I looked up from my sketchbook, surprised to find that I’d spent the majority of the afternoon back in the atrium after lunch. Already the sky outside the glass dome was growing dim and twilight was drawing near. I’d completely lost track of time.

“Yes?” I said, flipping my brain back into talking mode. “What’s up?”

“Are you Mr. Flynn Daniels?” the man asked.

“Yeah.” I gave him a once over, realizing he was a member of the resort staff. “That’s me.”

“I’ve been told that your luggage has arrived, sir,” he said. “And it’s been taken up to your room.”

“Oh. Thank you.”

“Here’s your key,” he added, holding out his hand and a room card. “You’re on the second floor. Room two forty-nine.”

I hesitated. “I… I have a different room?”

“Don’t worry, sir,” he smiled. “It’s one of our larger suites and it’s completely on the house. I apologize for the inconvenience of switching your room mid stay.”

I sat there for a moment, trying to process what I was hearing. “Is… Is Thor mad at me or something?”

“Mr. Hati assured me that there were no problems. He merely stated that you’d be more comfortable with a space of your own so that you could take full advantage of our healing services with your injury.” He glanced down at my leg. “Speaking of which, would you like me to book you a private massage in your room? It would do wonders for your leg’s flexibility and promote healing.”

“Can I speak with Thor?” I asked, ignoring his offer. “I’d like to make sure that everything is okay.”

“I apologize, sir. But Mr. Hati is not seeing anyone at this time. He’s taking care of some delicate matters with his family and the resort. He said he would be predisposed through the rest of your stay and beyond. However, he did say that anything you’d like is on the house and when you’re ready, we’ll send you down the mountain with an escort to make sure you make it home safely.”

“So… he doesn’t want to see me?”

The man hesitated again, his smile faltering. “He… He’s just busy.”

“Right.” I wasn’t mad at the staff member, just irritated with the message. I reached up and pulled the key card from his hand. “Thanks. I guess I’ll just go eat by myself then.”

“If you like, we can provide a staff member to share a meal with you if that’s what–”

“No,” I said, dismissing him with a wave. “I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

“As you wish, sir.”

With a small bow, the man turned and headed back out of the atrium leaving me there with my head spinning. Why did Thor kick me out of his room? And why didn’t he want to see me or talk to me? Was it possible that our little jerk off session together had freaked him out so much that he never wanted to be near me again? Or maybe something really was wrong with his family. Then again… he did say they could never find out about us. Had one of them figured out his secret?

A part of me wanted to keep away and respect his wishes. After all, I hardly knew him. And if his family was going to go off the deep end from us being together, I didn’t want to cause him anymore unnecessary pain.

“No,” I said aloud, shaking my head. “Fuck that. He can at least give me a goddamn explanation. I deserve that much.”

I flipped my sketchbook closed, my thumb smudging the corner of the drawing I’d spent hours perfecting. With a scoff I threw it into my bag along with my pencils. It was only when I got up that I realized there were at least three other couples walking through the atrium at the same time and every single one of them had just heard me cursing to myself like a maniac.

With an embarrassed smile, I threw my bag over my shoulder, hopped on the scooter, and headed back toward the lobby. Maybe Thor didn’t want to explain himself, but I wasn’t going to accept that. Changing my room wasn’t going to stop me because he’d made a very big mistake.

I still had the key to his room, the one he’d given me the day before. It didn’t matter if he hated me, thought I was ugly, or was being threatened by his family. That didn’t give him the right to just toss me away like I was yesterday’s trash. I deserved an explanation, and I was going to get it one way or another.

Ten minutes later I was standing outside Thor’s door, gathering up my courage for what I was about to do. Inside I could hear the sound of the television playing. I wasn’t sure if he was sleeping or just lazing around, but it sounded like he was alone and that was all I cared about. Without knocking, I swiped the card and pushed my way inside.

A figure sat up from the recliner and I started in on him.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I barked. “Do you think you can just write me off without telling me what’s going on? What the fuck?”

The figure turned toward me, but the room was so dark I could barely make him out. Still, I knew it was Thor. Who else would it be?

“Look, I understand about your family, and I get it. But you can’t just toss me away like that. At the very least have the balls to say it to my face instead of sending one of your little flunkies after me. I think I deserve that much.”