“He’s… your… what?”
“My mate.”
“That’s not possible.”
“I didn’t think it was at first either… but he is. I… I’ve already tested it.”
“Tested it?” Loki’s eyes were boring holes into me. “How?”
“I removed myself from him and he sought me out,” I said. “His scent drives me wild, I can’t think when he’s around, and I gave him a couple drops of my blood to heal his leg the rest of the way.”
“You did what?!”
“And it became an aphrodisiac to him,” I continued, ignoring his protest. “It… It lasted all night. That alone proves that he’s my mate. If he were anyone else, he would’ve just healed, nothing more.”
“You’re really sure about this, Thor?” Baldr asked.
I nodded. “I am.”
“It doesn’t matter how sure you are,” Loki interjected. “It’s against pack law to mate with a human. And it’s even more against the law to tell him what you really are.” He glared at Flynn, his discerning eyes trying to pinpoint any area of weakness. “Humans cannot be trusted with our secret. That’s how the wolf hunters find us.”
“First of all,” I said. “Nobody has seen a wolf hunter in nearly a century.” I held up a hand as he began to retort, silencing him. “And secondly, I have Flynn’s word that he’ll keep things quiet. I trust him and he trusts me.” I looked down at Flynn. “Right?”
He nodded. “Absolutely. I would never tell anyone. Not even my Nana even though she was right about wolves being on this mountain.”
“SEE?!” Loki cried, jumping to his feet. “Our secret is already spreading! If the locals know we’re up here, how long until the entire world knows, Thor? See what you’ve done! You’ll ruin us all!”
“My Nana has been saying that for years,” Flynn shot back before I could reply. “Thor had nothing to do with it! And I didn’t believe her, anyway! Nobody in the family does! They all think she’s crazy!” He pointed a threatening finger at Loki. “Someone else let your secret out a long time ago, so don’t blame Thor!”
Baldr was the next to speak. “Did your grandmother tell you how she came to that conclusion?”
Flynn shook his head. “I don’t know. I never asked. It was one of those things I tried not to talk about because I didn’t want people to send her to an old folk’s home.”
“Maybe you should reach out to her and ask while we talk,” Baldr offered. “I would be curious to know who is to blame for the locals knowing about us.”
“Is that okay, Thor?” he asked, looking up at me.
“Yeah.” I burned a dirty look at Loki. “But I need my brothers to swear to me that they won’t harm you. No matter what they feel.”
“I swear,” Baldr said easily.
He scoffed. “Fine. I swear. But I won’t go out of my way to defend him. If someone else wants to kill him, so be it.”
I nodded, knowing that was the best I was going to get. “I accept your terms.” I glanced back at Flynn. “Go on and call your grandmother. I’ll come get you when we’re done.”
Flynn gave me a nod. “It was nice to meet you both.”
And then he disappeared into the bedroom once more, the door shutting behind him.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to us,” Loki said the moment the door closed. “How could you be so fucking selfish?”
“Selfish?! How have I been selfish, Loki?” I growled. “Ever since Dad died this entire pack and its future has rested on my shoulders. I took over without a complaint, without missing a beat, and without ever asking you or Baldr to do anything. I’ve been trained my whole life for this position, and I never held it against anyone. I always knew it was my duty to be the leader of this pack. And for that you call me selfish?!”
“I… I would’ve taken the position if you hated it that much!”
“I don’t hate it, Loki,” I sighed. “I just think I deserve a little bit of happiness, don’t you think? It’s unfair to ask me to give up my entire life to this pack and not even let me have some modicum of joy in the tiny amount of free time I get.” I paused for a moment. “And I know you wanted to lead. While you make a great Beta, I can’t let you take over this pack.” I braced myself for what was about to come. “You’re too hot-headed.”