“If the broom fits.” Coop maneuvers me on his lap so my back is to his front. My legs fall to either side of his, making me aware of my lack of panties and my thighs wet from Noah’s cum.
I glance at Noah and his possessive gaze trails down my body to pause between my legs. My pussy throbs in response. I will always belong to him. I squirm on Coop’s lap to get more comfortable.
Seth sighs. “We haven’t found anything yet. She has the money to keep her track record clean, but there’s always someone not happy with what they received. It’s not like she’s a decent person.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to continue with her.” Coop’s hands rest on my lap. His fingers stroke my inner thighs through my dress. His touch is soothing. “We can take the hit. I say we just tell everyone we’re all fucking and let the cards fall where they will.”
“It’s not that easy.” Seth runs a hand over his hair. “Even the rumor of Andrea cost us clients. It’s what the corporate spy is counting on. We have to be unanimous on this, because once we put that out into the world, we won’t be able to take it back.”
“We’re already the best at what we do.” Noah steeples his fingers in front of his lips. His dark eyes fix on Seth. “We can’t live our lives to please everyone. Yes, some clients might leave, but fuck them. What right do they have to dictate our personal lives?”
My insides churn with the arguments. I don’t know how to help or what to do. What’s right? Being free to live as we like as long as we’re happy and not hurting anyone else? Or conforming to society for the sake of their business and my future?
“What if this doesn’t last?” The words slip from me. My pulse skitters through my veins. I look at the three of them, surprised I let that out at all. Coop’s hands tighten on my thighs. But we really haven’t talked about our relationship beyond the contract. Beyond just sex. “I mean, shouldn’t we figure out what we are before we decide whether it makes sense to go public?”
Blake’s gaze captures mine. “You have the most to lose from this. Will we suffer a little if this comes to light? Probably, but even though someone is pushing away new clients, maybe we weren’t the right fit for those clients. But you...”
He runs a hand through his hair as he pins me with those green eyes.
“You’re just starting out. Things like this can cling to you and keep you from what you want to do. They can close doors that could help you.” He stops and closes his eyes. His hand clenches into a fist on the table. “Fuck, Madison. They’ll call you a lot of unpleasant things. Maybe you could stand it. Maybe you could turn the other cheek. But I couldn’t.”
“It’s one thing for Coop to call you a whore, but if someone else called you that in front of me, I couldn’t let that stand.” Blake scrubs a hand over his face. “You can’t tell me that any of you guys would stay cool and collected if someone called her a whore. For saying that she got to where she is by sleeping with us and not on her own merit.”
Noah and Seth both look at me. The truth is in their eyes. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. Could I live with it? What would my family think? I could grow a business, do everything right, and they’d still question my start. Question my abilities because I slept with my bosses.
“You’re ours.” Seth leans forward on the table. “And we’re yours. Nothing is going to change that.”
My gaze flicks to Blake. He’s never said I love you, but he’s claimed me time and time again. That should be enough. It can be enough.
“We don’t have to go public, but we don’t have to prove anything either.” Noah’s words draw my attention to him. “We don’t have to date anyone else. We don’t have to claim she’s only dating Coop. If people are confused about our relationship status, let them be. Maybe it’s time we just live our lives and fuck the haters.”
“So you just want me to tell Elizabeth to go fuck herself and live with whatever consequences come our way?” Seth rocks back in his chair. His face thoughtful. He rubs his lips as those blue eyes study me.
“What’s the worst she can say?” Coop leans forward, pressing his body into mine. “That you want to fuck my fiancée?”
Coop’s hands go to my zipper and ease it down. A shiver runs down my spine. He parts my dress and pushes it down my arms to rest on my lap. My breathing hitches at the heat in Seth’s eyes as he takes in the pale blue bra he dressed me in.
Seth begins, “Coop?—”
“No. Fuck that, Seth. Elizabitch thinks she can control all of us.” Coop undoes my bra and slides it off me, leaving me naked from the waist up. “She believes she can control you, Seth, force you to do what she wants.”
Coop draws me back against him. His hand curves around my stomach before sliding down below the waist of my dress and between my legs. His touch makes me want more.
“Do you want to give Elizabitch that power? Do you want her to keep you away from us? Or do you want to fuck my girl? Our girl?” His fingers skate over my clit, circling it. I draw in a sharp breath. “Because if you don’t fuck Madison, I will.”
He slides his fingers into me and my breath catches.
“Coop, we haven’t really finished this discussion.” Seth loosens his tie as his gaze drops to my breasts. They grow heavy beneath the weight of his stare as my nipples tighten. Longing spirals through me.
Coop latches onto the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. I arch at the sizzle running through my veins. My eyes close as he thrusts his fingers in and out of my pussy. His other hand wraps around my breast, squeezing it gently and sliding his thumb over my hardened tip.
“I’ve been hard since I watched Noah fuck her against the wall.” Coop licks my shoulder. A shudder runs through me. “Just be glad I waited this long before I fucked her.”
He curls his fingers inside me. My lips part, but no sound comes out as I tip over the edge into free fall. He lifts me and lays me on my stomach on the cool table. My dress falls around my ankles, leaving me nearly naked in my garter belt and stockings.
Coop’s belt clangs as he opens it and draws it out of his pants. He tosses Noah his belt and runs his hand down my spine. “Bind her hands above her head. I want her to feel as helpless as we do.”