I had to stifle a laugh. “Whoops.”

“But all the animals are acting real odd around this guy. They all give him a wide berth. Except for the goat. The damn thing really is trying to take him out at the knees.”

There was no way I could hold the laughing back. “Well, I was told to have you send some of my clothes back with him today. I’ve been borrowing some here, but mine are pretty torn up from my fall.”

“I’ll pack you a bag, don’t you worry.” She paused and I could almost hear her cup her hand over the mouthpiece. “And I’ll slip in some cookies for you too. Lord only knows what they’re feeding you up there.”

“The food here is really good, actually.”

“Bah. Don’t let them fool you. The only good food is homemade food. That restaurant stuff is for people who’ve given up on life.”

I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me. That woman had such strong opinions about the silliest things.

“I look forward to the cookies then.”

“So did you find him?” she asked out of the blue.

“Find who?”

“The man.”

“What man?”

“The man you’re going to find. You know, the rich one that’s going to take care of you and make sure you have a wonderful life?”

“Have you been reading my diary?”

“No.” I could hear the grin in her voice. “But I know your mother and I figured the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

“I can take care of myself, you know.”

“You are perfectly capable,” she agreed. “But a good-looking boy like you should have no trouble finding a husband to take care of you.”

“That’s a little old-fashioned, don’t you think?”

“Not at all. I just want what’s best for my grandbaby.”

“Well, I’ll keep my eyes open for some hot rich guy that wants to give me half his estate.”

“I’ll keep you in my prayers.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Nana. Now I’m gonna go draw for a bit and get some lunch, alright? Please pack my swim trunks for me.”

“Of course. And be safe.”

“I will. Love you, Nana.”

“Love you too, baby.”

The phone went dead, and I pulled it away from my ear, still shaking my head. That woman was something else. I loved her to death, but I could also see how she drove my mother crazy sometimes. She had a lot of thoughts about how people should live and while I loved her for them, it wasn’t always the most practical advice. But I couldn’t deny her point. A rich man would make my life a lot easier. Maybe I could keep my eyes open a bit. Or, if I was lucky, maybe Thor would want me. He was rich, hot, and I didn’t have to find him. I just needed to get to know him better first.

For now, he needed to rest though. After that I could chat him up all I wanted to. We were sharing a room after all. Where was he going to go?

With a smile on my face, I pulled out my sketchbook, flipped it open, and began to draw the garden surrounding me.

Chapter Fourteen: Flynn

“Excuse me?”