Page 170 of Twisted Sins

“Chitti, you must be hungry. Come and have breakfast. I made your favorites.”

Nandini laughed. “I’m hardly hungry after you kept feeding me until midnight, Ma! But I’m looking forward to having your special vada and sambhar.”

Nandini sat down and greeted her father and the rest of her family.

“Did Rudra already have breakfast?” she asked, knowing her demon husband woke up at sunrise and normally had early breakfast.

She wondered if he and his men were training outside in the Thakvar mansion.

A strange silence fell over the dining table.

Frowning, she noticed that her father and brothers had grim looks on their faces.

“What happened?” she asked, sensing something terrible.

It was her father who replied.

“The Kabalis have left this morning at sunrise, Nandini,” he said gently. “Rudra said there’s no need for you to accompany him to the Kabali clan. He wants you to stay here with us. He has asked us to notify him when the Goddess Shakti statue will be commissioned so he can join us at the temple to perform the ceremony.”

Shock ripped through her, along with pain and then anger.


Tantra saw the shift in the terrain from above. The sound of the helicopter was lost as he took in the sight of his motherland.

Soon, the chopper descended on the Singoor border.

A convoy of vehicles and dozens of men wearing black clothes awaited his arrival. As soon as the chopper touched the ground, the door was opened.

Tantra’s soldiers went into attention mode, and one of them opened the SUV door. But Tantra kept walking.

The helicopter had landed at a secluded side of the north Singoor border.

The feel of sand underneath his feet overwhelmed him. When he walked a distance, he stopped and dropped to his knees.

He picked up a fist of sand and took a deep whiff before applying it to his forehead. The sand loosely fell over his face, covering it in a layer of fine dust.

“Singoor…” he said into the open desert.

It had been thirty years since he left. Thirty years since he lost everything. He had taken many lives and will continue to take more.

I will rule Singoor with the woman I love.

“I’m here, Nandini,” he spoke into the desert wind. “…and I’m coming for you.”


“Tantra is in Singoor.”

Rudra wasn’t surprised by his cousin’s statement.

After the Thakvar brothers smoked Tantra out of the Caribbean, Rudra anticipated Tantra to come to Singoor.

“A convoy of vehicles and helicopter were detected entering the northeast Singoor border, but they became untraceable past midnight,” said Krish.

Rudra was aware that Tantra had several resources.

“Do you want us to remove the satellite block?” Keshav asked.