Page 113 of Kingdom of Wolves

“One female was thrown out of the town when I first camehere, and I saw her when we had our skirmish with the rogues. I think she couldbe a ringleader. If she is, then you can bet we need to watch Jax, as he was agood friend of hers.” Tati looks from me to Lyle.

“I think all will be revealed in time, but I agree we’llhave to watch Jax. He’s on warrior patrols, but I’ll speak to both my Betas andhave them watch him more closely. Now come on, let’s go celebrate.” Wrapping anarm around Tati as I head for the door.

Behind the packhouse there are long tables with every foodyou can imagine, kegs of ale, and an area where a music system is ready to playfor dancing a little later.

Dining type tables and chairs are dotted around and theshifter council is sitting together drinking and talking, but looks thoroughlyrelaxed. The advisors are next to the council members and are being included inthe conversations. They look as though they are having a good time.

Walking around with my arm around Tati, I keep giving her aquick kiss and squeezing her so she’s close to my body. She knows I’m beingpossessive, but she finds it amusing, as I can feel it throughout the bondlink.

Brod rushes over carrying a huge plate of food and Tatigiggles before looking up at me and stating. “He’s never going to eat allthat.”

“I am. I’m a growing warrior. Need my strength and Arrow ishuge. He needs plenty of fuel.” Brod laughs.

Taking the opportunity that has been presented, I broach theborder issue. “Brod, you have been doing too many patrols on the north and eastborders. I’ve spoken to the Betas and I want you to do more on the west andsouth. Now when you do the south border, please keep your eyes peeled foranyone entering that is not here to use the shops in town. They use the shopsregularly and I don’t want to stop that, but I want to stop any that say theyare, then go back to the pack with nothing to show for the visit.”

“You think some are coming to spy?” Brod has a chicken leghalfway to his mouth, with his eyes wide. I can have him thinking I wantsomething special from him, which will stop any feeling that he’s being demotedfrom another border.

“I don’t know, but if you can observe, I’m sure you’ll pickup anything wrong. You’ll run the west border too, but the Eclipse Pack doesn’tcause us trouble, so that’s a relaxing rotation at the moment.”

I can see Tati out of my eye corner and she’s totally awareI’m bullshitting Brod to keep him away from the most dangerous areas. I’m sureI’ll get rewarded for that later. I throw a line of lust through our bond andwhen I see her become flush, I know she felt it.

“I will do that Alpha Gabriel.” Brod responds with suchseriousness that I know he’s going to be one hell of a pack member and mate.Before we can say more Summer shouts to Brod and he hurries over to his mother,leaving Tati laughing.

"He’s growing up so fast. I’m so happy that I have himin my life.”

“I know you are, and he’s lucky to have you too.” Kissingher quickly while I have her alone.

The music and dancing have started, and everyone appears tobe having a good time. We’ll be having a pack run in a while, something I’mintroducing that we do every month. Enjoy the run, but the bond we can createbetween pack and wolf is vital if we are going to have a committed packmembership.

Phoenix feels trouble coming in the future. A war is brewingand the unity of the packs will be needed. Alpha Blueblood is speaking of usall, holding meetings where all the Alpha’s can get together and update onhappenings. I think it could be a good idea, but we need to make sure we haveno rogue spies in our packs for it to work efficiently.

“Time for a toast.” Picking up a glass of water for me andTati. Neither of us drinks the ale so water and soda have been provided. Thepups feel included too when they see the Alpha and Luna drinking wateralongside them.

Shutting the music off, everyone turns to look and I smile,holding Tati close to my side. “Welcome to the Wolfsfoot Pack, everyone.” Thearea explodes with cheers and applause, and holding my hand up to quieten them,I continue. “This is our first pack run, and I hope we can do this once amonth. I want to see no pushing, shoving, or bullying from you pups. If I catchor am told about any of that, you will be punished, and not just by yourparents.”

Before I can comment on anything else, Drake and Carolinaappear, and as we’ve not seen them up to now, we turn to look at them. Seeingthe huge smile on Carolina’s face, and the blank look on Drakes, I’m about toask what’s going on when the scent hits the pack. Every member of the packturns to look at them both, and the sound of everyone taking a deep breath hasCarolina blushing the brightest of red. As one, the pack exhales and state,‘Pup’, and the applause explodes once more. Carolina is pregnant with theirfirst pup and as all pregnant females will be watched closely and protected byeach pack member.

Tati squeals, runs over to Carolina and they are bothjumping up and down and squealing. I look at Drake and he has a ‘what can youdo’ look on his face. I can’t help the grin that appears on my face, but I needto move this along.

“PACK!” I shout, getting everyone’s attention. “Time to run,those that can run, shift.” I watch most of the pack shift, and smile at thosethat are staying with the pups and watching the feast until we get back. “Let’srun.”

I shift and feel Phoenix look over his shoulder to Ebony,who trots up beside me. Taking off in front of everyone, I lead the pack intothe forest and enjoy the run, feeling the pack bonding for the first time aswolves. Jumping onto a high rock, I watch as Tati jumps beside me. I lift myhead and howl, with every pack member with us here, the packhouse and theborder patrols joining in. Ahwooooo…

Phoenix pricks his ears and from afar can be heard the otherpacks joining our cry, letting the world know we are united for the future ofshifters and packs.

Ebony wraps herself around Phoenix’ neck, protecting hismost vulnerable part, showing her unconditional love and loyalty in front ofthe pack.
