Page 37 of Twisted Sins

Until then, Mihir Thakvar who was the Thakvar clan head was listening silently. He spoke, knowing there was an important aspect of the Singoor marriages, especially in the north clans.

“The alliance holds only if my daughter has accepted the Kabali heir as her husband.”

The Aghoris nodded. “Yes, the Kabali heir will request your daughter to accept him as her husband.

“But my sister can’t understand or speak the Kabali language,” Rishab stated.

“We would like to see her,” said Nakul. “We want to hear from her that she has accepted the marriage.”

The Aghoris looked at the Thakvars. “The Kabali heir will bring his wife to her family after the third month of marriage. Until then, you will need to bless their union as per tradition.”

“How can we give them the Thakvar blessings without knowing where the Kabali clan are settled?” Shivay asked, knowing that as per tradition, the blessings would also be in form of gifts.

“We will take your blessings to them,” said the Aghori.

There was visible anger and frustration on the Thakvar heirs’ faces.


Thakvar mansion,

Singoor desert.

“I can’t believe the Kabali savage married Nandini without her consent!” Nakul growled.

“And that bastard is allowed to keep her for three months before bringing her to her family,” Rishab said, sounding equally frustrated.

Shivay tried to stay calm even though rage burned through him.

“We’ll get her out before the three months,” he said. “But we also need to weaken the need for the fourth alliance. I’ll work on things here at Singoor. The two of you resume hunting for Tantra and locating the Goddess Shakti statue.

Rishab and Nakul nodded, knowing it was important and it would also help with the cause of bringing Nandini back.

“I’ll leave for Mongolia tonight to find the artist,” said Nakul. “The artist is also a conman. I’ll put out a fake con job to get to him.”

Over the past one-and-a-half years, Nakul was on a hunt to find the original statue of Goddess Shakti that was stolen three decades ago. He followed several leads which had been unsuccessful, but the current lead was promising as they found a sketch that looked exactly like the original goddess statue.

If the original goddess statue was found and restored to the Singoor temple, there wouldn’t be any need to form a fourth alliance.

“I’ll go to the Caribbean islands,” said Rishab. “The search is going on, but I’ll need to put more pressure on the local governments.”

Rishab was on a hunt for Tantra since over a year. Just recently, they had discovered that Gauri’s uncle was Tantra’s spy and had been to the location where Tantra had been living for at least two decades and building an army of assassins.

“I’ll fly to the UK first to get hold of the security company CEO,” said Rishab.

The Thakvar security was able to get information on the company that owned the satellite, which blocked coverage and access to the North Singoor. However, the company which was based in UK was refusing to reveal any information on the coverage block or the person who ordered it, stating client confidentiality.

“Put more pressure on them,” Shivay said. “Get the UK home office involved. It’s not just important to get hold of Tantra’s details, but we need live coverage of the north Singoor.”

Rishab nodded.

Shivay looked at his two brothers. “Now let’s prepare Dad and Ma to send their blessing for Nandini’s marriage.”


It was Nandini’s fifth day stuck in the nightmare.

Five days since she was kidnapped and held captive by a savage demon. And the demon also thought of her as his wife.