Page 19 of Secret Submission

“And I told you to mind your business. Twice now.” Putting her hands on her hips, she glared at him from across their desks, tapping her foot impatiently. Connor was going to be there soon, and she wanted to meet him for dinner—downstairs in Marquis’ main restaurant tonight. They were going to eat there, then go straight up to the room she’d reserved for them, skipping the show.

“You can’t blame me for being protective.” Law bristled. “Connor has never submitted before. He’s completely new to this. And he’s… well, sometimes, he’s not very good about speaking up for himself. If he was, he wouldn’t have hidden the fact he’s submissive for so long.”

It bothered Law, Julie suddenly realized, that Connor had kept that a secret. It wasn’t the secret admirer stuff, and Connor had already mentioned that Law didn’t seem to care that he’d used things Law had told him to send her gifts—it bothered Law that his friend hadn’t felt comfortable sharing his revelation. He didn’t like thinking that he’d made Connor feel like he couldn’t come to him.

So now, he was going overboard on the protectiveness, probably partially in a bid to show support to Connor. It was cute in a wildly frustrating way, which summed up Law as a person.

Julie decided to unbend. Just a little.

“We’re going to have dinner, then I’ve reserved the shoe room.” Also known as the foot fetish room. Julie didn’t have much of a foot fetish, but she had a bit of a shoe one… at least, when it came to trying on very cute, very pretty, or very expensive shoes. Since she didn’t know Connor’s preferences, and it had been the only room open for tonight, it seemed like a good enough place to start.

The rest of the room was well equipped for anyone who wasn’t into feet or shoes, including a queening throne if she felt so inclined. She’d also asked for one of the wooden frames she preferred when using the flogger to be moved into the room. Even though she hadn’t known Connor was submissive, she hadn’t been able to miss how often he’d shown up for her flogging demonstrations.

Was it because he wanted to be flogged?

She was going to find out tonight.

Law frowned.

“That’s all you have planned? Shoes? I don’t know if he’s into that.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake.

She frowned back at him fiercely enough, he had the sense to look abashed, averting his gaze after a short moment.

“I’m sure I can figure out what a submissive is interested in on my own, thank you, Master Law.” Heavy sarcasm laced her tone, making him shift uncomfortably. Especially when she called him Master Law since she wasn’t doing it to be deferential—they’d become good friends, and using the honorific was a way of verbally distancing herself from him and reminding him that he wasn’t above her.

“Sorry,” he muttered again.

“The overprotective mother-henning has to stop. If you want to go mother hen someone, go find Iris.” Not that Iris would take that well, either, but she’d respond by bratting, then Law could beat on her ass a little to get some of his anxiety out, and they’d both be happy. “Or I could go find Iris and give her some pointers about pegging.”

Law gaped at her.

It was a bit of a low blow, but at least it had the desired effect.

The phone on her desk rang, and she immediately picked it up, grateful for the distraction.


“Mistress Julie, your date is here.” Freddy practically trilled the words, obviously happy to be able to say them. A smile immediately tried to appear on her lips, which wasn’t going to help her intimidate Law, so she pushed it back.

“Thank you, Freddy, I’ll be right out.” Putting down the phone, she glared at Law, hands on her hips. “Connor is here. I’m going to my date. Any last words?”

The right answer was ‘no.’

He hesitated for a moment before sighing.

“Go have fun. Take care of him, okay?”

“I’ll make sure he has a great night,” Julie said firmly. She really hoped that whatever happened between her and Connor didn’t affect her friendship with Law. That was something she hadn’t really considered when Connor had revealed himself. Although Connor had been worried about his friendship, she’d assumed Law would understand that he needed to keep his nose out of their business.

Obviously, she’d assumed wrong.

Sighing, she made her way out of the office, letting her smile bloom on her face as she stepped into the lobby of Marquis. Connor was standing by the front desk, talking with Freddy and Tori, another submissive who sometimes worked the desk. Both of them were beaming at him, and he appeared relaxed, though he was smiling rather than the one talking. Which wasn’t surprising.

Tonight, he was wearing a nice pair of jeans that fit him like a glove and a button-down forest green shirt that looked like he might burst out of it if he flexed too hard. Julie appreciated the visual. The buttons weren’t straining across his chest, but the shirt certainly wasn’t loose, either.

It was a very different look from last week since they were eating downstairs rather than upstairs.