“Don’t?” His brows drew together in irritation, and she immediately knew she’d made a mistake. “Don’t dare use that word with me again. For the next ten days, I own you, and I make the rules here. Understand?”

“Yes, sir. I’m very sorry, sir.” Being berated by this beautiful, powerful man made her feel even more sexually alive, were that possible.

“Now place your hands behind you, flat on my desk.”

“Yes, right away, sir.” She immediately complied with his stridently delivered command, her heart beating with an intensity she’d never experienced before. “Like this?”

“Exactly like that.” Mac then yanked her right leg from the floor, just as he had with the left, causing her balance to become compromised. With the slightest nudge of his head against her stomach, the laws of physics took over, and she fell helplessly backward onto his opulent mahogany desk.

With a minor adjustment from her boss, both legs now hung submissively over his shoulders, and he immediately went back to eating her pussy with a fervor that excited and delighted her. Mac Buchanan was clearly a man who adored female genitalia.

Using the fingers of both hands, he spread her pussy lips wide. This time he dipped his tongue deep inside, teasing, probing, and exploring the soft feminine flesh he found there. Every few seconds, he’d exquisitely circle her swollen nub again, with a delicacy that surprised her. Goddamn it. His total control of her body and mind shouldn’t feel so fucking good. After all, she was being used as his own personal sex slave. This whole tawdry episode should disgust her, so much so that her pussy should be bone dry. Only, only it wasn’t. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Her feminine lubrication flowed freely, and she enjoyed every second of the pleasure he gave her.

Getting inexorably closer to orgasm, she covered her mouth with her hand as he continued to adore her clit with his tongue. Occasionally, his large, powerful hands would reach underneath and squeeze her bare ass cheeks, to the point where the distinction between pleasure and pain became fuzzy. Dear, God, this guy was good at his art, a master at his craft, because she wanted to start moaning out loud. Only the unwelcome thought that Marcy probably had her ear glued to the other side of the office door stopped her, making her resist, at least for now.

Surprisingly gentle fingers ran the length of her butt crack before pausing at her puckered hole, tenderly circling and caressing the rim, before suddenly asserting their authority by pushing inside—deep inside.

Her ass had always been exceptionally sensitive, and with the right man, she’d never been adverse to intimate contact there. As he teased her anal entrance, this time, she couldn’t stop herself from moaning out loud. “Oh, God.” Let Marcy hear. Let the whole fucking world hear. What the hell did she care? Ten days from now, she wouldn’t see his secretary again anyway, because her job as financial controller would be gone.

And so would Mac Buchanan.

“Oh, God, Mac.”

The combination of his tongue swirling around her engorged clit and his finger, or could that be fingers, probing deep inside her ass meant she was close, achingly close to orgasm.

“Don’t stop.

“Please don’t stop.” She was well aware that her words were breathy and pleading in their nature, but she didn’t care. She wanted that ultimate release which lay tantalizingly just out of reach.

Right on the edge, she found herself begging again. “Please. Please.” Well aware that Mac Buchanan was a guy who thrived on unconditional surrender, especially from the opposite sex, she knew she bolstered his already mighty ego.

“Please.” Balanced precariously yet deliciously on the tipping point, that sensuous twilight zone which was wonderful in its own right, she could almost taste the perfect that continued to elude her. Then, from out of nowhere, Kendall felt the pressure on her clit suddenly cease, stopping the pre-orgasmic sensations dead in their tracks. Mac was in total control, and he wouldn’t allow her the ultimate release she craved so much.

Bastard. You bastard. You did that deliberately.

When he stared up into her eyes, a mischievous smile to his face, she saw her own feminine arousal glistening around his mouth and chin. Christ, she really was wet.

“Answer me this. Do you really deserve to be rewarded with the best orgasm you’ve ever had, after stealing a million bucks from me?”

“No. Of course not.” But whatever the rights and wrongs of it, it still didn’t stop her yearning for the forbidden.

“Then that’s something we agree on, honey. Mind you…” She watched him nonchalantly wipe her juices from his face. “If I deny you your pleasure, then I deny myself pleasure. So…maybe, just maybe.”

As he raised himself from his knees and stood between her legs, which now hung limply over the edge of his desk, she noticed a subtle change in his demeanor and guessed he was rethinking the situation. Typical man, he may be selfish enough to deny her the pleasure she craved, but just like any guy, he wasn’t about to sacrifice his own pleasures anytime soon.

Without another word, he started to shed his clothes. Not wearing a jacket or tie again, he first removed his shirt, which already had the top two buttons undone. As he peeled it away and dropped it to the floor, she couldn’t help but admire the sculpted physical perfection that stood before her. Broad shoulders complemented by a powerful, honed chest, which was dusted with the merest smattering of masculine hair, tapered gloriously down to a taut, washboard stomach. This guy didn’t have an ounce of fat on him.

As he popped the button on his pants and slid the thin leather belt through its loops, she got the first glimpse of what lay beneath. He paused and stared directly at her.

“You wanna see, honey?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Oh, yeah.” All resistance now gone, she’d enjoy everything this sexy guy had to offer.

Keeping his eyes focused expressly on her, she was well aware from the enigmatic smile gracing his masculine features that he’d lowered his pants a few inches.

Mac’s eyes were hooded and aroused. “Take a look, honey. It don’t cost nothing to look.” His voice was velvety yet commanding.

When she didn’t respond immediately, he authoritatively added, “I insist that you do.”

So wanting to look and acutely aware of his displeasure if she didn’t, Kendall allowed her gaze to drift inexorably downward. Oh, boy. She wasn’t disappointed with what she found, because his huge erect cock, now released from its captivity, was an awesome sight. When she’d seen it pushing against the inside of his pants, she’d thought him large, but to see it fully exposed in anger for the first time made her reassess her initial judgment and add a further twenty percent to both length and girth. His prick was mighty. Exceptionally large and thick, it jutted from his groin at an impressive angle.

“Like what you see?”

Unable to find the words she needed, she silently nodded like a dumb idiot.

With his penetrating gaze still burning into her, she watched him caress his magnificent length, as though it were a separate entity in itself, an individual life force.

“During the next ten days, you will be required to touch, kiss, lick, suck, and swallow the contents of my prick. This is nonnegotiable. Understand?”

The dumb idiot within her remained, and she found herself mutely nodding again.

“But for now, even though I’m still pissed with you for stealing my money, I’ve decided to break you in gently by just thrusting my eager prick deep inside your sexy wet slit. Oh, yeah, I’ll thrust it so deep inside, you’ll be begging me to let you come.”

His approach was crude and brash, but had the effect of making her want him to put his words into action. Dear God Almighty, he had ninety-nine percent of the power and control. If she could just retain the other one percent, at least she’d be able to keep a sliver of her self-respect. “I won’t beg.”

The arrogant bastard threw back his head and laughed—a booming laugh that stole that final one percent from her.

“Your memory’s real short, honey. You’ve already begged, and it was like music to my ears, and you’ll do it again and again, too. Whatever I command of you, whenever I command it, you’ll dance to my tune.”

* * * *

Naked from the waist down save for sheer black stockings and suspenders, Kendall lay waiting sexily over his desk. Her demeanor showed signs of vulnerability, mixed with a little feistiness. Mac always found this combination of attributes extremely attractive in a woman.

He was still angry with her for stealing a million bucks from right under his fucking nose, and he guessed his displeasure would show in the way he fucked her—hard and uncompromising. He figured that despite her demure outward appearance, and her cultured sophisticated manner, she’d like her sex rough. Well, he was just the man to oblige, because he’d been born on the wrong side of the tracks, and something like that never leaves a guy.