Page 115 of The Only Goal

I hear a raucous laugh and then a clatter. I can only assume that Mick has somehow launched herself at Ethan, and they are no doubt wrestling on the floor or something.

Rachel starts laughing. “You guys! Baxter!”

“Oh yeah,” Ethan calls from farther away. “We’re here for you, man.” Mick lets out a squeal, and he keeps talking like he’s not tickle-torturing her or whatever he’s doing. “How you holding up?”

“I’m okay.”

I’m about to wait out their play fight, but then Lani’s in my ear again. “Have you heard from Tammy?”

“No.” I shake my head.

“She keeps calling to check in on you,” Rachel tells me.

My stomach pinches with… what? Hope?

“I think she’s really worried about you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m worried about her too. She shouldn’t have gone back to that douche nugget.”

“Preach it!” Casey shouts.

“So, what are you going to do about it, then?” Lani asks.

“Well, I… sent her an email. Telling her what I think and how I feel and…”

“You told her how you feel?” Rachel’s voice is bright with enthusiasm. “Yay you!”

“Thanks, yeah…” I chuckle. “I guess I just have to wait to hear back from her.”

“You should go get her,” Ethan interjects.

“I can’t just rock up on her doorstep.”

“Why not?” Mick asks.

“Well, because… she’s married.”

“To the wrong guy.”

“Yeah, but… it’s her choice what she wants to do. I’ve told her I’ll be there for her no matter what she decides. If she wants to stay with him, then I can’t go breaking up a happy home.”

“As long as it’s happy, I get that…” Lani sighs. “But Bax… do you really think she’s happy?”

“No.” I check my mirrors, then change lanes. “Although I don’t know if that’s me just wishing she wasn’t so she could have a good excuse to leave and be with me. But?—”

“No buts,” Liam cuts me off. “You didn’t see it because you were too busy being in the moment, but I’m telling you, man. You two have that thing.”

“What thing?”

“That soulmate thing. That perfect vibe. I say you go get your girl.”

I grip the wheel, an adrenaline surge pumping through me at the very idea of that.

“What if he shows up and she’s like ‘No, thanks.’ Won’t that be more painful?” Caroline asks. “I mean, the romantic in me is saying go for it, Bax. Seriously, I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I just… I hate the idea of you getting more hurt over this, you know?”

“Yeah, I hear ya.” I nod. “I appreciate that. Thanks.”

“If he shows up and she says no, then he comes home, but at least he has closure.” Liam’s head must be turned toward Caroline or something, because his words aren’t as clear, but I can still hear them.