“When you come back from Italy...things should be right...then I will tell you everything, but until then I have to sort things out myself” Giving a deep sigh he leaned forward to kiss her. She still did not fully trust him he could tell, but her words had given him hope and he could wait for two weeks.

The next day dragged for Sara. Seeing Darius prepare to leave had torn at her. She loved this man, loved him with everything in her, the desire to be at his side rising so strongly within her. That night they had a party to attend and the following day a flight booked to return to Italy.

His call to his office enrolling her in the Management Program confirmed that she would be expected to begin work the day after he left and Sara lost no time in contacting her realtor with instructions of which apartments she wanted a second look at.

For Sara, everything seemed to be slotting in nicely, and for the first time she allowed herself the luxury of believing that things were going to be fine. The only storm cloud on the horizon was her inability to reach the one person she most needed to talk to. As her allotted time had come and gone, her phone continued to ring out panic filling her as she prepared for the party, that night wearing an off-the-shoulder cornflower blue figure-hugging long dress.

Pulling on a smile as Darius moved behind her, she allowed him to fasten the necklace he had bought for her, turning in his arms as she sighed, “I will miss you” His mouth lifted at the corners at the sincerity in her voice. “I got you a small present...so you don’t forget me” Sara raised her eyebrow as he pulled a long box from his jacket. She gave a small groan, her eyes rising to his, the diamond tennis bracelet sitting snugly within the black box.

“Oh Darius...it is beautiful”, her eyes flying to his, “You shouldn’t have” His throaty laugh filled her with small tremors. “Oh...but I did...like I said...don’t want you forgetting me”, his fingers removing the expensive string of diamonds and fixing it onto her small wrist before turning her hand around and kissing the small vein, his eyes flashing as she smiled back.

“Has any woman ever been able to forget you Darius?” He laughed softly before drawing her in to kiss her lips. “Maybe I just give away a lot of bracelets”. Sara chuckled as she gave him a pretend glare; he winked at her as he left in search of their tickets for that night. When Darius left the room Sara pulled out her phone, frowning once more that there had been no call that day. While she was not supposed to call the manager, she finally dialled the number.

The woman on the other end of the line was defensive and accusatory and became aggressive, telling Sara that she was not meant to phone so late. Sensing trouble, she dug her heels in, throwing back that she had not received the phone call that she by legal right was due every day at five, the woman becoming nervous. Sara frowned, knowing that something was very wrong. After constant demands, finally the phone was handed over to the one voice she needed to hear, her sigh of relief quickly turning to concern.

Sara spoke softly, the voice on the other end of the line sounding weak and in pain, the telltale sniffling of crying ripping painfully at her heart as her voice struggled to remain calm and upbeat as she insisted that everything would be fine. As the receiver was transferred once more to the same woman she had earlier spoken to, her voice became harder and insistent. “If you do not call the doctor RIGHT now”, she bit out angrily, “then I will call the police and anybody else who will listen...DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

The huffy answer made her even angrier as she stifled the curse which rose to her lips once more repeating her threat, before hearing as the other woman finally agreed. “If I do not hear from you in a couple of hours, then I am coming over there with the police...Do I make myself very clear?”

Again she heard the irritated confirmation, as the phone went dead, Sara cursing loudly as she stood trembling with anger and panic. Everything in her wanted to ditch the party, to go over there herself, knowing that she would not be given entry. “Who were you talking to?” The amused voice of Darius made her jump, Sara twirling round, forcing a smile on her face. “N...nobody important”, she lied, seeing as he grinned back. “Sounded like somebody had irked you”, he teased as she gave a shaky return laugh, praying that he had not heard what was said, relieved as he seemed to forget the incident almost immediately.

“Car is here” Lifting her wrap he placed it over her shoulder, dropping a small kiss on her neck; Sara gave him a wide smile in return, a smile which hid the nerves and foreboding swirling so uneasily within her. The night dragged by for Sara, amazed that she managed to smile and give the appropriate pleasantries. Darius however, frowned seeing how nervous and fidgety she seemed, constantly sneaking a look at her mobile phone, becoming more and more restless as the time slipped by.

