“Hey, what was that about?” he asked, frowning down at her as he took her hand, trying to figure out what the problem was. As far as he could see, there shouldn’t be a problem.
“What was what about?”
The belligerent tone of her voice meant something was really really off, which made him feel even more exasperated.
“The way… the way you’re being right now.” He wasn’t sure how to describe it in a manner that wouldn’t make her even more angry. Part of him was already cringing internally, not knowing how she would react to his questioning. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Did your parents say something?”
Rather than answering him, Julie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Despite his impatience for an answer, Connor made himself hold back his questions. Whatever was going on with her, she was struggling with it, and if she needed a moment, he could give her that, even though it was hard for him to wait when he couldn’t even imagine what the problem was.
Opening her eyes, she gave her head a shake. She was just as tense as she had been before she took her breath. His stomach churned, wondering what the hell was going on.
“I can’t talk about this right now.” Turning away from him, she put her hand on the car door handle. “Let’s just go.”
“Was it me? Was it something I did?” His mind shot back to the afternoon. Had he done something she didn’t approve of? Had he accidentally flirted with someone? Been rude to someone? Had her parents said something to her about him? Maybe they’d only been friendly to his face.
Had John said something to her?
“Connor, I can’t talk about this right now. Let’s just get in the car and go, please.” Despite the ‘please,’ her words came out clipped and angry, and it felt like the anger was directed at him.
His own frustration was starting to bubble up. He was tired after an afternoon of socializing with people he didn’t know and doing his best to make a good impression on everyone, and he didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this.
He'd expected praise. Gratitude. Maybe even a reward.
Not… whatever this was.
“Sorry,” he said, though he was having trouble feeling like he meant it. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he started walking around the car. “I just wanted to know if I did something. I thought the afternoon went well.”
He could hear the edge in his voice. He hadn’t exactly meant for it to be there, but at the same time, he wanted her to know that he was annoyed, too. A few minutes ago, he’d been really happy, thinking everything had gone well, but she wasn’t acting like it had, and now, she wasn’t talking to him about what was wrong either.
It hurt.
On multiple levels.
Something tickled his awareness, and he looked up, looking across the top of the car to see Julie on the other side of it. Since she was standing on the grass, just past the curb, she was tall enough that he could see her face. It was paler than usual, tight with emotion, and her eyes glittered, nostrils flaring as she took in another deep breath through them.
“You know what, I can’t do this right now. I will call you later.” Turning away from him, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started typing into it.
“Julie… what… I just asked a simple question.” Frustrated, Connor glanced around, trying to keep his voice down. Some of her family were still leaving, heading to the cars lined up along the street. None of them were within hearing, but they would definitely see if he left without her. Now, it was his turn to take a deep breath. “Just… get in the car, okay? We can talk about it later.”
“You know what, Connor? Not everything has to be done on your timetable. I get a say in when I want to do things.”
“Hey, we did today on your timetable.” He pointed his finger at her. “You invited me here today, remember? I didn’t ask to be invited or push to meet your family. I’m here because you asked me to be.”
“I’m aware of that, Connor.” She was looking away from him again, though, down the street like she was waiting for a ride.
Dammit. Some of her family were starting to look over at them. Thankfully, not Sandra and Terry, they’d already left, but he felt like there was probably a good chance that she’d hear about this eventually, and he was going to have to explain what happened. Even though right now, he wasn’t sure what was happening. If she didn’t get in the car with him, it was going to be really obvious that something was wrong, undoing all the effort he’d put in today.
He didn’t want her family thinking she was scared to get in the car with him, even though they were having a fight.
He’d never hurt her, but he knew what it would look like if they argued. She was half his size. What would they all think if she went home separately just because they were having a disagreement?
And he didn’t even know what their disagreement was about, other than the fact she wouldn’t talk to him. Which he really didn’t understand why.
“Just get in the car, please, Julie. Your family is starting to look at us. I think your parents are watching.”
It was the wrong thing to say. Her head snapped around, gaze pinning him with a fiery glare.
“Oh, well, by all means, let’s pretend everything’s fine then since my parents are watching. I shouldn’t get what I’ve asked for because my parents are watching. God forbid, I get a minute to think or get to make a decision about what I need, just so that you can make sure my parents like you.” Her voice rose higher and higher with every sentence until she was shouting at him across the top of the car.