“Let’s make our way to the nursery where Tati is helpingCarolina get ready for the opening. They are both very excited and Tiffany hasa pup and is helping, too. It’s a great thing for the pack as it leaves thefemales a choice to work, train or stay home. Something I feel is important, asthey shouldn’t have to feel their lives stop because they have pups.”
“It is a good thing, and I’m looking forward to seeing thenursery.”
The back door flies open and Brod rushes into the kitchen.“Hi Alpha Gabriel, I’m going to wash up then help my momma clean out the pigs.She can’t catch the rooster.” He laughs as he says the last before giving a nodto my father and rushing out of the kitchen crowing.
“Is he always like that?”
Chuckling while I respond. “Yeah, he’s always doing thingsat a hundred miles an hour. He’s Tati’s bestie and non-blood brother, wellthat’s what he tells everyone, and Goddess help anyone that hurts her whilehe’s around, me included.”
“Tatiana’s parents were good pack leaders. I never knew forsure if Alpha Torrance had arranged their deaths or I would have spoken to theshifter council. I know Tatiana will be an excellent Luna and will stand byyour side with no hesitation, no matter what comes your way. I’m very proud ofyou Alpha Gabriel, you are a better male than I hoped you would be, and abetter male than I’ve turned out to be.” Beta Goldman surprises me by sayingthat, and turning to look at him, he has a proud look on his face which softenssome of the bitterness I’ve been feeling towards him.
“I had a father who taught me well. Don’t run yourself downbecause you have tried to do what was told to be the best for the pack. Butwhat one thinks is good for the pack isn’t necessarily right, so you stand andspeak, not turn the other cheek.” My father isn’t a fool, and he knows I’mtalking about bringing back breeders and him falling into line.
Giving me a nod to show he understands, and the slight flushof color shows he’s embarrassed by the decision he’s previously made.
“Oh, when you become my second Beta, you’ll be known as BetaCarter and not Beta Goldman. So, get used to hearing your name.”
The look of shock on his face hearing I want him to useCarter instead of his surname has me chuckling as I make my way towards townand checking what Tatiana is doing.
Arriving at the nursery, I open the door and the first thingthat hits you is the laughter that is coming from the large room where the mainnursery activities will be held. Stepping to the door, I watch Tati, Carolinaand Tiffany, who are hanging bunting on the main wall.
The bunting has pups running along chasing rabbits. Cute iswhat it is and for a nursery it’s perfect. I step inside with my father behindme and Beta Thomas, who had caught up with us halfway into town.
Hearing the main door bang, we all turn to see Drake stormin, and after giving us a dirty look for leaving him behind, he walks over toCarolina and kisses her soundly. Shaking my head at him because who would havethought the surly man we had all heard of or known, would turn out to be such apossessive, and henpecked mate?
Tati giggles and walks over to me, wrapping her arms aroundmy waist and lifting her head for her kiss, which I gladly give her. Once Ibreak the kiss, I turn her towards my father, who I’m not sure if she hadnoticed or not.
“Tati, my father is leaving the Blackshadow Pack and joiningours. Do you have a problem with that at all?” I ask, kissing the top of herhead.
“No, I’ve never had a problem with Beta Goldman. He helpedme at times, and although I’m sure he tried to hide the fact, I saw it.” Tatigives my father a smile, and he again looks embarrassed that he’d been caughtout.
“I may have to teach you about being stealthy.” Laughing atthe shock on my father's face. “You seem to have a problem doing thingssneakily.”
Cursing low under his breath has all of us laughing at him.Tiffany, I notice, is trying to continue hanging the bunting, but when theladder wobbles, Drake grabs hold of it and shakes his head.
“Get down, Tiffany, and we’ll hang what you need doing. Youshould have called for a warrior, you all three should know better.” Drakestates and in a gruff voice which I can see has Carolina’s hackles rising.
“Hey, we can step up a ladder. Don’t start your male crapwith us. This is our nursery, and we’ll do what we want with it, and without awarrior hanging around all day.”
I look at Tati, who is grinning, then my father, who istrying not to smirk, but has to place his palm over his mouth. Me, I chuckle,and I don’t care if Drake doesn’t like it.
Drake grins when he hears us all laughing softly at him,then remembers what he’s doing and scowls. “Come on, let’s get over to thecouncil property and the warrior's office.” He snaps.
I grin because we’ve still got to find another name for thetown council property and it’s making it awkward, but we’ll think of something,I’m sure. The office for the warriors is being set up so they can find theirrotation and ask any advice they may need. Drake wasn’t happy about having anoffice, but he’ll get used to it.
Chapter 45
Gabe has been Alpha of our pack for nine months now andthings are happening with an efficiency that nobody expected, but has everyonebubbling with excitement.
The nursery has opened and is doing well. The pups lovebeing at the nursery and spending their time together. Any that show aggressionor signs of bullying are taken to one side and sorted out quietly, but quickly.The shy ones are encouraged to come forward and interact. Carolina is doing agreat job, and Tiffany is giving support that is making everything runsmoothly.
This morning I am going to look at the cottage withMaisy-Bell. The builders have said it’s finished, and I can’t wait to see it.Turning when the hallway door opens, I grin at Maisy-Bell. “Are you ready now?”
Maisy-Bell grins. “I am. I really can’t wait to have my ownplace. Not that being here has been hard, because it hasn’t, and I love you andAlpha Gabriel. But Brod needs a whipping when he starts his tricks.”
I can see by the look on Maisy-Bell’s face that she doesn’tmean it. She loves Brod as much as the rest of us. He’s had another birthdayand for seventeen he’s big, strong and going to be one heck of a good warrior.His fighting skills are as good as Thomas’ and they have bouts all the time, givingno quarter when they do.