Asking what was wrong with her she gave a feeble smile, her hand slid along her forehead; her assertion of a headache saw him smile sympathetically at her. “I will say our goodbyes to our host and we can go home”, he offered gently. Sara gave him a thankful smile, watching as he moved to the other end of the room to give their farewells.

As she watched him talk to their host, Sara gave a sigh of relief hearing her phone ring, pulling it out quickly and answering. From the furthest side of the room Darius was surprised to see her on her phone, his surprise turning to a frown as all colour seemed to drain from her features, her complexion suddenly pale, as her hand reached out to a nearby table to steady herself. Turning, he sensed that there was something seriously wrong as she met his eyes, hers full of panic as she backed out towards the door, her look frantic as she turned and fled from the room.

Darius quickly made his way to the exit trying to catch up with her. As he made it out to the street he cried out her name as she had been about to step into a taxi. Looking back at him she shook her head, her mouth forming the word, “Sorry”, as she ducked inside and the car which slid into the heavy traffic. Pulling out his phone he called his security officer demanding that they set the tracker that he had placed in her phone. Signalling that his car be brought around, he waited for the information he had requested.

Stepping inside his car the call finally came, Darius’ mouth tightening hearing that she was close, that the signal had been traced to the hospital only ten blocks away. He felt the anger course through him, her words returning to him when they first met that she was dating a doctor before he forced her into his home.

He believed that their budding relationship ended the moment she become his mistress, however it all made sense now. Her need to be free, her need not to make waves in public, Darius filled with rage that the secret which he allowed her to keep had been her on-going affair with the doctor. She lied to him when she insisted that it was not a man, white searing fury flooding through him. She made a complete fool of him. Barking the order the car headed to the hospital.

Sara rushed into the emergency room, running quickly to the information desk, ignoring the many curious looks from both staff and visitors, not caring that she looked so out of place wearing the long, expensive and elegant cocktail dress, her throat and wrist adorned with diamonds. She stood impatiently as the woman behind the desk helped the visitor in front of her, willing her to be faster in her need to find the patient she had come to see.

Finally it was her turn, and giving a weak smile, she gave the name of the patient, the woman giving a small return smile as she tried not to stare at the beautiful woman before her, her fingers flying over the keyboard before giving directions, relief filling Sara as she moved to the elevator.

The sound of her name being called made her spin around as she gasped, seeing Darius at the other end of the hospital foyer, his face angry as the elevator opened. Rushing inside she pressed the button of the floor, her last sight being that of a furious Darius bearing down on her.

Darius cursed as the doors to the elevator closed his attempts to reopen them too late. As it ascended, he carefully watched the floor numbers above the doors, his mouth setting as it stopped on the fourth floor, before once more descending. Jumping in the elevator already stopped there he pushed the same floor, the anger swelling within him.

Reaching the floor where he knew her to be, he moved along the corridor ignoring the surprised looks of those he met, his tuxedo standing out in the sterile environment. Turning the corridor he finally spotted Sara as she talked to a nurse, her eyes widened in alarm as she saw him coming towards her; her lovely eyes flicked to the room she stood beside, a panic seeming to fill Sara. Stopping feet from her, his whole body radiated the rage he felt as in a clipped voice he turned on the beautiful woman. “We are leaving now Sara”, he bit out between gritted teeth.

She however, backed away, a long hurt moan leaving her soft mouth as her head shook furiously. “No...Not till I know she is alright” Darius, who started to move forward, stopped abruptly, his face filling with confusion. Had she said “She”? What was she talking about? Sara turned and fled quickly into the room.

Frowning at the dazed nurse, still stood wide-eyed watching the drama unfold around her, he followed, stopping with the sight that met him, his mouth falling open. Sara knelt on the large bed, a small child’s arms thrown around her neck as she cried, tears filling Sara’s eyes also. “Its OK sweetie”, she soothed softly”, kissing the little girl’s head as she smoothed her blonde, almost white hair, “I’m here...it is going to be fine” The little girl clung to her for all she was worth.