Page 18 of Secret Submission

Asad patted Connor on the back of his shoulder.

“You’re still like us. You’re kinky. We serve our subs. You serve… well, your mistress. Okay, that’s going to take some getting used to,” he admitted. “But it doesn’t really change who you are.”

“If you have any questions, let me know,” Q chimed in. “You can come join the cool club that these guys don’t get to be a part of.”

Frowning, Asad looked around Connor at Q.

“Cool club?”

“Yeah, you know…” Q grinned. “The pegging pack.”

“Oh my God, that is not what you call yourselves.” Sam put down her phone and shoved it away from her across the table with one hand, the other one coming up to cover her face as she groaned.

“Freddy came up with it,” Q insisted, grinning wider, even as he reached over to take Sam’s hand. “We’re talking about getting t-shirts. Only people who have been pegged get one.”

“I could get pegged if I wanted to.” Asad frowned. “You don’t have to be a sub to get pegged. And not all subs get pegged.”

“Know a lot of Doms who have been pegged, do you?” Q asked, raising his eyebrow.

“That doesn’t mean we couldn’t be.” Asad put his hands on his hips, looking highly affronted. “I did the course. I’ve been plugged.”

“Plugged isn’t pegged.”

Behind the counter, Law groaned and leaned forward, elbows braced on the counter, as he buried his head in his hands. Giggling, Iris scooted back around to his side of the island and patted him on the shoulder.

“I’ll peg you if you want, honey,” she said.

His head jerked up so fast, Connor was almost worried Law was going to need his services. But he didn’t seem to have hurt himself, or if he did, it was hidden under his epic glare.

“The fuck you will.”

“What’s wrong with getting pegged?”

“Nothing’s wrong with it, but we’re not doing it.”

“What if it was something I really wanted to try?” Iris asked so earnestly, it seemed to stop Law in his tracks. His mouth snapped shut, and a muscle worked in his jaw where he was clenching his teeth.

Rather than answering her, he turned toward Q and Asad, who were still arguing over whether Asad would actually go through with getting pegged.

“Would you two shut up?” Law threw more pieces of pepper at them, this time fast and hard enough that one of them bounced off of Asad’s forehead, which made Morgan start cracking up.

Chuckling, Connor ambled over to the other side of the kitchen table, out of the firing line, and sat down. An odd feeling of contentment stole over him as he watched his friends bicker like they always did, as if nothing had changed.

Because it hadn’t.

He still wondered what it would be like at the club when he was actually there with Mistress Julie or when people saw him submitting, but at least his closest friends had his back.

Whether or not Law had worked out that he’d played a part in Connor’s ability to be Julie’s secret admirer remained to be seen.



“Oh my God, Law, leave me alone!” Apparently, finding out one of his best friends was submissive meant that all of Law’s protective busybody ways had been transferred from her to Connor. She almost missed the days when he was freaking out about her secret admirer.

Sadly, she hadn’t even gotten the joy of seeing his reaction, though she’d laughed over Connor’s description of it—and laughed even harder when he’d told her about the pegging conversation. While it shouldn’t be funny because there was nothing at all wrong with being pegged or enjoying anal sex as a dominant, something about the idea of Iris pegging Law had cracked her up.

“I’m just asking what your plans are for tonight,” Law replied irritably, as if it were perfectly reasonable for one dominant to question another about an upcoming scene for no reason.