Page 171 of Twisted Sins

Rudra shook his head. “No. Let it remain in place. I don’t want Tantra to gain access to our movements. Place a satellite block on the rest of the Singoor as well.”

Rudra’s cousins looked at him. They knew he wanted the Thakvar mansion protected.

“All right,” said Krish. “The Thakvars shouldn’t mind. I’ll let them know we will block access starting tonight.”

Rudra nodded, somewhat glad that the Thakvars had recently become receptive to his cousins' help.

The Thakvar brothers had narrowed the location of the Goddess Shakti statue to monasteries in Tibet. The search started weeks ago, and it needed people on the ground, as most of the monasteries did not have roads and were accessible by foot only.

K4S provided high-tech imaging and modeling to find the monastery's matching features and narrow down the list.

“Only a few more monasteries are left,” said Krish. “Based on how relentless and confident the Thakvars seem, I hope the Goddess Statue is found soon.”

Being relentless was a trait all the Thakvar siblings shared.

Rudra’s heart twisted painfully at the thought.

Something must have shown on his face because his cousins were watching him closely.

“No one from the Thakvar family has flown to New York or San Francisco,” Kian said.

Nandini was still in the Thakvar mansion.

“I didn’t ask.”

“You didn’t have to, cuz,” Krish said softly. “It’s obvious you are pining for your wife.”

Rudra didn’t let anything show on his face.

Although he and his cousins were quite close, he didn’t want to discuss Nandini. After leaving Nandini in the Thakvar mansion a week ago, he slowly tried to come to terms with the fact that he may never see her again.

Pushing away the painful thought, he looked at his cousins watching him. closely.

“Give whatever support the Thakvars need to accelerate their search in Tibet,” he said. “I’ll be going to the northeast border today in search of Tantra.”


“Sir… we are unable to track the Thakvars. The satellite access has been blocked all over Singoor.”

Tantra felt rage at the news.

It wasn’t because the Thakvars or the Kabali heir thought it would be easier to hunt him. He knew they wouldn’t be able to catch him as he knew every inch of his motherland. He had also set up decoys with small groups of mercenaries that resembled the Kabali warriors. The Thakvars and the Kabali heir would continue chasing without success.

But he was angry because, without the satellite access, he wouldn’t know if Nandini left Singoor.

A few days ago, he was ecstatic when he learned Rudra Kabali had left the Thakvar mansion without Nandini. That gave him proof that Nandini hadn’t let the Kabali heir into her heart. Her heart remained pure and untouched as she had yet to experience the undying, selfless love that only he could give her.

“Send more soldiers to the east to guard the border,” Tantra ordered softly. “Nandini Thakvar should not be able to leave Singoor.”

His tigress will never leave Singoor. When she accepts his love, she will never want to go anywhere else. Together, they will rule the entire Singoor.


The sun had already set when Rudra and his warriors returned to the Kabali mansion.

Despite killing several mercenaries, dark bloodlust continued to fill him.

Taking a dip in the pond with his men, he washed off the blood.