“But if she is…” She sniffled. “Why hasn’t she contacted me?”

“I don’t know, Kendall, I don’t have all the answers, but I’ll tell you this, I’m gonna pass all the information you’ve given me onto my man, Frank Carrell.”

“Frank Carrell?”

“He’s a private eye. One I regularly use, and the best in the business. Frank can track down just about anyone or anything. Low-life scum being a specialty of his. If anyone can find your friend alive, it’s him. He uses his own handpicked team made up of ex-military guys.”


“Yeah. Guys from the US Marine Corps, guys who don’t know when to quit.”

“And don’t forget to contact the police, Mac. I should have done it right from the start.”

“I won’t, honey. In fact, I’m on it already.” He pulled the cell phone from his pocket. “Although, if my experience is anything to go by, my guys will find this prick and hopefully Ashley, too, before the cops have even gotten the paperwork filled in.”

Before he could make the connection to Frank Carrell, Kendall’s cell phone suddenly came alive with the most annoying ring tone, making her jump out of her skin as she sat nervously on his lap. She looked at him, her eyes wide with fear, but he thought he saw a glimmer of hope there, too.

“It’s ringing, Mac. What am I going to do?”

He patted her trembling hand. “I suggest you take a deep breath, and then answer it, honey. Whatever the news, good or bad, remember I’m right here for you.”

“Yes.” She looked down at her cell phone as though it were the devil himself before putting her hand to her mouth. “Oh, my God, I’m so frightened.”

He stroked her hand again. “Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. Trust me.”

“Yes. Yes, of course.”

Looking over her shoulder, Mac clearly saw the caller display and the words “Unknown Number,” and he wondered if that worthless piece of shit, Karl Graves was calling to blackmail Kendall again. He needed more information.

“Put it on speaker phone, so I can hear, and then answer the goddamned thing.” He knew his tone was sharp, but she needed to take that call.

He watched a shaky manicured finger finally accept the connection, and he figured the guy given the task of pressing the button to start WWIII would show fewer nerves than Kendall displayed right now.

Her voice trembled as she spoke. “H–hello, K–K–Kendall Van Heusen speaking.” He felt for the beautiful lady perched rigidly on his lap. Although Kendall was clearly disturbed by events, his admiration for her sheer courage was boundless.

“Kendall, it’s me Ashley. I’m okay.”

Fear of the unknown, which was etched deep in her forehead suddenly, turned to palpable relief. “Oh God, Ashley, have you any idea how good it is to hear your voice again? You’re safe.” She waved a hand in front of her face in an attempt to calm herself. “I can’t believe it.”

“Believe it, Kendall. I’m fine, truly I am. There’s no need to worry anymore.”

“That bastard didn’t hurt you again, did he?”


“You’re not just saying that, are you?”

“No, it’s the truth, Kendall. I’m okay.”

Mac saw the tears that briefly welled in her eyes, before trickling down her porcelain cheeks. “Oh, God, I’m so happy to hear that. I thought he might have killed you. That ex-boyfriend of yours always was a nutjob. He’s capable of anything, Ash.”

“I know, baby girl, and I can hear how upset you are, but I promise you I’m all right. I’m not keeping anything from you. I love you.”

“And I love you, too, Ash. Please tell me what happened.”

“Kendall, I can’t talk right now. I’m with the police just a few miles from the Mexican border.”

“Mexican border? US side?”

“Yes. A town called Horizon City. It’s located some ten miles east of El Paso. The cops are treating me real well, so you’ve no need to be concerned.”

“Thank God for that.”

“A motorcycle patrolman found me bound and gagged in the trunk of Karl’s car. I’d been there all night, but I’m safe now.”

“Bastard. He did that to you? He’s not a man. He’s subhuman.”

Kendall squeezed her cell phone so hard in anger, Mac figured it would shatter into a million pieces at any moment. She clearly loved Ashley and obviously hated to think of her best friend being mistreated by this sicko.

“I was so frightened, Kendall, especially at night with all the scary sounds of the desert. My imagination played some real spooky tricks on me. I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I didn’t know if I was going to live or die, or worse still, go completely nuts. But you know something, baby girl, despite how frightened I was, I was glad to be rid of the sick bastard. I heard him drive away in another car. I’ve no idea where he is now. Somewhere in darkest Mexico is my guess.”

“Good. Let him burn in hell, Ash. The main thing is you’re safe. When can I see you?”

“Soon. I don’t have a cell phone. Karl took it from me. He obviously didn’t want me to contact anyone. So I’ll leave you the number here at the station. I’ve been topping up my fluids, and I’m feeling much better. The cops have given me something to eat, and I’m waiting for a doctor to check me out before I start making my statement. Kendall, don’t worry. I feel a hundred percent better. The worst is over. It’s all in the past. But hey, here’s me talking about myself. What about you? You stole a million bucks to save my skin, and that’s something I can never thank you enough for. You must be in deep shit and could end up in jail because of me.”

Mac needed to set this lady straight and allay her fears. “Give me the phone, Kendall.”

“Who’s that I can hear? Who’s there with you, Kendall? Sweet Jesus, please tell me it’s not the cops.”

Eager to say his piece, Mac took the phone from Kendall. “Ashley, it’s good to hear that you’re okay, and just to put your mind at ease, I’m not the police.”

“Then who are you?”

“I’m Mac Buchanan, Kendall’s boss. The guy she stole a million bucks from to save your ass.”

“Oh, no. Please, Mr. Buchanan, please listen to me. Kendall stole that money for all the right reasons. She didn’t steal it for herself. Please don’t tell the cops. Or if you do, tell them it was all my fault. I’ll willingly go to jail if I need to.”

Mac laughed, and realizing he had an opportunity to do some good in this fucked-up world, decided to put her mind at ease. “Ashley, you’ve been to hell and back, and to keep you alive so has Kendall. I give you my word that no one’s going to prison, apart from that degenerate Karl Graves.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Mr. Buchanan. You don’t know how much your kindness means to me. I can rest easy now, knowing that Kendall isn’t going to suffer because of me.”

“Think nothing of it.”

“Thank you once again, sir. Would it be possible for me to speak to Kendall again please?”

“Sure thing, honey. Consider it done, and good luck with the rest of your life.”

Kendall smiled at him. A genuine happy smile, one that let him know that everything was right with the world again. The constant worry that had drained the blood from her beautiful face had now vanished, leaving a healthy glow in its place. He handed her the cell phone. “Here, Ashley wants to speak to you again.”



“I have to go now. The doctor has just arrived.”


“Just wanted to let you know that your boss is one hell of a guy.”

Kendall looked deep into his eyes. “Tell me about it. Mac’s one in a million.”

“Mac, huh? First name terms with the boss?”

“You bet. Love you. Talk to you soon, Ash.”

“You, too, baby girl.”

As she closed the connection, Mac took a moment to reflect. Kendall’s revelations had certainly changed the dynamic of their relationship. Initially, it had been about payback. She’d stolen a million bucks from him, and he’d wanted it back, in one form or another. She’d reluctantly agreed to sex as payment. However, that was before he knew the whole story.

The truth was, Kendall hadn’t stolen the money for herself at all. She just wasn’t wired up that way. No. She’d stolen it to help a person she loved dearly, Ashley, and to his way of thinking that was an extremely unselfish act.

Unselfish?—that wasn’t a word he could use to describe himself, because he’d selfishly used Kendall’s beautiful body for his own sexual gratification. Now he knew everything, he felt like a guilty shit, and so he should. Well, he couldn’t change the past, but he sure as hell could change the future.