Page 52 of Troubles

I swear the guy didn’t breathe through his entire speech. But he shoves the keys to the flat in my hand and takes off out the door in a complete panic. I walk through quickly to make sure everything’s in order before heading to grab my stuff from the loft.

I showed up on Francie’s doorstep almost six months ago with just my rucksack and a case full of clothes. It takes me a couple hours and two full trips to move all the shit I’ve acquired in that time, over to my new flat. Mine and Lis’ new flat.

I shouldn’t be this fucking excited. Shaking and nervous like a teenager with his first crush. I’m a couple years away from thirty, lived with a girl after college. But this is different. Lis is different. She means the fucking world to me and I can’t wait.

Quickly putting my stuff away, I make sure to leave plenty of room for Lisbeth’s things. Room for her clothes in the closet, empty drawers in the dresser, plenty of space in the bathroom for her shampoo and lotions.

My gaze falls to the claw foot tub. She went a little crazy over that tub—more than a little. And all I can imagine is her hair pinned on the top of her head, a glass of wine in her hand and bubbles hiding her curves from view.

Everywhere I look, I see some glimpse of our future. Side by side making dinner, working, or watching movies snuggled on the couch. Sliding into bed with her at night and tangled up in the sheets together every morning.

As soon as my things are all sorted, I send Lis a text. I have to work until the bar closes tonight, but I have to see her. I want to place her keys in her hand so she knows that this is us now.

A: Where are you?

L: Work.

A: Come to McBride’s when you’re done?

L: Hmm…miss me?

A: Always…see you later.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and with a last check to see that everything looks good, I head back to McBride’s.

As busy as the bar is, time just doesn’t seem to move at all. How many times can I look at the clock in an hour for the hands to only show the passing of minutes? At half past eleven, the air changes. I know she’s here before I see her and palm the keys in my pocket in anticipation. I can’t help the thump of my heart as I turn to take her in.

“Hey, handsome. That for me?” She nods at the pint in my hand, hopping up on the barstool I’ve saved for her.

“It is.” I lean over the bar to steal a kiss as I set her glass and the keys in front of her, whispering, “And these are too.” Her smile stretches wide, scrunching up her eyes.

“What? I thought we weren’t getting in until Friday.” She wraps one hand around the keys and the other rests on my chest, covering my heart. “I haven’t finished packing, yet.” Her eyes fucking sparkle as her lips brush across mine.

“Yeah, I got an email from the guy. His project date got pushed up and he had to leave early. I met him, Christ, almost twelve hours ago? Sorted my stuff before coming back here, so…”

“You’re already moved in?”

“I am. So, I can help you tomorrow.”

“This is the last box. What about your furniture?” I set the box on the island counter and press up against Lisbeth’s back. Nuzzling at her neck.

It’s cool and blissfully quiet in the flat. No roommates, just us. Pushing her hair aside I trail kisses down the back of her neck. Her gasp turns to a full-on laugh when my phone vibrates in my pocket—right up against her arse.

“I scheduled that call just for your pleasure.”

Looking over her shoulder, she notes the name of my caller. “You asked your—mother to call? So I’d get a little thrill from your phone? Smooth.” She turns and pushes at my chest. “Go talk to your mom.”

And to add to our newfound domesticated bliss, she swats my arse with a kitchen towel. Flashes of payback, run through my mind as I swipe at my phone.

“Hey, Mum. How are you?”

“Aidan, love, how are you?” Mum tends to talk quite loud when she calls, as if her yelling into the phone will make up for the miles separating us.

I hear Lis snicker behind me and meet her gaze with a wink. Eye-din. She mimics my mum’s pronunciation of my name, her big smile spreading across her features. “Am I interrupting your dinner? D’ye have a friend over? I can call you tomorrow, love.”

“Mum, it’s fine. Yes, Lisbeth is here, but we’re fine to chat.” I kiss Lis’ cheek and head out the back door, so she doesn’t have to listen to my mother yelling through the phone to me. “What’s going on? How’s everyone there?”

“Good. Everyone’s fine. And you? We saw Lorna last week, poor soul. She’s looking a bit better, though. Taking care of herself, now. Said she was planning a holiday before the baby comes.”