Anyway, the time for talking and introspection was over. With his hard-on raging, he rolled a condom down his shaft, and then roughly took hold of her hands and pinned them above her head. He saw her eyes briefly widen with a mixture of fear and arousal as he flattened her achingly beautiful body to his desk. With his weight on top of her, the tip of his cock lay nestled against the entrance to her silky smooth pussy. When he closed his eyes, he felt her feminine warmth and lubrication transfer from her to him.

He kissed her passionately on the lips, branding her as his property. “Woman, you’re so fucking beautiful.” Without warning, he forced his cock deep inside her with one savage thrust, causing her mouth to fall open with a breathy sigh of delight.

“Oh, dear God.”

Feeling like he owned the world and everything in it, he started impaling her, slowly to begin with, but building the pace with each breath that he took. “Oh, yeah, you’re beautiful all right, but understand this, you will never make the mistake of stealing from me again.”

Kendall’s eyes opened for the briefest of moments, releasing a sliver of blue before her beautiful long lashes swept closed again. “Yes. Yes, I understand, and I’m sorry.”

“But not sorry enough. Sorry just doesn’t cut it.”

“No. No, you’re right. I can never be sorry enough.”

He was enjoying this, and so was she, and as his possession and ownership of her silky body continued, he pumped harder and faster inside her tight wet pussy. It pleased his ego that she responded, wrapping her legs tightly around him as they became entwined, both physically and emotionally.

Pulling almost all the way out, he slammed back inside her with a force that made the breath hiss from her lungs and a whimper escape her lips. “Oh, my, God.”

Her tight, velvet sheath gripped then released, then gripped his cock again, even more possessively now, letting him know she was into his domination as much as he was. The whole sensory experience began to overload the pleasure centers located deep within his brain, and it felt so fucking right being buried to the hilt inside this exquisite creature.

He growled in her ear. “You will make yourself available to me, every minute of every day. Understand?”


“Because I may need to punish you further for your dishonesty.”


“I may decide to spank your bare butt until it turns a perfect shade of crimson.”


“Or even take you up the ass.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Or flog you for your betrayal of my trust. Flog you until you beg for my mercy.”

“Oh, God, yes.”

Intoxicated by the purely sexual feelings that invaded his body and mind, he looked down and watched those wonderful blue eyes slide sexily open. They stared right back at him, displaying a reinforcement of the connection they now shared, and he knew she was close to letting go.

Stealing his money had angered him, but now she bewitched him.

“I’ll tie you to my bed until I’ve had my fill of you. And I’ll fuck your body in any position I choose. You’ll have no say in the matter. The decision will be mine, and mine alone.”

“Oh, God, yes, yes, you bastard.”

Mac felt her pussy clench his prick even tighter this time, and her long, perfectly manicured fingernails dug painfully into his hands, which still held hers prisoner. Stunned by her sheer overwhelming beauty, he watched entranced as she came, then came again, writhing and bucking beneath him on his desk.

Overwhelmed by his emotional and physical response to this sexy thief, he felt his balls tighten, and unable and unwilling to hold back any longer, he reared up, releasing an animalistic growl of pure pleasure as he ed with an intensity that bordered on the violent.

Stunned and elated, he lay over her, trying to catch his breath, enjoying the way their body heat mingled sexily together. Mac had difficulty trying to analyze exactly how he felt about this intriguing woman. Sure, he’d wanted sex, demanded it even, and why the hell shouldn’t he? Jesus Christ, the lady had stolen a million bucks from him, and it wasn’t in his nature to look the other way. But the deeper emotional connection he now felt surprised, and truth be known, unnerved him. This wasn’t part of the script. Not the one he’d penned anyway. Their ten days together was simply to purge himself of the undeniable physical attraction he felt for Kendall. Their time together was meant to be just fucking and nothing more than that. Only now, as she opened those incredible blue eyes once again, he realized she touched his life on so many different levels.

Chapter Six

Four hours later

“Thanks, Candy. You’ve been reading my mind again. That’s just what I need.”

“You’re real welcome, Mr. Buchanan. I aim to please.”

Mac took the glass of bourbon and napkin from the small tray the pretty stewardess held attentively in her hand. Taking a sizeable swallow, he enjoyed the way the amber liquid warmed the roof of his mouth before caressing his throat on the way down. Since leaving New York’s La Guardia airport, they’d been in the air for more than an hour now, but during that time, not a single tremor of turbulence had penetrated the fuselage of his private Learjet. The seventeen-million-dollar plane had been a gift to himself for his thirty-fifth birthday. Business had been exceptionally good that year, and he’d just taken ownership and control of the Philadelphia Bugle. So, he’d decided to treat himself. Besides, Buchanan Enterprises employed a team of smart accountants, so most of the apparent extravagance could be written off against tax.

With Kendall center stage in his thoughts, he turned his head and peered through the window. Flying forty thousand feet above the earth, everything appeared so different. Some seven and a half miles below him, Mother Earth looked serene and calm, like she didn’t have a care in the world. Mac figured the Apollo astronauts must have had the same thoughts, only more so, when they stood on the moon and looked back at the earth in its wondrous entirety.

Of course, he knew the tranquility he observed was merely an illusion, because way below him, people were deceiving, fighting, and even killing each other. Just as they’d done since the dawn of time.

Mac took another sip of bourbon and focused his attention back on Kendall. She sat on the opposite side of the cabin, and for the last twenty minutes had flicked through one glossy magazine after another. He reckoned she’d been through at least ten in that time.

After the great sex they’d shared in his office, he figured she now felt a little embarrassed and used the endless stream of magazines as a diversionary tactic, just so she didn’t have to engage him in conversation. Yeah, that was exactly what she was doing, because to his way of thinking, she hadn’t read a single word of any of them.

Even with her head lowered and her eyes downcast, she looked stunningly beautiful. Kendall possessed a natural elegance that most women would kill for. Only, she didn’t have to work at it, because it came naturally.



Still feigning an interest in a copy of OK magazine, one that featured Prince William and Kate Middleton on the front cover, she didn’t look up and idly flicked through another page or two. Her charade didn’t fool him for one goddamned moment.

“Take a look out the window, honey. There’s a whole world out there, and it’s passing you by.”

“If you insist, sir.” She abruptly closed the magazine and tossed it to one side, and he could only describe her behavior as tetchy.

Kendall was an enigma. When he’d first laid eyes on her at the board meeting, some ten days ago, he thought he understood what made her tick. He’d had her down as well-bred, sophisticated, intelligent, but above all honest and trustworthy. After all, she headed up his financial department, so that was a given. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought her capable of stealing a million bucks from his company.

But she had.

Somehow, he’d figured her all wrong, because that was exactly what she’d done. She’d even confessed she’d have stolen from him again and again, if she hadn’t been caught. But, something just didn’t sit right with him. His gut instinct had never been wrong before, so why the fuck had his natural intuition, which had served him faultlessly over the years, let him down so badly this time?

Mac had battled his way through life without any help from anyone, and had always believed in his own ability to sum up a person’s character correctly. On this occasion though, he’d been a gullible idiot, because she’d duped him with an ease that surprised and angered him.

Or had she?

As he stared across at her again, he just couldn’t see where the killer instinct necessary for such a deception lay. His eyes and all his other senses combined couldn’t detect or even glimpse a dark side to her personality. The clinical coldness and emotional detachment needed to carry out a fraud on this scale simply wasn’t there.