But I sent my email.
And now I’ve just got to… “Have some faith,” I murmur, willing my heart to believe it.
My phone starts buzzing with texts.
It’s Ethan, checking up on me.
I smile and decide to be a good boy and call rather than doing the whole texting/driving thing.
“Hey, man.” Ethan’s voice is upbeat.
“Put him on speaker,” Mick chirps in the background.
Ethan does as he’s told, and soon a chorus of greetings is reaching me.
I grin. “Hey guys.”
“Where you at, brother?” Casey asks me.
“I’m just heading home. Should be there by Friday. You guys gonna be around, or do you have an away game?”
“Home game this weekend,” Liam calls. “You should come.”
“Yeah, I will, man. For sure.” My voice sounds brighter. I can hear it, and it makes me smile to realize how much I’ve been subconsciously missing my friends.
“So… uh… how are you doing?”
Trust Lani to cut through the bullshit and get straight to the point.
I sigh and struggle to know what to say.
“Baxter?” Rachel’s voice sounds farther away but then gets closer. “You still there?”
“Yeah, just trying to figure out how to answer Lani’s question.”
“You don’t have to, man,” Asher assures me, and then I hear a soft “Ow. Well, he doesn’t.”
“You’re not helping,” Lani argues. “He needs to learn to talk about his feelings. Don’t give him an easy out.”
“Says the woman who is allergic to conversations like this.”
“I am getting way better, okay? And you know how I’ve gotten better?” Her voice gets sharp and snappy. “Because assholes like you make me talk about my feelings!”
Asher chuckles, his voice getting low and husky. “I only do it ’cuz I love you, boo.”
“Exactly. And we all love Baxter, so talk, big man. What are you feeling right now?”
I laugh. “Amusement at listening to you two fight over how great you are for each other.”
Mick snorts. “He’s got you there. You two are ridiculous. Seriously, you guys can argue over an agreement.”
“Takes one to know one.” I can picture Lani’s eyes bulging. “You and Ethan are the worst! You’re constantly bickering.”
“Yeah, but in that cute, fun, playful, couple goals kind of way.”
Ethan laughs. “It’s just so impossibly hard not to tease her when she’s such a cute lil’ mouse.”
“Would you stop booping me on the nose!”