He held her perfect face in his hands and angled it toward him. The tears had finally stopped. “Kendall, honey, listen to me.”

“I’m listening, Mac.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“The agreement was sex, any time and any place of my choosing for ten days. After that your debt would be paid in full.”

“I know. How could I forget?”

“Well, as I make the rules, I can break them or change them at will. In fact, I can do whatever I fucking well please.”

“What are you saying, Mac?”

“Oh, honey, do I really have to spell it out to you?” The way she stared at him, he figured he did. “Kendall, don’t you get it? I’m falling in love with you, so I’m releasing you from the contract. From this moment on your debt is paid in full. You owe me nothing. I’m setting you free.”

Chapter Ten

“You’re falling in love with me?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“Enough to set me free?”


In total surprise, Kendall put a hand to her mouth. Mac’s revelation had come completely out of the blue, hitting her like a speeding freight train. When she finally spoke, her feeble output consisted of a single barely whispered word. “Only…”

“Only what, honey? You should be happy that I’m setting you free.”


He laughed. “You’re an articulate, intelligent woman. How come you’re finding it so hard to string a sentence together?”

“Only…” Still shell-shocked that a man as wonderful as Mac Buchanan had expressed his love for her, but determined to get her words out, she finally blurted, “Only, I don’t want you to set me free, Mac, because I’m falling in love with you, too.”

When she saw him smile, making those wonderful silver-gray eyes crinkle at the corners, she knew those were the very words he longed to hear. Feeling happier than any woman had a right to, she couldn’t resist running her hands over the dark stubble that covered his cheeks and masculine jawline, enjoying the way the short hair rasped beneath her fingertips. “Oh, Mac,” she sighed. “The circumstances that brought us together were so very wrong, but out of that chaos came something beautiful and unique, something that feels so very right. I know you feel that way, too, don’t you?”

“Yes. I feel it.” He placed the palm of his hand over his heart. “I feel it right here, honey, and I can honestly say that I’ve never felt that feeling with any other woman. You’re special, Kendall.” He pulled her closer and kissed her lips. “You and me share the same wavelength. We see the world the same way, especially when it comes to sex.”

“Seeexx.” She deliberately lengthened the word, emphasizing its importance. “Mmm, now you’re talking. We’ve certainly enjoyed some great times between the sheets.”

“You can say that again. The fucking we’ve shared has been out of this world, but so far we’ve only scratched the surface of what turns me on, and hopefully turns you on, too.”

Eager to learn more, Kendall flashed him a probing stare. “Why, Mac Buchanan, I do believe you like an element of kink in your love life.”

“And don’t forget domination. Is that a problem for you?”

“Not at all with the right man.” She laughed. “Besides, how could any girl in her right mind resist the sexual advances of the legendary newspaperman Mac Buchanan?”

He playfully slapped her hand. “Naughty girl.”

Feeling mounting arousal deliciously warming her pussy, she deliberately fluttered her eyelashes in an overtly sexual way. “I can be naughty, very naughty, if that’s what you desire, sir.”

With a knowing smile to his face, Mac mischievously wagged a finger at her. “You’re playing with fire, Ms. Van Heusen. I’d tread very carefully if I were you. You’re not too big or grown up to be put across your boss’s knee and have him pull your skimpy little panties down to your ankles.”

His confidently spoken words seemed to zap straight to her clit, causing it to engorge with blood. “You’re the man in charge, so if you decide in your infinite wisdom that I need a bare-ass spanking, then I’m sure I deserve it…sir.”

Kendall felt his rock-hard cock pressing against the thin cotton material of her bikini bottoms as she sat on his lap. A little encouragement never went amiss, so she decided to squirm, forcing her ass down against the upward pressure of his ever-insistent erection.

“Oh, Mr. Buchanan, sir, it’s twitching. Can I help in any way?”

“Prick teaser.”

“I can be anything you want me to be.”

They both laughed at her clichéd response.

Mac obviously enjoyed the role-play as much as she did. “I can see where this is leading, Ms. Van Heusen, and as a result of your provocative actions, I may have to take you inside and pleasure that silken body of yours until you beg me to stop. Most of the correctional tools necessary for disciplining naughty girls are back home in New York, but I always keep a sizeable selection right here on the island for this very eventuality, should the need arise.”

Just the sound of Mac’s authoritative baritone delivery made her feel naughtier with each passing second. Christ, she wanted him, wanted that big, hard prick of his deep inside her. Kendall tapped the end of his nose and winked at him. “Deep down I knew you’d have a playroom full of wicked toys, just like powerful men the world over do.” She saw the look in his eyes then, the very look she’d seen many times before—a look of pure sexual intent. Mac was going to have her any way he wanted, and that was just fine by her.

Using only the power in his muscular thighs, he stood, lifting her from the sun bed. “The time for talking is over.”

“Oooh, sir, it gets better.”

Feeling on a natural high, Kendall stared up into his eyes as he strode from the pool, heading purposefully toward his magnificent home. Once inside, he carried her down the main hallway as though she weighed nothing before kicking open the bedroom door with his foot. With words seeming superfluous, he then threw her on to the bed where she lay facedown. “Stay right there, honey, and don’t move, or expect the consequences of your actions to prove painful.”

Pain wasn’t something she was into per se, but pain as part of discipline was not an unpleasant concept to her, especially when that discipline was administered by one achingly sexy and good-looking guy who went by the name of Mac Buchanan.

With her head buried between two succulently plump pillows, she briefly felt his quickened breath travel along the length of her back followed by a series of butterfly kisses.

“Lovely. You’re so lovely, Kendall. Your skin is flawless.”

“Thank you.” She knew her reply was muffled, but she figured he heard it okay.

She felt his powerful presence then, as one large hand clasped the back of her bikini top, while the other twisted into the waistband of her matching red bottoms. After a mighty pull that lifted her bodily from the bed, she heard the incredibly arousing sound of tearing material as he ripped the flimsy two-piece from her.

Mac liked it rough. No surprise there, bearing in mind his upbringing and the kind of macho guy he was. She loved him, she knew that now, and if Mac liked it rough, then she liked it rough, too.

“Close your eyes. I’ll know if you’re cheating.”

Kendall did exactly as she was told, the ensuing fifteen seconds of silence deafening. The anticipation of waiting made her mind seek out every possible scenario for what lay ahead. Some of them attractive to her, some of them less so. Whatever their past history together, she was still an independent-minded woman, and would be sure to let Mac know should he wish to experiment with something she wasn’t entirely happy with.

When she felt the mattress compress, she knew he sat right beside her again, and her heart sped up some more. Mac’s touch, as his fingertips suggestively feathered the sensitive hollow at the base of her bare back, pleased her immensely, and she enjoyed the erotic yet strangely comforting sensation as it continued the length of her spine before pausing briefly on her left shoulder.

“Keep them shut.”

“I am, sir. I’m not cheating, I promise.”

His tender touch traveled along her arm before his large hand covered hers. Then, without warning, he yanked it in an upward direction. When she felt the unmistakable sensation of cold steel circle her wrist, followed by a resounding metallic click, she instantly knew he’d cuffed her to the ornate metal bedstead.

“Hey, that’s not fair.”

Pushing home his advantage, he immediately did the same with her other arm, and she heard the ominous click again.

“That’s not fair. You’re taking advantage of me.” Oooh the thought of being at this powerful man’s mercy made her pussy moisten uncontrollably.