Murmurs run through the townspeople, but when Ms. Brendastands everyone turns to listen. She is the oldest person in town. She’s livedhere the longest and although she constantly moans about something, everyonerespects her because she has helped everyone in the town, in one way oranother. That is what Lykos told me when I asked about Ms. Brenda.
Ms. Brenda turns to Fragina and her cronies, speakingquietly, but in a firm manner. “When your mother came here, she was already inpup with you. Each of the townspeople helped her. We made sure her pupsurvived. We made sure she survived, gave her a house, a job, and even the foodshe ate. We nurtured you as you grew into a young woman, and we held you whenyour mother died. What we won’t do is protect you if you betray one of us. Weare all rogues, all we have is ourselves at the end of the day. But what holdsus together is the trust we laid down for each other, and the hope one day we’dbe pack. If you betray Tatiana you betray us all, and I’ll be the first to tearyou apart in the ‘old way’.”
Fragina is looking down, but people are not happy that she’snot had the grace to look Ms. Brenda in the eye. It’s not gone unnoticed thatMs. Brenda has curled her lip and her wolf Peg has come to the front, and weall see that with the change from brown to green eyes.
Ms. Brenda looks at Jax and the others. “That goes for youall, and Jax, your father is back from the forest tomorrow and I’ll be sure heknows what you’ve been up to.”
Jax does look at Ms. Brenda and it’s noticeable he takes ahard swallow, but he gives a nod of acknowledgment, which seems to satisfy Ms.Brenda as she retakes her seat.
Flint speaks again. “Does anyone have any comments worthnoting from what’s been said so far?”
Drake stands and looks around the room, then speaks. “I’dlike to welcome Tatiana Winterstorm to the town, and hope she’ll settle in andlike being here, but above all, I welcome you as a daughter to Lykos and AkelaGreyfoot.”
A warm rush of congratulations, and pleasure to meet you areheard around the room and some give me a small wave, but the one that catchesmy attention is Brod, who is waving madly and has the largest smile on hisface.
Once the room has settled Flint continues. “Onto my next topic.I’m going over to the Blackshadow Pack tomorrow. I’ll go alone, but if I don’treturn in a week, I want you to report me missing to the shifter council. I’llprobably be stirring up some feelings with the Alpha of the pack, but how he’llreact is anyone’s guess. I need to see how corrupt the pack is and if any ofthem are worth saving.
“I’ll call Thomas and Lykos in a few days to check in if youlike. Let them know I’m well. But I want you all to be alert, make sure if anyBlackshadow shows up, you are guarded. If necessary, I’ll call a closure of therogue border, which means any pack member of the four surrounding packs wouldbe classed as breaking the shifter council's orders.
“Now, get home everyone, stay safe, and watch out for eachother. I’ll be back in a week, then we’ll all meet again.”
People are talking loudly with each other as they leave thetown hall, but I notice Fragina is giving me a nasty look as she looks over hershoulder before stepping out the doors.
She’s trouble. We need to watch her. I’ll kill her ifneeded. Shaking my head at Ebony and her bloodthirsty comment.
“Come on, Tati, let's get home and get the animals beddeddown. We need to eat as it’s getting late and it’ll soon be time to get up atthis rate.” Akela grumbles as she grabs my arms, tucks it over hers, andmarches us both out of the town hall with Lykos and Flint behind us, speakingquietly together.
“What do you think will happen with Fragina and Jax?” I askas we walk.
“They’ll either step into line or they’ll have two options,one being fight you to the death, or they’ll have to face the ‘old way’, and aswe’ve already mentioned this a few times, they know that’s what we will callfor. I think when Jax’s father gets back he’ll pull him into line. He’s neverliked Fragina and he’ll not allow Jax to mate with her, especially when Jax’smate is still out there somewhere.”
Nodding to Akela, I can’t imagine what it would be like tofind your mate, but if it’s anyone like Connell, I’d rather not know, anyway.“We’ll have to see when he gets home. But I don’t get the feeling that Jax isall bad. It’ll be interesting to see what develops over the next few weeks, ormonths.”
“Come on, I’ll race you,” Akela states before taking fulladvantage of the fact I’m not ready and running like the hounds of hell areafter her. Laughing I launch myself into a run and do my best to catch her, butI can hear Flint and Lykos grumbling about the silly woman playing games atthis time of night, but I also can hear their footsteps keeping pace with mine,which has me smirking.
Once back at the farmhouse we eat and retire to bed fairlyquickly. A shower and climbing into bed are welcomed, and I snuggle down,tucking the covers under my chin while sighing with happiness.
Chapter 8
Parking my motorcycle outside the Blackshadow packhouse has meimmediately noticing the state of disrepair the garden and the outside of thehouse is in. Now, this is not something we expect to see as shifter council members.We expect the pack house and grounds to be kept in good condition, so all thepack can be proud of where they belong.
Placing my leather jacket on top of the bike seat, I watchand notice people are walking past, but not one person has attempted toapproach to see if I’m friend or foe. This is unheard of in a pack, and evenentering the territory and riding through the town to the packhouse, I didn’tsee a single warrior patrolling. Something is very wrong in this pack.
Stepping towards the house, I flick my eyes over the frontof the building. Vines are growing upwards, weaving between the windows. Thatis something that should never happen as it leaves the house vulnerable if itcomes under attack. It’s easy for a shifter to climb vines, leaving an easyentrance from any window, open or not.
Walking through the door and into the large open hallreminds me of a run-down mansion. A large staircase rises through the center ofthe room and doors lead to the right and left.
Hearing voices, I walk towards the door on the right,carefully maintaining all my senses. Something is wrong! Something is wrong!I hear Bruno, my wolf, say, and I can’t say I disagree with him. ‘Keepalert. We can’t afford to be caught on the back foot.’ In my mind I see Brunodrop his head slightly, but his ears have tipped up fully, twisting as helistens.
Stepping to the doorway, I see a group of four shifters: twowith feet on a table, and the other two with heads back and eyes closed. Now,this looks to be a dining room, with tables and chairs laid around. But theplace is a mess, dirty dishes are still on tables, not been swept for a whileif the floor is anything to go by. I can feel my temper rising and so do thefour as they shoot to their feet and turn to me, baring their teeth.
“It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think? I’ve ridden allthe way through your territory, walked into the packhouse, and not once have Ibeen challenged. Where the fuck are the warriors that are supposed to bepatrolling and watching the territory and, particularly, the road that runsthrough?” I snarl, allowing my dominance to seep out, taking these by surprise,I’m sure.
“Who are you?” The one nearest to me asks, but I notice hehas his head down and tipped showing me the respect I’m due.
“My name is Flint Sable. I am from the shifter council, andat the moment, not very happy.” Watching the shock and worry cross their facesreiterates things are not right with the pack.