Page 70 of Kingdom of Wolves

Thomas leans down to Bellamy and is nearly nose-to-nose. Hemumbles something no one else can hear and then releases as he stands to hisfeet. Turning, the warriors gasp as Bellamy shifts to Czar his wolf and lungesfor Thomas. Thomas, however, is ready, whirls, grabs Czar by the scruff withboth hands, and slams him down so hard we hear a bone break. “This is thedishonor we never want to see again, and if Gabriel agrees, Bellamy is strippedof his upper warrior and his warrior status.”

I step forward and look into the eye of every one of thewarriors standing around, coming to a halt at Jackson. I give him a bold look,pushing him by allowing Phoenix to show in my eyes, but he looks away, not ableto maintain my eye. “You will all be tested and placed where we deem best forthe pack's safety. You see, I have full responsibility for the warriors of thepack.”

No one comments and the rest of the morning is spentfighting, checking styles, strengths, and abilities. Bellamy has walked awayand I’m sure he’ll be complaining to Connell. That will be interesting, becauseif Connell doesn’t stand with my decision, it’ll be easy for me to reject thepack and go back to work alongside Flint and the other shifter council members.

Running the pack border with Weldon, Hallec, and Iona whilethe ceremony to make Connell the pack Alpha plays out. We see nothing to worryabout, but I don’t allow talking or gossiping. We are here to work, and that’swhat we do.

Iona has good instincts, and her sense of smell isphenomenal. It’s better than my own. She is strong for a she-wolf and her mateallows her to take the lead. It’s good to see a male treating his mate socarefully, respecting her strengths and opinions. He’ll be a good warrior andone I’ll be happy to keep his upper warrior status.

Stopping when we feel the zing of Connell becoming the packAlpha, we all tip our heads to the side in respect and lift our heads torelease a howl of recognition. The flow of howls has an eerie sound and mostnon-shifters wouldn’t recognize the different tones we use from grief to joy,to recognition. It’s done. We have a new Alpha, and I hope he can live up tohis own expectations.

A week flies past and the fights are easily showing who haskept up their training and who has lazily allowed themselves to slide. Bellamydidn’t resurface, but I heard he’d spoken to Alpha Connell, who refused to stepforward on Bellamy’s behalf. A good move, I thought, as that is the first stepof showing the pack, he’s finally growing up.

Being called into the office, I’m surprised to see the Betastanding with his arms folded across his chest, looking like he wants to murdersomeone. Not sure if I’ve done something wrong, but I can’t think of anythingat the moment. Shaking it off, I look at Alpha Connell and wait for whateverhe’s got to say.

Coughing to clear his throat, Alpha Connell looks at meclosely, then proceeds to shock me more than I could have ever imagined. “Thepack needs to grow, Gabriel, and as you are twenty years of age now and youhaven’t found your mate, I think we need to find you one, and one that willproduce strong pups for the pack's future.”

“No.” I quickly reply because I’ll never mate with anyoneexcept my true mate.

“You need to consider this Gabriel, we all have to do thingswe don’t want to do for the betterment of the pack. I’m considering taking achosen mate as well. It’s not something I’m asking you to do, and not do myself.”Alpha Connell is trying to placate, I’m sure, but he has no chance of meagreeing to this.

“No. I’ll never mate with anyone except my true mate. Anyonethat knows me knows this. If you want to take a chosen mate and risk your materejecting you when you find her, then that’s your choice, but it’s not mine andnever will be.” I scowl at both of them, letting them know I’ll not back downfrom my decision.

“I’ve asked my Beta to consider taking a mate, also. We needthe pups to grow the pack and all willing males need to step up.”

“You always told me you’d never take another mate. Are youeven considering this bullshit?” I ask the Beta.

“I don’t want a mate. But I’ll consider taking a temporarybreeder.” I can see how embarrassed he is to speak of this to me and thebreeder comment has me ready to blow. We’ve not had breeders in our pack for ahundred years and to bring that back is disgusting.

“Breeders. You are thinking of reinstating breeders. Turningour she-wolves into nothing more than a walking womb. You will do more damagethan the last Alpha because parents will walk over the pack border intono-man’s-land rather than turn their daughters into nothing more than breedingmachines.” Turning with disgust, I start to walk out of the office, but at the doorturn. “Alpha Connell, I will never take a chosen mate. Beta, if you take abreeder, forget I am your son. I’ll leave the pack if we bring back thisarchaic act.”



The last two weeks have been rather busy, and the visit to BloodPearl Pack is imminent. Poppa Lykos has given me instructions on how to beviewed by Aurora and her pack. It will not be the same as Spirit Walker Pack,by any means. From the examples Poppa Lykos has given me, I’m going to need mywits about me all the time.

Drinking the orange juice that Momma Akela has left on thetable for me, I close my eyes. I’m going to miss being here and although Ihaven’t even gone yet, I can’t wait to get back home.

We are going to observe, learn, and create an ally. If itdoesn’t work, then we can say we tried. I’ll not allow anyone to hurt you. Iwill always be with you, remember you are never alone.

‘I know Ebony, it’s just my nerves are rattling a littlebecause I don’t know anyone in the pack. I’ll be too far away to mind-link withMomma Akela and Poppa Lykos, too.’

Let’s wait and see what happens. We can always leave andcome home. Nothing will stop us from returning. Can you imagine Brod if wedidn’t come back? I hear Ebony do her wolf chuckle, which brings a smile tomy face.

Hearing Poppa Lykos shout my name, I turn and pick up mybackpack, which I leaned against the table leg. I’m only taking enough for thetwo weeks as I have no intention of staying longer, and I told Brod we weregoing to have a picnic by the river when I got back.

“Come on, Tati, or it’s going to take forever to get to theborder.” Poppa Lykos walks out of the kitchen, and I follow behind, smiling atMomma Akela, who is standing next to the door for me.

Hugging Momma Akela for a moment because I’m going to missher so much. “You’ll be fine. You are going to show them what you are made ofand remember you always have Ebony to talk to, get advice and support from. Ifyou get overpowered, you come home.”

“Okay. I’ll be fine. I’m only going to watch, learn, andmaybe make a few friends. Two weeks will fly past quickly, I’m sure.” I’m notsure if I’m trying to convince Momma Akela or myself with that statement.

“Do you want to travel overland or go in the truck?” PoppaLykos asks, and I’d presumed we would go in our wolf's form, so never thoughtabout the truck.

“Let’s go in the truck.” I head that way after I kiss MommaAkela’s cheek, throw my backpack on the floor of the passenger side and hopinside.

“Watch, learn, come home. That’s all this is about, Tati. Weare going to miss you, but we know you have to do this. Alpha Aurora is a toughcookie, but if you keep your head down, you’ll learn a lot about she-wolveswhile you are there.” Poppa Lykos taps my knee, then turns the radio on tolisten to his favorite country music channel.