Page 69 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Go ahead, I’ll be along in a minute.” Connell calmlystates.

“Okay, honey, I’ll save you a seat.” Evangeline swans out ofthe office and I’m thinking she must think we’re back in school with the saveyou a seat comment.

“Alright, do you have anything to say?” Connell asks.

“How honest do you want your inner circle to be?” I ask andsee the surprise on the Beta’s face.

“Honest. I don’t want anyone kissing my ass because that’snot how we are going to improve the pack.”

“Okay, then here’s honesty. You will never be accepted as arevered Alpha when you have pack members such as Evangeline, Bellamy, andJackson in your inner circle. They are hated within the pack because they treateveryone like dirt, and to have them in your circle says you are the same andtheir morals are yours.”

Beta Goldman swallows hard but turns to look at Connell.“He’s right. They bully everyone that is not among their little click and asthe Alpha you need to look after all the pack and be seen to look after all ofthem. To have them in your inner circle, they either have to step upvoluntarily or be made to.”

“I will consider what you have said, but Thomas, Weldon, andArmon were three I was considering. Please give me your thoughts on thoseBeta.”

“Those three are good pack members, but the fact Bellamy isbullying them to be followers is not ideal. We need to get them in the warriorprogram, and they’ll be perfectly placed. If you want honest inner circlemembers, those three would make good ones, but you have to cut out the bad.”

“Cut Evangeline out too, she’s a bad apple that bullies theother she-wolves. She’s nasty and if you ever make her Luna, you will lose alot of she-wolves from the pack as they would move to other packs quickly,” Iadd because if he wants a pack of only male shifters, that’s the fastest way ofdoing it.

Connell rubs his forehead and shakes his head to himself. Ican see he’s under stress, but he has to face up to what is happening aroundhim if he wants the pack to be successful. “I’ll give thought to your comments,both of you, and I’m not blind to what's happened in the past. I’ve been as badas them and I know I have to prove to the pack that I’m a better person.”

The next morning, I’m standing on the training grounds withthe warriors that are supposed to be the best of the pack. They are yawning,look unkempt, and are showing no signs of wanting to keep their positions ashigher warriors. My temper is climbing and I’m ready to throw my weight around.

Connell will swear into his position later today and we needto be on the pack border maintaining security while that happens. Placing myhands behind my back because I know they are fisted with my temper. I glare atthe twelve shifters standing in front of me.

“What’s happening?” Thomas asks as he appears from behindme.

“This is a washout, Thomas. Look at them. We are doomed ifthis is the best we have.”

Bellamy walks over with Jackson, Weldon, and Armon. Thelatter two look like they’d rather be anywhere else. Shaking my head at thembecause they look pitiful.

“Line up and let's see how fit you are. You’ll not beclassed as an upper warrior from this point until you can cover all thephysical fitness and fighting requirements.” I state firmly, letting them knowI’ll not be backing down from that stance.

Although I hear grumbling and cursing, I shout out what Ineed and watch who makes the most effort and I’m happy to see Weldon and Armonare among the three others that are taking this seriously.

Bellamy and Jackson are fooling around and it’s going tocost them because, thanks to Connell, I have the last word on how the warriorteams will work and who will be on the teams.

100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, as many plank-nose they can doin 60 seconds, and two laps around the packhouse and training field.

Waiting next to Thomas, I grin. “Who do you think we canselect as the third trainer? Because you, Thomas, are going to be training thepack. We need that one for the she-wolves.”

“I think Iona would be good, as her mate has taught her tofight, and she often goes with him when he’s on patrol. She’s fought a fewtimes when we have had breaches from no-man’s-land.” Thomas is looking at oneof the warriors and points him out to me. “That’s her mate, Hallec. He’s a goodwarrior and only slightly behind myself, but he doesn’t like to push himselfforward and that’s why you are not seeing the best here now.”

“Okay, we’ll speak to him after training and if I miss him,then please speak to him and he can come along with Iona, so we can ask her.She has the right to hear about it and make her own decision.” Stepping forwardas the last of the warriors arrive back.

Bellamy is pushing and shoving and being an ass. I turn toThomas when he grins. “Let me be the first to fight.”

I give him a nod and I’m not sure what he has in mind, butby the look on his face, someone is going to get put in their place. I hold mygrin barely when Thomas shouts Bellamy to the front.

Bellamy cockily saunters to the front with Jackson to hisleft. Everyone else is waiting quietly for what is going to happen next. Thomasis showing no worry about what is going to happen. In fact, he looks downrightgiddy at the prospect.

“Bellamy, you will fight me for the position as an upperwarrior. If you cannot stop me from taking you to the ground, you are back to awarrior status and will have to earn the upper warrior status once more.”Thomas steps towards the challenge circle and we all follow to watch. I’m readyto step in if anyone oversteps and tries to assist Bellamy.

Bellamy steps into the circle and runs at Thomas. I chucklewhen Thomas grabs Bellamy by the arm, flips him over, and has him on the groundon his back before anyone can say two.

Thomas places a knee on Bellamy’s chest and growls loudly,“Stay still or I’ll render you unconscious.” Bellamy stops struggling, mainlybecause if he doesn’t, and Thomas places more weight on his chest, he’ll cutoff his breathing.

“This is the sort of display we need to stop. If you are awarrior, then be a warrior, and if you call yourself an upper warrior, then youneed to be one. We will not accept second best from any of you from this pointforward.” Thomas is more than making his point and I can see Bellamy is notenjoying this for one moment. I’m ready for the moment Thomas releases himbecause the spitefulness flowing from Bellamy is going to have him doingsomething he’ll regret.