Page 100 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Why were you in no-man’s-land as a rogue?” Thomas asks.

“My mate died, and I left the northern parklands. Traveledwherever I wandered, as I had no destination in mind. I ended up here not bychoice, but by chance. I never meant to be a rogue, but I can sense I’m turningferal unless I join a pack. But what pack would take a rogue?”

“Our pack would do that if you were good for the pack. Ifyou had something to offer.” I state and hope that Alpha Connell would agreewith that. “Come on, we need you to speak to our Alpha, as he needs to know wehave a traitor in the pack.”

In the warrior's office, Brian is now clean and full aftereating a huge meal Dahlia provided. We wait for Alpha Connell to arrive. I cansee he’s worried and still frightened, but not as much as he was when I firstfound him.

Alpha Connell walks into the office, closing the door behindhim. He gives Brian a close look, then takes a seat behind one of the two desksand states. “Tell me everything.”

Brian informs Alpha Connell of Bellamy’s treachery and I cansee the anger and the hurt his previous friend has caused. Looking at me, Iknow what he’s asking without speaking and I give him a shake of the head. Wehave looked but have not found Bellamy or Jackson anywhere on the traininggrounds where they were supposed to be, or in the packhouse.

“What can you bring to a pack? Convince me to give you aplace in my pack.” Alpha Connell asks Brian.

“Before my mate died, I was a hunter, but I also made surethe area of my pack was maintained for the animals, so a forestry manager too.I provided the pack with the meat they needed for the packhouse kitchen, andthe Alpha stopped anyone else hunting as the area was being cleared of allprey.” Brian looks at his hands before speaking again. “I would use the skinsof the animals to make whatever I could for the pack. But if I'm honest, Idon’t want to do that anymore. I would be happy to work wherever you need me.”

Alpha Connell rubs his thumb and index finger on his chin,then turns to me and Iona, who has just walked into the office. “Iona, I’mgoing to allow Brian to find something he can offer the pack. If you take himunder your wing and be responsible for him, then okay, if not he’s going tohave to leave. I’ll give you two weeks to find something for him to do here andif it works, I’ll allow him pack membership.”

Iona nods. “Yes Alpha, we’ll find something for Brian andI’ll find him a room. Is he alright to be on his own or does he need atwenty-four-seven guard?”

Alpha Connell studies Brian and must come to a conclusionwhen he nods before responding. “No, allow Brian free movement, but he has topresent himself to you in the morning and stay with you during the day anduntil the last meal.”

In other words, Iona will be with him from getting up tonearly going back to bed. But it doesn’t worry Brian. He tips his head to theside, showing respect.

When Iona and Brian have left the office Alpha Connell rubshis hands together. “So, Gabriel, where the hell are Bellamy and Jackson? Ihave not felt the pack link break, so they have not as yet left the pack andjoined another or become rogues.”

“We are still looking for them. We even tried checking ifEvangeline was missing, but she was in the kitchen up to her chin in dishes.Dahlia has her in the big sink and stands over her to ensure she works all daylong.” Chuckling at the memory of Dahlia dunking Evangeline when she startedback talking. I’ve never seen her do that, not even when she was watchingTatiana.

“Okay, we need to find them. But if I feel them leave thepack, I’ll want them caught and answering for their treachery. Keep looking andlet me know what you find out or if you find them.”

“Yes, Alpha Connell.”

Once Alpha Connell has left the office, I take a seat andthink about why Bellamy would betray his Alpha and friend. He was never a nicemale, not even when he was a pup, but to do this is the worst kind of betrayal.This could mean his death once he’s found, Jackson’s as well.



The months have flown by and Drake has been missing fromtraining sessions with his preoccupation with his mate, Carolina. I don’t havea problem with that, as I like Carolina, and she is good for Drake.

Brod is spending a lot of time with me at the farmhouse, andhis parents, Adam and Summer, are helping me with the farm. They are goodpeople, and the more I get to know them, the more I think of them as my family.

Poppa Lykos and Momma Akela keep in touch by calling everyfew days. But I know they are busy with the council, and the few minutes wespeak are not the same as being with them when we all lived here on the farm.

Flint arrived yesterday and informed me that the inheritancefrom my parents and grandparents will be released by the shifter council.Asking why they had my inheritance he looks somewhat embarrassed, then tells methat my parents wanted to make sure if anything happened to them, I would getthe inheritance, and no one could claim it except myself.

Two days and I’ll be eighteen. I have made the decision thatthe town will become a pack, and I gave Flint the order to start the processwith the shifter council. It will take two weeks to have all the paperworkready to sign, and the blood oath completed.

The thought of the blood oath has me a little squeamish, butwith my fast healing thanks to Ebony, the cut on my palm won’t irritate me forlong. The shifter council will arrive to do the ceremony, and I’m lookingforward to seeing Poppa and Momma when they all arrive.

Clearing away the breakfast dishes, I turn to pick up myphone when I hear it vibrating. Not recognizing the number, I’m a little waryto answer, but Ebony urges me to take the call.

“Hello?” I answer in a questioning manner because the lastthing I want is anyone from the Blackshadow Pack calling me.

“Hi, Tatiana, this is Maisy-Bell calling.”

Maisy-Bell from the Blood Pearl Pack. Now why on earth wouldshe call me?

“Hello Maisy-Bell. What can I do for you?”