded, reaching her hand out to the door, her tone low and sad, yet determined. “I have to”, her shaking hand opening the door as he moved towards her.

“Wait....please wait Sara” She paused, wishing that he would just let her go. For several seconds there had been silence, before his hand took her arm and led her to the small couch within the cavernous hallway hunching down beside her. “Why? Why is the time so important to you?” his voice softer this time

Sniffling miserably, Sara gave a small shake of her head her voice almost inaudible full of misery, “I can’t...I can’t tell you...I just have to get my life sorted out...find my own home and job...I have to Darius” Taking her hands into his, Sara had not even tried to fight him as he looked into her eyes, those wonderful eyes swimming with tears, before finally giving a long slow sigh, “Do you want rid of me that much Sara?”, he asked gently as her eyes flew to his. “No...No...It isn’t...” her words trailed away as she once more looked past him, missing the look of relief which filled him, “I just have to get my life sorted...soon”.

“Ok...what if we come up with a compromise” “C...compromise?” she sniffled softly, their eyes meeting once more, a glimmer of hope filling her. “W...what kind of compromise?” Darius lifted her hand gently kissing the knuckles, his voice slow and thoughtful, “The chances of you finding somewhere to stay right away are remote. After Friday you can search for a job as planned, but it seems unlikely that you would find somewhere to move straight into... What if you stay here for as long as you need on the understanding that after Friday you are free to go whenever you can?”

Sara looked at him with surprise. “ mean it?”, the realisation hitting her that staying with him was far more appealing than moving back in with her mother till she found somewhere of her own. Darius nodded, “But...” Her eyes narrowed as he continued, “If I am still here when you get settled then I would want you still to be my date for events. I have neither the time nor the inclination to find somebody else to replace you, especially as I have no idea how long I am going to be here”

The happy bubble which had been swelling within her popped at the realisation that he was solely interested in losing his date for events, she not understanding what more she expected. Giving a shaky smile she nodded softly. “As compromises go...I think that I can work with that” Darius was not sure why he felt such relief as he pulled her into his arms, the two hugging the other as their new terms had been settled.

For the next week Sara searched for a job. The process was slow, and despite having a degree in business, her lack of experience was proving a stumbling block. She saw several apartments which would be suitable for her needs, but without a job she was in no position to take on a lease, or afford the deposit.

As one week disappeared, she gave up trying the top companies, and was desperately looking for standard office work, her time within her father’s company more relevant, quickly lining up several interviews. Darius frowned as she told him of her first one later that week. Sara brushed off his questions of why she had not sought a junior management role.

She noticed how he seemed to have become quieter, often seeing him work till late at night. Sara wondered if he was trying to avoid her, prepare for asking her to leave perhaps, this thought filling her with pain. It had been over a week since they came to their new truce, and Darius lay over Sara, his mouth kissing her down from yet another mind blowing , she looking up at him, her eyes soft and mellow. With a small chuckle she caressed his hair, allowing her fingers to slip through the thick silkiness. “When did this stop feeling like punishment?” the question out before she had time to hold it back.

His mouth twitched as his head dropped to lay the gentlest of kisses on the corner of her mouth, a return grin from him, “Truthfully...the night after we first made love” Her eyes flew to his in astonishment as he shifted his position pulling her into the crook of his arm a deep sigh leaving him. “I thought I blamed you for everything that happened all those years ago Sara...but I’m not sure if that was really the problem” She remained silent, her head tilted to listen aware as she held her breath. “I always liked you - did you know that?” She shook her head softly, “No...I thought you only dealt with me so that you could flirt with the other girls” His chuckle made her flush, Darius kissing her forehead softly. “Nope. I suppose that what I was really angry at was that I never got the courage up to ask you out...and then of all the people chosen to fire me was you” “Y...You wanted to ask me out?”, her voice incredulous as he nodded before giving a deep sigh and turning onto his side so that the two could look into the other’s faces.

“I have to go back to Italy Sara” His simple declaration caused her stomach to drop, the small flame of hope at his words snuffed out, her eyes dropping to hide the hurt. “I see”, she muttered, his finger pulling her chin up as his eyes flicked over her features. “No...I really don’t think that you do” Sara gulped down the tears which welled up within her, and were even now burning the back of her eyes. “I...It is fine Darius...we had an agreement...” The rest of her sentence lost as his mouth covered hers in a tender kiss.

“No more about agreements Sara. I have to return to Italy...and I want you to come with me...of your own choice” Sara stared deeply into his eyes. She searched for some ulterior motive, but found none, just honest warmth. Everything within her wanted to throw her arms around his neck and cry “yes” - yes she would be with him, that she would do anything for him because she loved him. Dropping her eyes once more she cleared her throat nervously, hurt so evident in her voice, “I wish I could Darius...but I can’t” She was surprised to hear a note of pain enter his. “You do not want to be with me?”

Her eyes flew back to his, her head shaking emphatically, “No...No it’s not that”, the tears now shining in her large eyes, “I just can’t go to Italy. I have to prove that I have my life in order. Get a job...a home” Darius felt the tearing deep within him as she refused to accompany him, then the confusion of her words. Instinctively he knew she wanted to be with him, this alone keeping him calm as he took a shaky deep breath. “Do you want to be with me Sara?” Her eyes stared back hauntingly at him as she muttered almost inaudibly. “Yes” His hand came to her cheek, his thumb gently rubbing away the tear which wound its way down.

“Then be with me. It really is as simple as that” She gave a half-laugh devoid of humour, her teeth catching her bottom lip which she nibbled with uncertainty. “How long do you have to be in Italy?” He sighed deeply at her question, his eyes full of frustration “About two weeks”, his answer as she gave a small nod.

“I have an interview in four days...and I think I have a good chance of getting the job, which means that I can afford to rent somewhere” Raising her finger, she placed it gently on his lips to stop his argument “If all goes according to plan Darius...then in two weeks things should be sorted”, a small tremulous smile rising to her lips. “Then maybe we can see where this is going”

Darius frowned thoughtfully, “What if you don’t get the job?” He saw the fear which flitted over her features, her expression so serious. “I have to. I have to prove that I can stand on my much depends on it”, her tone sombre. He regarded her before speaking softly, “You should not be working in an office Sara. I have seen what you are capable of. What if I were to give you a job within my management program? You have the ability and the qualifications. You should not be wasting your talents”

Sara stared at him, her eyes wide. “ would give me a job?” His head nodded, “And not because of the fact we are sleeping truly have got management potential...and It would mean that you would have a job in three days...not just an interview in four” She blinked back the tears, happiness now shining from her. “Thank you”, her words a mere whisper “You have no idea how much this means” Darius pulled her in closer, hugging her, “No...I don’t but I would like to know Sara”, releasing her to look into her lovely face. Sara seemed unsure before she gave a soft sigh.