Thomas is grinning at the antics while sipping at hiscoffee, giving me a nod of good morning.
“Wake up Alpha Gabe. We have training with Drake thismorning, and then the meeting regarding the border warriors.” Beta Thomas saysand gives a flick of his eyes to Brod.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Grinning when I see Brod’s ears perkup when hearing warriors mentioned, “You’ll be training with us this morning,Brod, so don’t overeat.”
Drake walks into the kitchen with Carolina behind him. Shesteps over to Tati quickly and kisses her cheek. They quickly get to talkingabout the nursery, which opens in a couple of days. The builders have done agreat job on that and have the plans drawn for the packhouse.
Walking over to Tati, I take hold of each side of her faceand kiss her fiercely, letting her know through our bond how much love I havefor her.
I can feel Phoenix rising to connect with Ebony and grinwhen I feel how connected they are. True bonded mates, and I know they would doanything for each other. Every time Phoenix and Ebony get together, they mate,can’t keep them apart, and although we don’t want to have any pups yet for awhile, it doesn’t stop these two.
‘Phoenix, calm down. You are not coming out to play withEbony now. Later I’ll let you out to run through the forest.’ I grin as I seein my mind's eye Phoenix turn in a circle two or three times before laying downwith his back to me.
“I’m going to walk to the nursery with Carolina, get therooms ready for the opening.” Tati states, then passes me a mug of coffee,which makes me step away from her, much to her amusement.
Thomas chuckles as he is realizing Tati is playing with me,and giggling with Carolina, who is trying desperately not to laugh. Drake isalso watching this play out, and for the first time since I’ve met him, he hasa slight lift in the corner of his mouth. I didn’t realize he could smile!
“We’ll be back to do a late meal, Gabe, but if you candouble check with the builders about the packhouse today, we may get moved intoit before the end of the year.” Tati leans into me, wrapping her arms around mywaist and lifting her face for the kiss she knows she’ll receive.
“I’ll speak to them today when I go to the advisor's office.I have them doing quite a few things to earn their keep.”
Drake walks out behind Carolina and catches her around herwaist before kissing her soundly, swatting her butt and watching her giggle andwalk away with Tati.
Turning, I smirk at Drake. “Come on, let’s get this trainingdone, then we can get to organizing the border patrol rotation.”
The next two hours are spent training alongside Drake,Thomas, Brod and a few others that have turned up to be pulverized by eachother. Two females have arrived to train and one is a human. I’ll not allowanyone to put down the humans in the pack. They are here and part of us, maybenot shifters, but they are still a vital part of the pack.
Drake and Thomas are throwing hits at each other, and I’mnot sure how far these two will go with this, so I quickly step up, separatethem, and lead Thomas over to Brod. “I want you to evaluate Brod for upgradingto warrior patrol. He is coming up seventeen, and he’s a good fighter. We canuse him alongside an experienced patrol warrior.”
I stand and wipe the sweat off my forehead but spin my headwhen I get the scent on the breeze of my father. Now that is a surprise,because he hasn’t contacted me of late and had not informed me, he was comingover to the pack. I’ll have to speak to the border warrior about allowingpeople into the territory now we are a pack and not a town.
“Alpha Gabriel. I’m sorry to invite myself over withoutprior warning. I found myself with a day free and took the opportunity to seeyou. Do you think you can find a while to speak with me?” Beta Goldman asks,and I don’t like the fact I think of him like that and not my sire, or father,as I used to.
“Drake, Beta Thomas, keep things moving for another thirtyminutes, then call it a day.” Thomas nods, then continues to fight with Brod,who looks fierce and determined.
“Come on, let’s get a drink.” Walking to the farmhouse andentering the kitchen. “Do you want to make yourself at home and make the drinksand I’ll quickly shower?”
“Of course, I can do that.”
I leave my father to make himself at home while I freshen upand dress in comfortable pants and a button-down shirt. Brushing my fingersthrough my short hair, I quickly make my way back to the kitchen, where I takea seat at the bench and pick up the chamomile tea.
After drinking a few mouthfuls, I turn to my father and askthe obvious question. "Why are you here?”
“You know I wanted to retire, and that I hoped you wouldtake over that position. Well, I’ve decided to retire, and join your pack. Takethings a little easier and help wherever I can. That is, if you will allow meto join you.”
Now that has taken me by surprise and I sit looking at him,trying to work out how serious he is, but from the look on his face he isdeadly serious.
“Will Alpha Connell allow you to leave? You are his Beta.”
Rubbing his hands together, then picking his mug back up totake a sip before replying. “To be truthful, I don’t really care. I’ve hadenough of that pack. I want to come here, work alongside you and Tatiana, tocreate something good. Something we can leave behind when we go to the packlands in the sky, and to be proud, we did it.”
“Okay, I’m happy for you to join the pack. Thomas is myBeta, and Drake is my Delta, but we call him Chief Drake. I can rank you as mysecond Beta, but you will be under Thomas if that would suit you?” I can seethe relief cross quickly across my father’s face, but I don’t comment becauseI’d like to rebuild my relationship with him, although it will take time. “Howdo you want to go about this?”
“I’ll go back to speak to Alpha Connell and ask him to allowme the transfer to this pack. If he won’t then I’ll reject him and the packbefore coming here and giving my allegiance to the Wolfsfoot Pack and you as myAlpha.”
“Okay. Will you stay overnight, see Tati, and meet some ofthe pack members?”
“Yes, I’d like that. I’ve always liked Tatiana, and I triedto buffer some of the verbal abuse she had to suffer. I couldn’t be around allthe time, but I stopped what I could, when I could.”