If she’d ever apologized to Julie before.
“You are?” she managed to ask, feeling more than a little dazed. “For what?”
Her mother’s lips tightened, her voice lowering just in case anyone might overhear, even though everyone was paying attention to their own conversations.
“I’m sorry for inviting John today. I…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked away. Her expression was blank, but she seemed maybe, just a little, ashamed. “Your Connor seems very nice. Your father likes him a lot.”
Connor was nice. Or at least he was putting in a lot of effort to be nice. It was a different show than the kind John put on to impress people, but… was it a show? That’s what she couldn’t figure out, and she didn’t feel as if she could trust her gut right now.
It burned her gut that she couldn’t just enjoy hearing her mother say this. That Connor had to perform like he was in a circus to get her parents to approve of him. On top of the fact he shouldn’t have to perform, her parents should just be happy for her and who she brought over, and she should have gotten this apology a long time ago, but only got it now because she’d brought a replacement for John, and it turned out her parents liked him…
There was not enough void, and she could not go scream into it right now, even if there was, but she felt like she was about to explode. Every single thing that happened was another shake, another jostle, and when she finally did get to release, she was going to spray everywhere and all over everything.
Which was why she smiled instead of exploding like a soda all over her mom and the rest of her family.
“Thanks, Mom.” They were the only words she could get out, but thankfully, her mom didn’t push her for more.
“A very nice boy.” Her mom said, nodding approvingly as she turned to look at the backyard, frowning when she looked over at John. “He is a very important man, but I am starting to think he is more important in his head than anywhere else.”
Great mom. Thanks for noticing.
It had only taken bringing another man around to get there.
Julie was getting a headache.
Something was wrong with Julie.
At first, he’d thought it was the presence of her ex, but after John finally left—called in for a consult at work, which he announced very loudly before leaving—she didn’t seem any less tense. If anything, she seemed more so. But he wasn’t sure what to do about it, especially as people started leaving, and he started helping her parents clean up.
He wasn’t sure what the problem was.
Her family liked him, as far as he could tell. Her dad seemed like he was approving. Even her mom was thawing out toward him.
But Julie was stiff and cold toward everyone, including him. Which didn’t seem very fair after he’d spent the afternoon doing his best to charm her family. He wasn’t a natural extrovert, though he knew how to handle himself in social situations, and he knew he was going to be extra tired after this. He’d put on his work face for her family, on his day off, and now he was tempted to call in sick tomorrow just to get some rest.
He already knew he wouldn’t do that—it wouldn’t be fair to his coworkers or his patients since he wasn’t actually sick—but that he felt the temptation meant something. Of course, he hadn’t realized exactly how many family members she would have here today, or he might have been more prepared.
“It was very nice to meet you, Connor,” her dad said, shaking his hand again as he escorted them to the door.
“Nice to meet you,” her mom echoed. There was still a look in her eyes that made Connor think he was being weighed, judged, but not in a mean or malicious way. It was just that her mom hadn’t fully decided whether or not she approved. That was the sense Connor got.
“It was nice to meet you. Thank you so much for having me,” he said with a grin.
Julie slipped out the door past him, her gait slightly stiff.
“Bye,” she said as she moved past her parents.
“Goodbye Julie,” her dad called after her.
“I’ll call you, Julie,” her mom said right on top of him, raising her voice to make sure Julie would be able to hear her.
Connor grimaced. That had been rude. He gave them an apologetic wave and hurried after Julie, catching up to her halfway to his car.