“Morning Tati,” Flint says and smiles.
“Morning Flint. Morning Poppa Lykos.”
“Take a seat, Tati,” Lykos states and grins when he noticesmy nerves. “No need for nerves. None of us would ever hurt you.”
Taking a seat, I look from one to the other, then back atFlint when he speaks.
“I’ve called a town meeting for this evening. It’ll not be along meeting, but I want to make sure I put my point across that you are to beprotected and anyone not doing that is on my bad list.” Flint gives me a lookthat changes his gray eyes to onyx, showing something is bothering his wolf.
“Is it something I need to worry about?” I ask.
“No, but always be aware, especially with Fragina and Jaxcausing trouble yesterday. I’m going to speak to Jax’s father because I knowhim well and I’m sure he’ll not be happy with that attitude or the company Jaxis keeping.” Flint taps his fingers on the table. “Do you want a lift to workon my motorcycle?”
Blinking because he’s taken me by surprise, jumping from onetopic to another. I flick my eyes to Lykos and he’s grinning like a fool, whichI frown at, before turning back to Flint.
“No, I’ll be fine, thank you. But I have to go now or I’llbe late and then Thomas will be giving me all the odd jobs of the day.”Giggling when I think of Ms. Brenda, who comes in every day with a complaintabout something insignificant, much to the amusement of Agnes, as we all knowit’s because Ms. Brenda is lonely and bored.
“Okay, but don’t be late leaving work and go straight to thetown hall as we need you at the meeting,” Lykos states, standing before givingme a hug. Akela hugs me also, and this is our morning routine when I leave forwork. It’s such a normal thing to do, but something I’ve never had.
Arriving at work forty minutes later, I smile at Agnes asshe looks up from her desk. “Morning Tati. I wonder if you would work with metoday? I want to go over all the accounts, make sure we have all the paymentsregistered from the town tax, and the payments we need to make in wages and forthe maintenance of Main Street.”
“Yes, I can help you with that, Agnes.”
I quickly take a seat next to Agnes, and we work on theaccounts until past lunchtime. The other councilmen have been in and out of theoffice, but have not disturbed us as we’ve worked.
Tapping on the doorframe of the open door to the office, weboth look up and see Mrs. Garner holding a tray of pastries in her hands. “Doeither of you want something to eat? I’ve brought a selection, but you know ifyou wait too long, there will be nothing left.”
Both Agnes and I take a couple of pastries each, thank Mrs.Garner, and then get back to work while nibbling on the pastries whilst we do.
The afternoon moves along quickly as we manage to finish thebacklog of accounts. Six months’ worth it turned out to be. “Thank you for allthe help, Tati, it’s been a trial doing all the accounts. When Redson used todo the accounts, he just wrote down anything, and I had to start at thebeginning and redo all accounts, it’s taken me over a year to get themfinished, but thanks to your help today, I’m done and now only need to do themat the end of each month.”
“I’ll help any time. It’s been nice working with you today.I’m actually good with numbers, it was always my best lesson at school.”
“Well, you helped us get through this last six months fast,and I’m thankful, I’m sick of seeing numbers.” Agnes chuckles and then noticesthe time. “Oh my, come on, we need to lock up and get to the meeting.
Walking over to the town hall with Agnes, we talk about theday and some of the complaints we’d overheard and we laugh with each othereasily.
Once we step into the town hall, the room quietens, andattention is directed our way. I’m a little overwhelmed with all the eyes onus, but when I hear Ebony, I feel myself calm.
Eyes up, shoulders back. You are an Alpha female and youwill project that. If you need me, I’ll be here always. You are never aloneanymore.
Agnes must sense my hesitation and looks over at me, givingme a smile. “Come on Tati, walk with me to the stage area. You’ll sit next toLykos and Akela.”
I give her a nod and follow her to the stage where I’m givena hug by Akela and Flint catches my eye and surprises me with a wink.
Taking my seat next to Lykos, Akela takes the seat on theother side of me. I look over the hall and am greeted with smiles and nods ofgreeting, apart from a few odd ones that I notice around Fragina.
Flint takes center stage and I give him my attention, as isproper when the meeting is more than likely about me.
“Good evening, everyone.” Flint starts the meeting by sayingand receives a few good evenings in return. “I called this meeting because itseems we may have a couple of problems that need addressing.
“First, Lykos and Akela Greyfoot have petitioned me as ashifter council member for the updated parentage of Tatiana Winterstorm. I havepassed this petition, but Tati will remain a Winterstorm as Lykos and Akelafelt it was important she keeps her heritage plain for all to see.”
Mumbling from some has Flint looking over at them directly,squinting his eyes, and I wonder if they’ve turned onyx once more as therecipients of his glare quieten quickly and look away.
“From this moment, you will treat Tati as Lykos and Akela’sdaughter, and any ill will towards her won’t be tolerated. If we have anyproblems, then as this town’s rules state Tati’s parents will have the last sayon the punishment that is given out.”
Lykos stands and steps to the side of Flint, looking all thetown in the eye, one by one before he speaks. “Tati has not had an easy life.From now onwards, I expect this town to watch out for her. If you see anyBlackshadow Pack, you will make sure they do not see Tati, they do not hearabout her. You all know nothing about her.” Lykos looks at Fragina, Jax, andthe other five sitting with them. “If you so much as cause a single issue forTati, I will invoke the ‘old way’, and I don’t care who you are.”