Page 36 of Kingdom of Wolves

The town council is sitting to the left and right of the table,and looking intimidated by the shifter council members. I notice Flint is notamongst them and wonder why he is not here?

Mayor Stringbold stays in the role when he turns to me.“Tatiana, let me introduce the council members to you. Ulmer Oakfold, the maleon the left. Next to him is Anika Greenstorm. Holah Hardmain is the leadingcouncil member for the meeting today. He’s the longest-serving member. Next tohim is Eve Planter, and last, Porter Riverrun.”

I’d given each one a small nod as they were introduced andreceived one in return, but they all have hard fixed expressions on theirfaces.

“Please take a seat, Tatiana.”

I sit at the opposite side of the table to the councilmembers and place my hands in my lap, keeping my body language relaxed.

Stay calm, Tati. I hear Ebony whisper in my mind.

“We require an explanation as to why you rejected theBlackshadow Pack. If you rejected the pack?” Holah Hardman asks, but he’sputting some of the power he holds behind his question, and although I can feelit, it really isn’t affecting me.

I open my mouth to respond when the door flies open andFlint storms into the room. “What the fuck is the meaning of this? You arrangea meeting to question Tatiana without informing all the council members. What’syour game here?”

I flick my eyes over to the shifter council, and they looklike they got caught with their pants down. The town council is now standingand glaring at the shifter council. Flint turns to me and smiles, keeping hisback to the shifter council as he winks. “Please wait outside with yourparents, Tatiana.”

I quickly scuttle outside and close the door behind me,sighing with relief I’m not in there anymore, and looking up I see Akela andLykos smirking as I’ve never seen before. They are enjoying the shouting andbellowing coming from the office.

Poppa Lykos pats the chair beside him, and I walk over andsit. I can hear Troy rumbling in his chest and when I lean forward to lookaround him I see Momma Akela glowing with amusement and when she looks at me,Dusk flashes in her eyes.

“What is going on?” I ask eventually.

“Seems the shifter council didn’t inform all the councilthey were coming here. But I informed Flint, and he rushed here to make sureyou had a fair meeting with them. He also wanted to rip them a new one for notfollowing all the shifter protocol with cases like this.” Poppa Lykos stillhasn’t taken his eyes off the office door, but I’m thinking he knows far morethan he’s telling me.

It must take an hour before it quietens down in the officeand the door reopens. Mayor Stringbold has amusement plastered on his face, andI can see he’s struggling to compose himself.

“Please come in now, all of you.”

I follow my parents inside and we all three take seatsfacing the shifter council, but what amuses me is that Flint is sitting in theprime position to be in charge of the meeting.

“Tatiana, can you inform my colleagues of the shiftercouncil why you felt you needed to leave the Blackshadow Pack. Please.” Flint’seyes are sparkling with amusement, which isn’t helping me stay focused becauseit just makes me want to laugh.

After clearing my throat to get myself under control, I tellthe council about what my life has been like since my parents died. Theninformed them of what I heard was going to be done to my wolf, and the mating,pup, and inheritance. I can see their eyes getting more and more bugged out themore I speak.

Poppa Lykos pats my thigh and I look up and smile at himbefore I turn back and continue. “Coming here has been the best thing for me. Ifound new parents and a town that cares about me. I have a home, family, andfriends.”

Say nothing about being Alpha, Tati. Ebony murmurs.

Anika Greenstorm speaks for the first time. “Why didn’t youjoin another pack? There are three near to you, so you didn’t have to becomerogue.”

“Why would I want to join a pack? When the pack that wassupposed to care for and protect a young member of their pack was treated likea slave?” Surprising her when I ask her a question rather than giving her ananswer she expected.

Anika huffs and looks at the other council members. Turningback to me, she continues. “You need to join a recognized pack. You have achoice of the four around the rogue territory. You can return to theBlackshadow as the Alpha wants you returned.”

Glaring at her, I allow Ebony to glow in my eyes a little,as I don’t want to throw my Alpha out until I have to. “Are you for real? Ijust told you they treated me like shit and you think I’d ever go back. Are youin bed with Alpha Torrance? Is that what this is about?”

Flint leans forward as he can see I’m about to lose mytemper. “Tatiana, do you want to join a pack?”


“Can we persuade you to join a pack?”


“Have you spoken to any pack Alphas?” I can see where Flintis going with this, and it calms me somewhat.

“Yes. I’ve spoken with Alpha Blueblood and Alpha Aurora.”Taking a deep breath, I continue before anyone else can ask a question. “I’mhappy here. I have a good home and good parents. I don’t want to join anyone’spack. I’d like to find my mate eventually, but it’s not urgent for that tohappen yet either. There is nothing you can say to push me to join a pack Idon’t want to be with.”