Page 4 of Tease Me


“We have new information,” Blake says. The meeting is almost over. We’ve discussed all the items on Seth’s agenda.

Anticipation for what happens next has me squirming in my chair. I sit back and give Blake my full attention.

Blake meets my gaze. “Jeff approached me after lunch.”

It takes my mind a second to place Jeff in business circles. But when Blake just looks at me, waiting, it clicks. Oh. My shaking hand goes to my throat as I swallow. He was there? I didn’t know he was there.

A chill runs through me. Coop takes my other hand, rubbing it between his, and then holds it in his lap, warming it.

“A guy gave Val cameras to put in your apartment and Jeff installed them, but?—‍”

“Cameras? As in more than one?” My pulse skips. Val knew my stalker. She helped him. The camera in the bathroom was bad enough. Where else could they have hidden them? What other private moments did they capture for some unknown person?

“Where?” I ask quietly, not sure I want to know but needing to.

“Living room, kitchen, and your bedroom.”

Blake takes a breath and meets my gaze. “Breathe, love. Only the bathroom one was still working when we went in.”

Even if they weren’t still working, at some point this monster had access to my whole life. My stomach roils, but I choke down the rising panic.

“Breathe, princess.” Seth nods to Coop.

I force a breath into my lungs and try to calm my racing heart. Standing, Coop lifts me from my seat before sliding beneath me, wrapping his arms around me as he holds me in his lap. He kisses my shoulder and a little shiver runs through me. The tightness inside loosens a little. His warmth draws me in. I lean my head against his heart, listening to the steady beat beneath my ear.

I’m safe with Coop and the others. They were with me at the restaurant. Jeff didn’t find me alone and helpless this time.

“I’m going tomorrow to see if I can find the cameras. He also mentioned a phone the man gave Val to take pics of you with.”

“Oh, god.” I cover my mouth. The shaky video of me in the bathroom and all those pics of me around campus. I didn’t even know she was following me. She was never around the apartment that much. At least not that I saw. How could I not have seen her?

“He said she called it her insurance plan. There may be a photo of the stalker on it,” Blake finishes and rests his arms on the table before him. “The stalker can’t get to you here, love. We won’t leave you alone until we figure out who it is and he’s behind bars.”

Coop squeezes me and I release my breath. I’m safe here. For now.

Seth leans forward. “We called the police and gave them Jeff’s last known location. Hopefully, they’ll find him or he’ll leave town. Either way, I don’t think he’ll be a problem for you anymore.”

That’s one more problem gone. Val is dead. Hunter may still be an issue, but he doesn’t have access to me. But the specter of my stalker is still always right in the corner of my eye. Just out of sight. Just out of reach. Always watching. Always waiting.

“This may be over if we can find the phone,” Blake assures me.

“I hope so. But your men have been through that apartment. Was there a phone in her room?” I entangle my fingers with Coop’s.

“She probably wouldn’t have left it out. Jeff said she hid it. We’ll have to get inventive.” Blake puts his hands behind his head.

“I want to go with you.” That apartment still holds its own ghosts that I need to deal with.

“If that’s what you want, tiger.” Blake’s green eyes search mine, but I’m determined to put this behind me. I want what’s here in this room. These men with me and the freedom to live without the fear of my stalker.

There’s another phantom lurking, unfortunately. Elizabeth made her play for Seth last night. If he’s truly mine, we need to work past this.

“Should we talk about what happened at the restaurant?” I meet Seth’s eyes reluctantly. While I forgive him, the pain is still a fresh wound that hasn’t had a chance to heal.

“Did you find anything to hold over Elizabitch?” Coop rubs his fingers over mine.

“Elizabitch? Really? That’s a little juvenile, don’t you think?” Blake raises his eyebrow.