“Mom!” Julie rushed forward, her gaze scanning over her mother. Other than the sling, she looked like she always did. Her hair was dyed black, so not a single strand of grey showed, but the wrinkles on her face gave away some of her age. She still looked years younger than the sixty-five she’d turned on her last birthday, which was how it was with most of Julie’s family. Her mom liked to joke that Asians didn’t age until all of the sudden, they did, usually overnight. With her long hair up in a bun, she was wearing neatly pressed beige pants and an orange silky blouse, even though it was a Saturday. No casual clothes for her mom. “What happened to your arm?”
“Nothing.” Her mom huffed. “At least nothing I know of. My shoulder has been sore for a while, so I’m trying not to move it around and make it worse.”
“How long is ‘a while’?” Julie demanded to know.
“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t keep track.” Her mother waved the hand holding the instructions at her. “That’s not why I called you over, though. Your dad needs help lifting the TV. I can’t do it.”
But she’d probably tried.
Gritting her teeth, Julie closed her eyes for a brief moment, sending up a prayer for patience. When she opened her eyes, her dad was looking up at her with a slightly guilty expression. Probably because he hadn’t been able to stop her mom from trying.
“Right. Got it.” Julie kept her sigh inside. Her parents were who they were, and they weren’t going to change. All she could do was try to set reasonable boundaries with them, and convincing her mom not to overdo certain things wasn’t within her power.
Plus, if she didn’t help, her mom was likely to try again and injure herself.
Or, worse, call Julie’s ex to come over and help.
Crouching, Julie helped her dad pick up the television. The good news was it was going where a picture of Julie and John’s wedding had formerly hung. Part of her was happy to see it gone, but she was trying not to get too hopeful because there was always the chance her mom was just moving it to a more prominent position somewhere else in the house.
“Oh, careful… yes… right there…” Even though she couldn’t be part of the actual lifting, her mom was determined to be involved. “Good! Ow.” Her mom had tried to clap her hands together, apparently forgetting that her shoulder was sore.
Pressing her lips together in amusement—because it was better to be amused than annoyed when she could direct her emotions—Julie held the TV in place while her dad got it secured to the mount.
“I think that’s good. Come look at it.”
Julie and her dad dutifully moved over to stand beside her mom to take a look at their work. It looked good to Julie, but she wasn’t going to be the one watching it.
“So, why a television in here?” she asked, hoping her mom would also tell her where the huge, framed wedding picture it was replacing was being moved to without having to ask directly.
“This way, we can watch TV and the bird feeders at the same time,” her mom replied. “And your dad can keep an eye on the squirrels.”
Ah. Her dad had a long-standing feud with the neighborhood squirrels. He liked birds. He didn’t mind squirrels, as long as they weren’t ‘stealing’ food from the birds.
“I got a new birdfeeder, too,” her dad said, stepping around to where Julie could see him and pointing out the window into the backyard. “This way, I’ll be able to watch and see how well it works.”
She looked out the window at the birdfeeder in question. It was in the middle of the yard on a post, what looked like a giant dish attached about four feet up from the ground.
“I take it that’s an anti-squirrel birdfeeder?” she asked dryly.
“Exactly.” Her father beamed at her, and she shook her head even as she smiled back. He looked so proud of himself. Only a few inches taller than her and her mother, he had embraced aging and let his hair start to go grey. He was also losing some of it on top of his head, but there was still enough that it couldn’t be truly called a comb-over. When he grinned, the wrinkles around the corners of his eyes were far more pronounced.
Damn. Her parents were getting older.
The resentment she’d felt about being pulled away from Connor vanished. She was glad she could come over and be the dutiful daughter. As much as they drove her crazy sometimes, she did love her parents and didn’t want them struggling with anything she could help with.
“Does it work so far?”
“I think so.” He turned to look out the window, tilting his head as he studied it. “I haven’t seen any squirrels make it to the feeder, but I want to watch just to be sure.”
“That’s why the television is in here,” her mom said, not exactly interrupting but interjecting fast enough that no one else would have been able to get a word in edgewise. “I can watch my shows, and your father can watch the birds. And squirrels.”
Shorthand for, her father had been watching the birdfeeder, anyway, and her mom didn’t like being alone on the other side of the house to watch her shows. Which was pretty cute. The cats would enjoy it, too, since they liked to be around her parents but also liked to watch the birds.
Before she could get too caught up in how cute her parents could be, the doorbell rang. Julie was turning to go to get it when she heard the door open, and she froze. While she could just walk into the house without compunction, there was only one other person who had ever done that. Even her parents’ siblings waited for the door to be answered.
“Sun?” John’s voice called out her mother’s name, pronounced more like ‘soon.’ Her freaking ex was here. “Daniel?”
Julie whirled back around to face her parents. Her father at least had the grace to look guilty before averting his gaze back to the backyard, but her mother’s face had lit up.