‘Okay. Let’s get back and leave Polaris behind.’ I laughwhen Ebony growls with joy and takes off as fast as our legs will carry us, andI settle in the back of my mind, allowing her to take control.
Later that evening I speak to Momma Akela about a gift forBrod, and she smiles, telling me she already has one for him so not to worry.She won’t tell me what it is and that it’s a surprise, and no matter how I tryto get her to tell me, she’s not saying a word.
I don’t mention the Alpha visiting or the warrior’s report.Needing to be trustworthy is important to me, and someone that speaks out ofturn and shares council information is not someone that could be counted on inany form of important position.
Wednesday came around quickly and after I’d finished at thecouncil office, I walked to Brod’s house, where I was warmly welcomed inside.
Brod rushes over and laughs. “Fifteen now, bestie.”
I laugh along with him because he’s such a dork. “Yes, youare, and it’s my birthday soon and I’ll be seventeen.”
“Come on, I’ve been waiting for you to get here to open mygifts.”
Brod drags me through to the living room and I watch as herips open all his gifts. His parents are such good people, and they are notwealthy, but they’ve made sure Brod has nice gifts. I can see Brod appreciateswhat they’ve given him and when he kisses his momma’s cheek and high-fives hispappa, I feel such a sense of loss that for a moment I have to swallow hard tostop tears from forming.
Momma Akela gives a gift to Brod, and he carefully opens it.Inside the small long box are two gifts, one with my name and one with Brod’s.
Handing me the gift with my name, I slowly peel away thegift paper and open the small, thin box. I see a necklace that has a smalldiamond on the curve of the heart pendant. But next to that heart pendant is asmall bar of gold that has bestie stamped on it.
Looking up at Brod, he has the same as I have. His issilver, whereas mine is gold. “Wow, I love this, thank you, Mrs. Akela, it’sawesome,” Brod shouts before looking at me and grinning broadly.
Laughing, I nod at Brod, then turn to Momma Akela. “I loveit. Thank you so much. Where-ever I go my bestie will be with me.” Looking overat Brod, as I say it.
Brod launches himself at me and hugs me fiercely before wewear our necklaces and swear to never take them off.
Brod, good male, be a good mate for someone. We arelucky, he is our friend.
‘I couldn’t agree more, Ebony.’ I respond.
The party was great. We ate, laughed, and played games. Theevening flew by and before I knew it; we had to go home. I give Brod a hugbefore I leave, and I feel so lucky that I found a friend like him. Maybe theGoddess Selene isn’t going to forsake me!
Thursday morning, and I’m overloaded with nerves. Theshifter council will be here this morning. Poppa Lykos has warned me of whatthey may try and Momma Akela is growling as she cleaned the kitchen afterbreakfast.
I keep looking at the clock and know that we’ll have toleave soon. Running up to my room, I freshen up and take a few deep breaths. Noone is going to take away my happiness now. I’m determined I’ll not let thesepeople trick me into anything.
‘Are you ready, Ebony?’
Yes, I’m ready. They have no power over us, Tati. We arerogue and until we form a pack, they can demand nothing from us. Stay calm, andI’ll be with you all the time. Remember that.
‘I know, I’m just really nervous.’
Nerves you can have later. We should have a strong unitedfront. The town is behind us, so don’t worry about them.
“Tati, come on or we’ll be late.” I hear Poppa Lykossay in our mind link and hurry downstairs.
“I’m ready. Let’s do this and get back home again.” Smilingat Momma Akela because I can see she’s still worried and worked up.
Walking into the town council, we head quickly to MayorStringbold’s office. It will be the same as when we met regarding Fragina, Iwould think.
Tapping on the office door, we wait quietly, and when itopens Poppa Lykos speaks. “Good day, Mayor Stringbold. We are here for themeeting with the shifter council.”
“Can you and Akela wait for her in the hall, please?Tatiana, please come inside.”
I had a feeling they would do this, splitting me from myparents to weaken me for the meeting. They, however, don’t realize how strong Iam and how much more strength I get from Ebony.
Giving Poppa Lykos’ hand a squeeze as I pass, letting himknow I’m okay, I can’t help but hear Momma Akela snarling badly in thebackground. If she doesn’t calm down soon, Dusk will burst out, forcing theshift.
The door closes quietly behind me and I see three males andtwo females sitting behind the table where the town council sat the last time Iwas in this room.