Talk about a hot session.
“That was…” His hoarse voice trailed off, as though he couldn’t find the words.
Julie tensed, then made herself relax. Just because he didn’t know what to say didn’t mean he was thinking anything bad. She lifted her head, propping her elbows on his chest so she could rest her head on her hands and look at him.
His hazel eyes were slightly glazed, darker than they normally looked—though it might just be the lighting. Lips parted, he was still panting slightly for breath. It probably didn’t help that she was lying on top of him, but she didn’t feel like moving yet. And he hadn’t complained.
He met her gaze.
“That was amazing.”
Relief rushed through her, and her lips curved in a slow smile.
“I’m so glad to hear that,” she said sincerely. It had been amazing for her, too. Just like their first date had been. Amazing enough that part of her was already wondering what she was getting herself into, but she pushed those thoughts to the side.
She didn’t know where they were going; that was the point. If she was falling a little faster than she was comfortable with… well, those were her emotions to deal with. Especially when it came to her emotions and the baggage she came with.
“Let’s get cleaned up.” Stretching forward, she brushed her lips over his in another kiss, making him sigh. But a good sigh. The sigh of a content man, a happy submissive.
The grin didn’t leave his face even when she left him there, still cuffed to the bed, to go clean up in the bathroom and get a cloth to wipe him down with. When he did get his arms free, he carefully wrapped them around her, snuggling her against him. She’d never been in quite this position before, on her back with a man literally wrapped around her while he rested his head on her chest, her legs draped over his.
He was on his side, one arm beneath him, the other curled over her body. Her feet dangled a few inches above the bed, thanks to how thick his thighs were. His groin was snugged up against her ass, but he was completely soft at the moment.
Julie played with his hair with her free hand, fighting back a yawn.
“Connor…” She trailed off as she was met with a light snore. He’d fallen asleep.
She could wake him. Probably should wake him. Spending the night together was intimate in a way she wasn’t sure they were ready for. They’d said they’d date, not jump right into a relationship.
She didn’t want to wake him up. Didn’t want to disengage from the way he was wrapped around her. Didn’t want the night to end.
So, she didn’t.
Even as she fell asleep, though, the thought lingered in her mind…
I hope I don’t regret this.
“Hey, Mom, I’m here.” Here and trying not to be grumpy about it. Julie took a deep breath as she closed her parents’ front door behind her. The cats had a tendency to try to escape out the door if it was left open.
Having to say a rushed goodbye to Connor before leaving Marquis had not been on her agenda this morning. She’d wanted to spend more time with him. Have breakfast with him. See where his head was after last night.
Instead, her mom had called, and she’d had to hurry away because her mom needed her help right now. No, she couldn’t explain over the phone. Just ‘get over here, Julie. I’m your parent, and I need you.’
Thankfully, Connor had been very understanding, although disappointed. He’d walked her to her car, and she’d gotten a very nice goodbye kiss before getting into it.
“Mom?” She raised her voice a little louder, walking down the hall. “Where are you?”
“We’re back here,” her father called from the sunroom.
Suppressing another sigh, Julie headed back. What did her mom need help with that her dad couldn’t take care of? When her mom had demanded she come over, she’d assumed her dad was out of the house for some reason.
Walking into the sunroom, she came to a dead stop. Her dad was kneeling on the floor, assembling what looked like a new television and wall mount, while her mom was standing beside him, holding the instructions in one hand. One hand because the other one was in a sling.